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  • #46
    Well, maybe I'm just naive, but I never even thought about how being a SAHM might affect my job marketability in the event we ended up divorced. I guess I just don't think that way. I do, however, have a Roth IRA in my own name ... but I still think of it and DH's IRA together as being *our* retirement money, rather than mine and his.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #47
      I know this discussion is divorce as it relates to stay at home decisions, but I think that some of the financial concerns apply in other situations such as death or disability of a spouse. Having accounts in both names, thinking about credit for both spouses, knowing where your assets are, etc is smart for a LOT of reasons.


      • #48
        Ok, I'm not a SAHM but I have to second what Nellie just said. Not to freak anyone out but our community lost a very young cardiac surgeon late last year, he was six months out of fellowship and died in a horrific car accident. He left behind four daughters and a wife that hadn't worked in years, it shook me to the core and made me realize that even if do become a SAHM (which I plan to do) we will have good health insurance for BOTH parents because you never know. And to make sure that once we're out of residency/fellowship that insurance is updated to reflect the true earning potential.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #49
          I agree with Nellie, too--we've always had pretty hefty life insurance and disability insurance policies so that we'll be taken care of should something happen to my dh.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #50
            Don't forget about yourself for life insurance, SueC.

            (Nope, not selling it ).


            • #51
              I left my job about 1 1/2 years ago and I do sometimes worry about whether or not I could get a good job should something happen to dh. I used to work for a recruiting firm and you wouldn't believe how many of our clients threw out resumes of candidates who had been out of the workforce for 6 months, let alone 6 years. It was an eyeopener.

              Thankfully, we do have excellent life/disability policies, I have my own retirement accounts, and both of our names are on everything (although we probably need to change that for malpractice reasons.) I cringe whenever we have to make a disability payment, but I couldn't imagine not having the insurance because, if dh ever became disabled, I would only be able to earn about 1/10th as much as him. If not for the disability insurance, we would surely lose everything.


              • #52
                spouse's sucky job x constantly sick kids) + cross country interviews + (no extended family)(two separate drop offs) + job = crabby bitch mommy

                I just loved the tiny print......and I SO feel you, girl!!!

                I would respond to the questions, but I honestly don't have it in me....I am too tired from caring for a child with a 104+ fever for the last 3 days, plus working full time!!!!


                • #53
                  I hope she feels better soon, Marla.


                  • #54

                    Should we ever meet IRL, the first round of drinks (alcoholic or otherwise) is on me my friend.

                    I hope Keelin feels better soon.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

