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I still cannot handle hubby's call

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  • I still cannot handle hubby's call


    I am new to this board and the wife of a resident. After 4 years of his call in internship and residency, I still cannot handle them. In fact he is on call tonight and I feel so lonely and alone. I moved to this city not knowing anyone, and after 3 years here I still don't have anyone I could call a friend--someone I could call up and chat with.

    On his call nights, I try to distract myself by watching a movie or reading, but I still feel a large amount of dread about them. I don't like sleeping alone, either. The funny thing is that I lived by myself out in the country, where it was very quiet, for 4 years before we moved in together, and I never felt lonely then. Maybe it was because I had friends to hang out with or call who lived in the same city, and now I don't.

    Whatever it is, I still have a really hard time not feeling totally anxious when he's on call. Part of it is feeling completely alone, and the other part is envy that he's doing something interesting and important while I'm recovering from my boring, mindless job (legal secretary) in which I accomplish absolutely nothing.

    We don't have any kids, and at night I'm too tired from my draining job to go out and volunteer or anything like that. I do take an art class once a week at night which is nice. But what I'd really love to do is have outings with friends scheduled for his call nights--going out to dinner and a movie with friends. I sometimes do this alone, but doing that makes me feel even worse. My hubby has Q3 call this month--ugh. And his specialty is such that he will always have call, even as an attending out in practice. I don't know how I am going to handle his call--and being totally alone--once we move again to a completely new city, where I again know no one and have no support system whatsoever.
    Any thoughts?

  • #2
    The only way I've ever gotten through it is 1) obsessively posting here and 2) deciding to say screw it and actually join activities. When we moved to San Antonio the first time I knew no one and I was the boss so it's not like I could call my staff to bitch about not knowing anyone!

    I ended up finding the library, a joined a yoga class, and I decided to do a marathon for the Arthritis Foundation. I was forced to get out of the house and to extend my self to meet people. It eventually worked, but at the beginning, at least I was OUT, not sitting around feeling like crap. (which is what I did for the first two months of internship year. Then I started to annoy myself)

    It's not easy, so anytime come back here and post often.



    • #3
      I used to hate call nights and freak out when I was alone. It really irked me b/c I'd lived alone (in Los Angeles, no less) for quite some time and didn't feel like I should be SO dependent on him - but I was. Finally I got used to him being gone, and then would get irritated when he was around.

      Now he works long hours but doesn't have in house call (don't hate me). I agree with Jenn & Tara though. YOU'VE got to get out and do things. You'll never meet people in your apartment. The only way to make the situation better is to get out and GO.


      • #4

        You are not alone. I don't know why 4 years of something painful would suddenly make it not painful. If habituation was going to happen it would have LONG ago. Coming here for support when you are alone really does help. Forcing yourself to go out, even if just to read at a cafe, really will help. If you are tired you can always have a coffee. It isn't like you have to worry about waking your SO or being at your best for your dream job . Go for it. Really. DO it and report back!

        Have fun,


        • #5
          I used to hate call nights and freak out when I was alone. It really irked me b/c I'd lived alone (in Los Angeles, no less) for quite some time and didn't feel like I should be SO dependent on him - but I was. Finally I got used to him being gone, and then would get irritated when he was around.
          This totally describes me. What helped me in the beginning was getting a cat. Having another living thing in the apt with me helped not to feel lonely, as I had to take care of her. Also cats are not as high maintanence as dogs, so I could still go out and work late without worry about having to walk her. If your building doesn't allow pets, you can volunteer at an animal shelter by walking and playing with their dogs.


          • #6
            I have found that with all of our moves, the key for me has been developing a social life. I have tried inviting people to lunch etc and not having it reciprocated. When we moved here (the old, deep south) it seems like almost everyone who is not new here has an established social life with no room for one more. When I meet someone new and they tell me they are from here and their parents live here etc, I am bad about assuming they are set socially.

            One thing that has worked for me is joining clubs and taking classes. I always join a book club as soon as we move somewhere new, and usually take part in the medical spouse's club. I also try to do some kind of group community service-usually the red cross disaster team. There are monthly meetings as well as classes where you see the same people and develop a rapport with them. Also, it keeps me busy, and I find if I am not busy then I dwell on things and worry and get lonely. I know you are tired from work, I can definitely understand that. Maybe just one night a week you could try something. I had a friend swore when she moved to a new place that she would never turn down a social engagement period until she felt she had a circle of friends.

            I also visit this site about 10 times a day, although I dont always post that much. It is amazing how much people here feel similarly to me.
            Mom to three wild women.


            • #7
              Oh girl, we have all been there. Welcome to exactly where you need to be right now

              Call nights are the WORST, no doubt. I can't get to sleep and am more anxious those nights than most. Like Vishenka, I have a cat, which has helped me feel a little less lonely. What's also helped is beng tired from the morning's workout or a rigoruous day of triathlon training. Sometimes my physical exhaustion overcomes my anxiety and lonliness.

              Joining activities and volunteering is a GREAT idea. I also "force" myself to do some of these things, whether I'm just surrounded by other people at the gym, or totally engaged with another group, like with my book club or Habitat for Humanity. I've made no lasting friendships from the desk jobs I've held as an adult. I met nearly all of my friends through a part-time job at Barnes and Noble when I first relocated to Philly in 98'. The circle has expanded so that I'm now friends with their friends. It wasn't formulaic... I didn't get a job at Barnes and Noble because I loved books and hoped to meet others like me, but looking back on it, that's exactly what did happen. If your goal is to meet people to spend time with outside of an activity, make sure it's an activity that engages a group, instead of a bunch of individuals, and that is something you're genuinely interested in. A class that encourages group work might be a good start.

              Hang in there and post often!

