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Has your Dr. SO ever gotten too close to a coworker?

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  • #31
    I have seen blatant cheating with the end result being a divorce three times so far in this business- once in med school, and twice with residents we know in the past two years. So it makes me extremely aware that that stuff goes on, and with a greater frequency than makes me comfortable.

    As a nursing instructor, I overhear students talking about cute residents and the like. I had one student ask me about a resident DH works with- one who has been unfaithful- she knew where he lived and knew he cheated and with whom but had never talked with him other than professionally. I thought that was strange for sure. But then, we do live in a smallish town where everybody knows everybody else's business.
    Mom to three wild women.


    • #32
      Every business has cheating and divorce, so I don't see the reason why DH being a doctor would increase the chances of either happening. A person either cheats or he/she doesn't. What they do for a living is of no consequence.

      DH and I trust each other completely and wouldn't get married if we didn't. He has his call nights and I have my business trips. We try to speak every day but if either one of us is too busy, the other person doesn't make a big deal about it. We also don't believe on checking up on each other at work. If we had kids and he was never home, I'd bring them to see their dad but anything else seems too stalking.


      • #33
        After reading these posts, I talked to DH about this. His first response was, "This isn't ER or Grey's Anatomy." He thinks people automatically assume that's how it really is. He also said it would be more likely for something to happen at an office (like where I work) where everyone is in the same place, 8 to 5, going to lunch, etc. Where DH is, the time he actually is around the nurses, doctors, etc. is not nearly as often as one would think. It's just overly dramatized on TV for doctors to be involved with their coworkers.


        • #34
          Susan, I couldn't agree more. My DH is a critical care physician and I am a nurse. We have seen it all and you are right on the money.
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #35
            Agree on the loyalty front. I have never worried about DH. He talks and jokes around a lot, possibly bordering on flirting, but not in a sexual way. All the people he works with know about his family and my kids love to see the babies, so we pop in occassionally.

