Having lived in Boston for four years now a HUGE pet peeve of mine is....
Stupid pedestrians.
There are so many pedestrians that just dart out into traffic around here! They don't use the crosswalks. They don't wait for the "walk" light. They don't make sure that cars are NOT turning right on red (which turning right on red is the default correct thing to do - legally). They just go! I can't tell you how many times I see drivers having had to slam on the breaks because of this insane behavior.
Clue to pedestrians: Car vs. You - Car always wins. Always. Roads are for cars. You have to assume the cars cannot see you and proceed accordingly.
The worst was a couple of years ago when I was sitting in traffic in the Longwood Medical area waiting to turn left. The car in front of me began to move forward when the light turned green. JUST at that moment some guy decides it's time to run out in front of that car (about three car lengths away from the crosswalk btw). This car immediately slams on the breaks. The pedestrian seems to be enraged that the car stopped for him to do his dangerous jaywalking number and proceeds to DUMP his bottle of water into the lap of the stunned driver of the car (who was unfortunate enough to keep the windows rolled down on that beautiful day). I was just flabbergasted!
Maybe the driver should have just run over that jerk!
The pedestrians around here are insane. Absolutely insane.
In Texas (at least in Dallas and San Antonio) people actually look both ways before they cross the street and wait until the light turns and no cars are coming before crossing.
BTW - Unless there is a sign that specifically tells vehicles NOT to turn right on red - the rule (and, generally, the law) is that you turn right on red. Period.
Stupid pedestrians.
There are so many pedestrians that just dart out into traffic around here! They don't use the crosswalks. They don't wait for the "walk" light. They don't make sure that cars are NOT turning right on red (which turning right on red is the default correct thing to do - legally). They just go! I can't tell you how many times I see drivers having had to slam on the breaks because of this insane behavior.
Clue to pedestrians: Car vs. You - Car always wins. Always. Roads are for cars. You have to assume the cars cannot see you and proceed accordingly.
The worst was a couple of years ago when I was sitting in traffic in the Longwood Medical area waiting to turn left. The car in front of me began to move forward when the light turned green. JUST at that moment some guy decides it's time to run out in front of that car (about three car lengths away from the crosswalk btw). This car immediately slams on the breaks. The pedestrian seems to be enraged that the car stopped for him to do his dangerous jaywalking number and proceeds to DUMP his bottle of water into the lap of the stunned driver of the car (who was unfortunate enough to keep the windows rolled down on that beautiful day). I was just flabbergasted!

The pedestrians around here are insane. Absolutely insane.
In Texas (at least in Dallas and San Antonio) people actually look both ways before they cross the street and wait until the light turns and no cars are coming before crossing.
BTW - Unless there is a sign that specifically tells vehicles NOT to turn right on red - the rule (and, generally, the law) is that you turn right on red. Period.