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Is your SO MIA tonight?

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  • #16
    My dh is MIA today. So we can be in it together! It's much easier if it's a scheduled MIA day; when do you expect your SO to get home?

    Or was that a bad question? I think I meant, what time does he usually get home on his long days?

    I haven't cleared away my library books yet - I'll procrastinate until tomorrow morning *just* before dh gets home. 8)

    What are you going to do tonight instead?
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #17
      he was meant to finish at 6pm, but has got hom at about 7.30 each night, not too bad, but he reckons 9 or 10 tonight! if knew i'd just go and catch a movie but don't want to risk him getting home and me not being here. We have such little time together as it is! on the bright side i did that whats your real age test and its told me 22.8 SO gets to have 22 year old blonde !


      • #18
        Did your DH make it home?


        • #19
          ok i know i've been a busy bee on here tonight but can't phone anyone at home because they are 5 hours ahead and its the early hours of the morning there and don't know anyone over here!

          SO has called to say he is going to be at least another 90 mins or more dictating and doing notes etc and at the bottom of the text he said: fancy going to NewYork in the morning.............Do I ever!!!! its my dream since I was a kid and yes we are going expensive style next weekend but so excited to be going tomorrow as well.

          My SO is the best.....this makes up for MIA tonight even though IK know he is hating/suffering far more than I am right now!!


          • #20
            DH is once again on call. They've been more frequently lately than I've been used to. He promised it'll get better once newbies start taking call next month. So once again, it's just me and Fira (although I'm the only one who minds). The weather is horrible and I'm afraid to take the car as it might become a flying machine with these winds.

            May be I'll actually organize all those papers piling around and the closet. But most likely I'll just end up surfing the net.


            • #21
              Organize your papers!!!

              Dh apparently had a very busy night last night. He's very cranky! He's usually pretty chipper when he's post call.
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #22
                DH is on call tonight. The kids and I made sushi and took it up to him. He had time to eat some with us before his pager started going off. It is nice to see him if only for a few minutes. :md:
                Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


                • #23
                  I got abandoned for the first time at a restaurant this weekend. That sucked. It's never happened before. DH is on home-call frequently but rarely has to go in. I wonder what the waiters thought as I sat there finishing both my dinner and his (aside from the fact that I must be a pig).


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by tlew12778
                    I got abandoned for the first time at a restaurant this weekend. That sucked.
                    That happened to me early on, too. I felt like the biggest loser as I sat there finishing my dinner alone. We've since learned to take separate cars if we go out anywhere together while he's on call.

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #25
                      SO finally made it home on friday night at about 11, he couldn't even string words together he was so tired, I convinced him NYC was not a good plan and he needed to rest, so we had a good weekend, got loads of stuff sorted than was stressing him out and so hopefully when i leave in a week life will be a little easier on him. We're going to NYC next weekend instead and blowing the budget on it, feck it it'll be over 2 months until i see him again, we won't be able to talk for at least 2 weeks and we live 3650 miles apart!


                      • #26
                        That's right, SPLURGE next weekend in New York! Enjoy yourselves!! And each other!!!

                        Dh will have 2 home calls this upcoming month and I don't know what to expect. We'll see; most of the time they aren't called in. Apparently. I'm not holding my breath.
                        married to an anesthesia attending

