I've been thinking a lot about the topic of personal development lately. I'm reading a book called "Midlife Crisis at 30," which discusses this idea (appropriate reading material for me lately). 
Anyhow, the book makes an interesting point that many women feel the need to work on their personal development--whether that means advancing in their job or working on personal interests and hobbies--before they get married in order that they can be the best they can be so they can find the best possible spouse. I thought this was an interesting idea because I never felt like I needed to do everything I ever wanted to do before I met my husband or anything like that--I felt like personal development is an ongoing process, one that shouldn't have a defined end point. Just wondered what others' take on this idea is.
Also, I wondered what others do in terms of personal development--i.e. reading, taking classes, book clubs, exercise, working on talents and interests (practicing guitar, etc.). Is this a big priority for people, something you set aside specific uninterrupted time for? Do you have more time now to work on this stuff than say, as a child? Do you set aside time daily or weekly for self improvement/personal development?

Anyhow, the book makes an interesting point that many women feel the need to work on their personal development--whether that means advancing in their job or working on personal interests and hobbies--before they get married in order that they can be the best they can be so they can find the best possible spouse. I thought this was an interesting idea because I never felt like I needed to do everything I ever wanted to do before I met my husband or anything like that--I felt like personal development is an ongoing process, one that shouldn't have a defined end point. Just wondered what others' take on this idea is.
Also, I wondered what others do in terms of personal development--i.e. reading, taking classes, book clubs, exercise, working on talents and interests (practicing guitar, etc.). Is this a big priority for people, something you set aside specific uninterrupted time for? Do you have more time now to work on this stuff than say, as a child? Do you set aside time daily or weekly for self improvement/personal development?