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Is your SO MIA tonight?

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  • Is your SO MIA tonight?

    Dh is on call tonight in the ICU. Q4. He was thinking about doing an intensive care fellowship, but after his intern year and the past few call nights of working all night long (on good nights he gets 2 hours of sleep!), I think he's thinking twice. He and his colleages joke that the ICU at this particular hospital that they rotate through is full of "Super Gomers." Dh doesn't like doing notes about how many times so and so has had X over the past few hours, though it's much much different when you're NOT the resident.

    I'm working on my proposal for my dissertation with frequent breaks to catch up with you guys!

    Anyone else's SO on call tonight...? How is the workload for him/her?
    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    mine is MIA. he called at 6PM to say he'd just gotten his computer back and was going to "play" with it for awhile. I paged him at 7:15 asking if he was still "playing". he replied that he was now doing research and would leave in 15 more minutes. at 9:15 he called to say he was leaving now, and he JUST walked in the door. 10:10

    yes folks. that is Indian Standard Time.


    • #3
      Yup Dh was gone last night too, but really, what is new about that. What would be new is if he was here.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        Mine was home for about 3 hours yesterday evening (home call), so he got to have dinner with us, read Goodnight Moon to Jack, and catch up with me before being called back to the hospital around 9pm. I don't know when he came home after that since I went to bed.

        -Wife of urology attending.
        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


        • #5
          Mine was working too. He's on night call this month and this morning he called me, when he usually comes home and said he's off to clinic and will get two hours off before going back to work at 6pm tonight. sigh.
          Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


          • #6
            Mine was MIA last night. So I made dinner plans with a friend. Although I still hate sleeping by myself, so watched TV until almost passing out.


            • #7
              I hate sleeping alone too! And I too watch tv until it's barely in me anymore to drag myself to bed.

              Yikes! Some of you have got some bad schedules. I'll stop feeling sorry for myself!
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                Originally posted by alison
                I hate sleeping alone too! And I too watch tv until it's barely in me anymore to drag myself to bed.
                I do the same if I have off the next day (if it happens to be a weekend.) Then the next day I'm tired enough to go to sleep with him when he inevitably passes out (despite his protests that he won't pass out).
                Speaking of which, when your spouse/SO is home, does he/she try to stay up as long as possible and do other things? Mine does - I think he seeks some sort of normalcy after being out of touch with the world for 30+ hours...trying to make up on lost time or something.

                Anyways, my DH is doing an ER rotation this month - stinks for him 'cause it's the VA but he hasn't had to go in overnight!


                • #9
                  SO has been gone since June and I still not use to sleeping alone!!

                  SO was MIA mon and tues night (MIA referring to not able to skype me ) the one thing we do every night to get through the distance thing is to skype each other at 11pm my time which is 6 pm boston time

                  This week is going soooooooooooooooo slowly!!! I can't wait to finish my night shift on monday morning, have to keep myself awake until I get off and back on the plan at shannon (they do american immigration there to save time) and I can sleep the whole flight and wae up in Boston and run into my sweet hearts arms!! Sorry if that has induced Vomitting for some of you


                  • #10
                    My DH has been MIA ALL MONTH Night float was awesome compared to his 16 hour "days" this month which has also included a 24 hour in-house shift on Saturdays for three weeks in a row. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    He did treat me to an actual spontaneous daytime phone call today while he signed charts. Daytime phone calls have been WAY unusual.

                    Tonight he is supposed to be off at 8P....he left around 515A...I'll post when he really gets here. Its been crazy.

                    Sorry for ranting.


                    • #11
                      My Dh was MIA for 5 weeks while on night float. It was an absolute nightmare. I used to see him for an hour each day, between sleeping and leaving for work again at 6pm. It's not much better now, he has to leave at 3:30am, work until 7pm, come home and go to bed at 8pm. I know for a fact that his program is one of the worst around as regards call. Only once since he began PGY1 did he get 4 hours sleep. He usually doesn't get any. Why, oh why did he have to pick surgery??
                      Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                      Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


                      • #12
                        Dh is MIA again tonight. I just went for coffee with a friend and am back home. Savoring the weekend until the upcoming week.

                        Thank you for your well-wishes!

                        What's everyone doing today?
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #13
                          I just got back from a pedicure with a friend of mine! It was so fun!

                          SO starts his actual classes tomorrow so I am going over in an hour to study with him and sleep. Wooooo Yeah, I'm actually excited for that. Hope everyone had a great weekend!


                          • #14
                            FOr all of you who's SO are doing a surgery residency my comendations!! I think you're brilliant ladies/gentlemen.

                            SO is doing Emergency and is doing his 4 weeks of surgery, it started yesterday, I saw him breifly when i opened 1 eye and kissed me goodbye at 5.45a and last night when he came home at 9p and conked out!

                            Thankfully the next time I'm over to visit him he'll be doing his obs which for the EM residents is 6p-12MN 4 days a week!! those who have done it already say its so easy! (what the EM resdients have to do, not the actual obs residents, EM residents are only there to get their 10-20 deliveries)


                            • #15
                              I'm here again, just got an email from SO, no way he'll be making it home anytime soon and so we won't be going out tonight, he was a few mins late this morning because he feel asleep when his alarm went off and it was all panic. and he fell asleep during the evening handover which they all giggled at, SO hates drinking tea or coffee or anything with caffine in it so not sure how he's making it through these 14, 15, and today 16 hour days.

                              thankfully after these 4 weeks are over he's got a sane 40 hour a week rotation back in the ED

