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Baby #3

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  • Baby #3

    Hi...thought I would just post a new thread..I feel sort of stupid about posting all of my birthing experiences now...

    Baby #3 is definately the "easiest" baby...I have talked with several moms of three and many of us agree. I am not sure what accounts for it...but probably I would say that there is a certain level of confidence...having done it all before diapering, etc...and even having already added a sibling and gone through the adjustment...well honestly, it was a breeze...people would come up to me and say "you have your hands full" and I thought "this is easy"...of course now that my kids are 6,41/2 and 2 if someone were to stop me and say that I had my hands full I would probably break down and cry!! What I find difficult right now is all of the ACTION....I guess with all of the holiday stress and financial problems I feel less a time where my 6 year old boy is learning to make obscene sounds at school and repeat them gleefully at home and my daughter is busy hiding, stripping etc when we are trying to walk out the baby (the "angel") has taken a turn towards devildome.....but he is still cute as a button...Really, I have to say that baby#3 is wonderful...and when any mom asks me if they should go for #3 I always tell them YES! What a wonderful, wonderful blessing this baby is....


  • #2
    Hi...thought I would just post a new thread..I feel sort of stupid about posting all of my birthing experiences now...

    Baby #3 is definately the "easiest" baby...I have talked with several moms of three and many of us agree. I am not sure what accounts for it...but probably I would say that there is a certain level of confidence...having done it all before diapering, etc...and even having already added a sibling and gone through the adjustment...well honestly, it was a breeze...people would come up to me and say "you have your hands full" and I thought "this is easy"...of course now that my kids are 6,41/2 and 2 if someone were to stop me and say that I had my hands full I would probably break down and cry!! What I find difficult right now is all of the ACTION....I guess with all of the holiday stress and financial problems I feel less a time where my 6 year old boy is learning to make obscene sounds at school and repeat them gleefully at home and my daughter is busy hiding, stripping etc when we are trying to walk out the baby (the "angel") has taken a turn towards devildome.....but he is still cute as a button...Really, I have to say that baby#3 is wonderful...and when any mom asks me if they should go for #3 I always tell them YES! What a wonderful, wonderful blessing this baby is....



    • #3
      Hi...thought I would just post a new thread..I feel sort of stupid about posting all of my birthing experiences now...

      Baby #3 is definately the "easiest" baby...I have talked with several moms of three and many of us agree. I am not sure what accounts for it...but probably I would say that there is a certain level of confidence...having done it all before diapering, etc...and even having already added a sibling and gone through the adjustment...well honestly, it was a breeze...people would come up to me and say "you have your hands full" and I thought "this is easy"...of course now that my kids are 6,41/2 and 2 if someone were to stop me and say that I had my hands full I would probably break down and cry!! What I find difficult right now is all of the ACTION....I guess with all of the holiday stress and financial problems I feel less a time where my 6 year old boy is learning to make obscene sounds at school and repeat them gleefully at home and my daughter is busy hiding, stripping etc when we are trying to walk out the baby (the "angel") has taken a turn towards devildome.....but he is still cute as a button...Really, I have to say that baby#3 is wonderful...and when any mom asks me if they should go for #3 I always tell them YES! What a wonderful, wonderful blessing this baby is....



      • #4
        OK, so here's my dilema. I've got two year old twins, and that was so, so hard. I have people stop me and say "you must have your hands full" (which I do, literally). Then they ask if I have any more children. When I tell them no, they say that that must make it easier. Well, yes and no! I've talked to other mothers of twins (including you, Jennifer) who tell me that having twins for your first parenting experience is harder than having twins second.

        So, my point is that for me it was sort of parentlng by storm. A crash course of mammoth proportions! I was quite freaked out by the whole thing and the lack of sleep (started seeing little, white spots of light, actually). I think I would like to have another one, but I'm AFRAID to! I'm afraid that the "easier the next time" won't hold true. And I'm afraid that another pregnancy will turn into preeclampsia and another preterm birth. I'm also afraid of being pregnant over the age of 40. So, should I do it? Just when I'm getting to the easier stage, should I jump in again?

        I suppose my biggest questions are these:

        1. Do you know of someone who had preeclampsia in their first pregnancy and then had subsequent normal pregnancies?

        2. Do you know of someone who hemmhoraged really badly the first time, and then had normal births after that? I actually had a second hemmhorage 4 weeks postpartum and almost bled to death in the taxi on the way to the hospital (snow storm and couldn't get the car out of the driveway, much less down the road). They said the placenta was "ecreta", meaning stuck on good. Would that happen again?

