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What I love about winter....

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  • What I love about winter....

    Humor me.....With the high yesterday of 46F (It didn't feel that warm to ME) I have decided that I need to think positively.

    So here is what I love...please keep this going for us Minnesnowtans.

    1. Flannel Sheets
    2. Hot Chocolate
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I'll play - it is currently 43 degrees here.

    1. Flannel Pajamas
    2. Electric Blankets
    3. Snuggling up by the fireplace with a good book and hot chocolate
    4. The first snow (just not the rest, i.e 30+ inches that follow)
    5. The changing of the leaves
    6. Fall - wait, we don't have fall in MN

    I'm sure I'll think of more, I actually love winter - just could do without the 3 feet of snow. :{
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      OMG I can't believe how frickin' cold it is here already. I'm seriously hating the Great North right now. This is a great exercise for me:

      -Winter is for reading!
      -My son loves to snowboard, sled, and build humongous snow forts. It is a lot of fun to see him relish the seasons. He is going to miss Minnesota winters.
      -The winters are so much less frenetic than the summers here. In the summer the kids and I are worn out trying to get outside at every possible juncture. By August, the kids are like, "Please mommy, please can't we stay inside and relax?"

      But that is about it. Really. I'm so looking forward to more balanced seasons. I don't mind winter. I just hate 7 months of it.

      I got your back on this one, Kris.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        OK, since I'm not going to get a winter for the foreseeable future-

        Not dripping sweat walking the dog half a block
        Being able to wear long pants and long sleeve shirts
        Being able to wear my fab fur hat from Russia
        Looking forward to a real spring, not tepid temps until it's 90 by March.
        Eating stroganoff, stews, pies, mashed potatoes, roast beef, etc. Not e. coli laced salad greens 365 days a year because it's too frickin' hot to cook.



        • #5
          Ice Skating in Millenium Park
          Wearing Coats
          A freezer full of homemade soups.
          - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


          • #6
            My winter wardrobe I love my winter coats and pashminas.
            no smell of sweaty people on the train to work particularly on the way home.
            hot drinks
            SO sleeps much closer to me....he says I'm like a furnacee when I'm off to sleep which is very unhelpful during summer!
            Winter Balls and Christmas parties


            • #7

              dressing warm...i love sweaters
              crystal clear stary nights
              snuggling with my babies and my dh
              home made soups
              fresh white always makes the ground look clean....and it cuts down the noise.
              hearing my kids shout, 'look at the snow!'
              seeing my dog run around like a dork, eating snow
              not sweating and feeling sick from mowing the friggen lawn!
              and my all time favorite thing about winter...when the temp is just right, the snow comes down...and it sticks to the trees. so beautiful!
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #8
                i thought of another....

                sewing. i can work on my quilt without it sticking to me. by the time i finish the king quilt we may be able to afford the bed it is intended for.
                ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                • #9
                  Winter clothes sweaters & wigwam socks!

                  I hear we don't get much of a winter here...we STILL have our pool open.
                  Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                  Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


                  • #10
                    Well, since it's 84 degrees today and I thought I was chilly...

                    I like:

                    Hot Chocolate
                    Starbucks Peppermint Mochas

                    ETA: Christmas presents from my mom. Duh.

                    That's it. I hate the winter.


                    • #11
                      Eggnog lattes
                      The first snow with enough to stick on the ground for a while
                      Being completely snowed in by a blizzard (assuming a well-stocked pantry)
                      Wool sweaters

                      It doesn't really snow here. I miss it but DH thinks I'm forgetting the other side of the coin -- shoveling, slippery walks, etc. He's right but I still miss having it to play in right out the back door.


                      • #12
                        I miss mild PNW winters, Nellie! Drippy, overcast, dark days...
                        I never owned a hat nor gloves until I moved to Chicago. Only for skiing!

                        I guess I like snuggling in front of the tv with my hubby (we don't have a fireplace!). I wish we were more active in the winter. I miss skiing up at Whistler, or even Snoqualimie -which was just 45 minutes from home!
                        I used to LOSE weight in the wintertime!
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #13
                          Alison, there is a lot I love about the PNW winters. I really don't mind the drizzle or rain at all and even like it. It feels cozy. And I love that I can throw on a scarf and gloves, minus a jacket, and be warm enough for most errands. Denver is mild compared to Chicago and I know I do NOT miss the occasional 0 degree days. I don't know how I would fare in the tundra!

                          I just want some snow in my backyard, maybe once or twice. Pretty please?


                          • #14
                            Winter is my favourite season, I don't like the summer because I am very, very pale and just get burned, don't like the humidity. Here's what I love about winter.

                            - Wrapping up in warm clothes
                            - Snuggling up with DH on the couch with a mug of tea or hot chocolate and a fleece blanket.
                            - I get to wear my beautiful, long red coat. I got it two years ago and love it.
                            - Sitting inside in the warmth, looking out at the rain or snow.
                            - A log fire
                            - I love Christmas, this year is the first year DH and I will be together for it.
                            - St Stephens night (day after Christmas Day) is excellent where I come from in Ireland. Everyone who is home for Christmas, from college, work, will meet up so you get to see friends you haven't seen for a year.

                            I guess we'll have be starting our own traditions now but it saddens me that I've left all of these behind, especially being apart from family at Christmas.
                            Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                            Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


                            • #15
                              Sp2809, we do exactly the same thing, everyone home from college or abroad meet up in this really run down pub that we never ever go to any other day of the year on st stephens night,the place is such a kip,full of underage teenagers dress up as punks with a ton of eyeliner, and about 16 'classy burds' ie us in the corner, its just become tradition now!! It'll be the first christmas SO and I spend together too and it'll just be the 3 of us in Boston, I can't wait!! there's usually 50 relatives and their dogs here at home!

