i'm a little bored & bummed w/dh off to take his review course / exam, so was sitting here reading the archives.
how sweet! I read about the birth of Sally's Nathan, of Crystal's Emma, when the other Jenn P was pregnant w/Avery, Kris was pregnant with someone! It was like knowing you all before I knew you.
okay - now I really need to find a hobby.
I'm considering painting my dining room while dh is away. That, or buying roll out shelves and attempting to install them myself. What do you guys think?
It's not as though I depend on his presence this much in day to day life (I think we all know I don't), it's just that he was clearly nervous - and I know it's a HUGE amount of stress. Not to mention this class is for 8 days, from 8A to 9P. Wow. Lots of fun.
Holy babbling post batman!
how sweet! I read about the birth of Sally's Nathan, of Crystal's Emma, when the other Jenn P was pregnant w/Avery, Kris was pregnant with someone! It was like knowing you all before I knew you.
okay - now I really need to find a hobby.
I'm considering painting my dining room while dh is away. That, or buying roll out shelves and attempting to install them myself. What do you guys think?
It's not as though I depend on his presence this much in day to day life (I think we all know I don't), it's just that he was clearly nervous - and I know it's a HUGE amount of stress. Not to mention this class is for 8 days, from 8A to 9P. Wow. Lots of fun.
Holy babbling post batman!