Dh is on call tonight in the ICU. Q4. He was thinking about doing an intensive care fellowship, but after his intern year and the past few call nights of working all night long (on good nights he gets 2 hours of sleep!), I think he's thinking twice. He and his colleages joke that the ICU at this particular hospital that they rotate through is full of "Super Gomers."
Dh doesn't like doing notes about how many times so and so has had X over the past few hours, though it's much much different when you're NOT the resident.
I'm working on my proposal for my dissertation with frequent breaks to catch up with you guys!
Anyone else's SO on call tonight...? How is the workload for him/her?

I'm working on my proposal for my dissertation with frequent breaks to catch up with you guys!
Anyone else's SO on call tonight...? How is the workload for him/her?