Last night DS was screwing around w/ a Tennis ball. Of course I told him to stop. A few minutes later Dh & I hear a terrible crash! The tennisball was introduced to an Antique poecelain coffe pot that was way up on top of an armoir
. I was so ticked!!
Today I read the following and now it doesn't seem so bad!

Today I read the following and now it doesn't seem so bad!
Picasso seller puts hole in canvas
Steve Wynn, the American casino mogul and briefly proud owner of the world’s most expensive work of art, has decided to keep and restore the Picasso painting that he accidentally damaged shortly after he sold it for a record price.
Mr Wynn had agreed to sell Picasso’s Le Rêve (The Dream) to Steven Cohen, an art collector, for $139 million (£74.7 million). But as he was showing it off in his Las Vegas office this month to guests including the screenwriter Nora Ephron, he struck the 1932 portrait of Picasso’s mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter with his right elbow, leaving a 2in tear.
“There was a terrible noise,” Ms Ephron wrote in her blog. Mr Wynn, who suffers from an eye condition that affects his peripheral vision, exclaimed: “Oh, s***. Look what I’ve done. Thank God it was me.”
The world’s most expensive painting remains Gustav Klimt’s 1907 portrait Adele Bloch-Bauer I, sold in July for $135 million. (AP)
Steve Wynn, the American casino mogul and briefly proud owner of the world’s most expensive work of art, has decided to keep and restore the Picasso painting that he accidentally damaged shortly after he sold it for a record price.
Mr Wynn had agreed to sell Picasso’s Le Rêve (The Dream) to Steven Cohen, an art collector, for $139 million (£74.7 million). But as he was showing it off in his Las Vegas office this month to guests including the screenwriter Nora Ephron, he struck the 1932 portrait of Picasso’s mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter with his right elbow, leaving a 2in tear.
“There was a terrible noise,” Ms Ephron wrote in her blog. Mr Wynn, who suffers from an eye condition that affects his peripheral vision, exclaimed: “Oh, s***. Look what I’ve done. Thank God it was me.”
The world’s most expensive painting remains Gustav Klimt’s 1907 portrait Adele Bloch-Bauer I, sold in July for $135 million. (AP)