        3. Do you know of many mothers who had babies over the age of 40, and how did it go?

        My mom is no help. She had six, and the last two were over the age of 40. She had perfect pregnancies, full term babies, and no bleeding. Breatfed them all (I tried for a month, including pumping, but had too low prolactin levels to give any milk). In the end, the retained placenta likely told my body I was still pregnant, so no milk! My mom says "of course" it would be OK. But I'm not her! She also has an amazingly flat tummy after all that, and at age 71 she has a better body than me! So, I can't go by her.

        Sorry to ramble, but I am really struggling with trying to make a decision on this. My husband would like one more child, and I am afraid and thinking I'm too old. Also, I'm feeling pretty rushed. If I could say "I'll decide in 3 or 4 years", it would take the pressure off. But at age 39.9 (40 in January), I can't wait THAT long, can I? I worry that I'll regret it later in life and I wonder what that child would/will be like. I even dream about that child, a boy (wishful thinking here?).

        Thoughts? Personal experiences?


        • #5
          OK, so here's my dilema. I've got two year old twins, and that was so, so hard. I have people stop me and say "you must have your hands full" (which I do, literally). Then they ask if I have any more children. When I tell them no, they say that that must make it easier. Well, yes and no! I've talked to other mothers of twins (including you, Jennifer) who tell me that having twins for your first parenting experience is harder than having twins second.

          So, my point is that for me it was sort of parentlng by storm. A crash course of mammoth proportions! I was quite freaked out by the whole thing and the lack of sleep (started seeing little, white spots of light, actually). I think I would like to have another one, but I'm AFRAID to! I'm afraid that the "easier the next time" won't hold true. And I'm afraid that another pregnancy will turn into preeclampsia and another preterm birth. I'm also afraid of being pregnant over the age of 40. So, should I do it? Just when I'm getting to the easier stage, should I jump in again?

          I suppose my biggest questions are these:

          1. Do you know of someone who had preeclampsia in their first pregnancy and then had subsequent normal pregnancies?

          2. Do you know of someone who hemmhoraged really badly the first time, and then had normal births after that? I actually had a second hemmhorage 4 weeks postpartum and almost bled to death in the taxi on the way to the hospital (snow storm and couldn't get the car out of the driveway, much less down the road). They said the placenta was "ecreta", meaning stuck on good. Would that happen again?

          3. Do you know of many mothers who had babies over the age of 40, and how did it go?

          My mom is no help. She had six, and the last two were over the age of 40. She had perfect pregnancies, full term babies, and no bleeding. Breatfed them all (I tried for a month, including pumping, but had too low prolactin levels to give any milk). In the end, the retained placenta likely told my body I was still pregnant, so no milk! My mom says "of course" it would be OK. But I'm not her! She also has an amazingly flat tummy after all that, and at age 71 she has a better body than me! So, I can't go by her.

          Sorry to ramble, but I am really struggling with trying to make a decision on this. My husband would like one more child, and I am afraid and thinking I'm too old. Also, I'm feeling pretty rushed. If I could say "I'll decide in 3 or 4 years", it would take the pressure off. But at age 39.9 (40 in January), I can't wait THAT long, can I? I worry that I'll regret it later in life and I wonder what that child would/will be like. I even dream about that child, a boy (wishful thinking here?).

          Thoughts? Personal experiences?


          • #6
            OK, so here's my dilema. I've got two year old twins, and that was so, so hard. I have people stop me and say "you must have your hands full" (which I do, literally). Then they ask if I have any more children. When I tell them no, they say that that must make it easier. Well, yes and no! I've talked to other mothers of twins (including you, Jennifer) who tell me that having twins for your first parenting experience is harder than having twins second.

            So, my point is that for me it was sort of parentlng by storm. A crash course of mammoth proportions! I was quite freaked out by the whole thing and the lack of sleep (started seeing little, white spots of light, actually). I think I would like to have another one, but I'm AFRAID to! I'm afraid that the "easier the next time" won't hold true. And I'm afraid that another pregnancy will turn into preeclampsia and another preterm birth. I'm also afraid of being pregnant over the age of 40. So, should I do it? Just when I'm getting to the easier stage, should I jump in again?

            I suppose my biggest questions are these:

            1. Do you know of someone who had preeclampsia in their first pregnancy and then had subsequent normal pregnancies?

            2. Do you know of someone who hemmhoraged really badly the first time, and then had normal births after that? I actually had a second hemmhorage 4 weeks postpartum and almost bled to death in the taxi on the way to the hospital (snow storm and couldn't get the car out of the driveway, much less down the road). They said the placenta was "ecreta", meaning stuck on good. Would that happen again?

            3. Do you know of many mothers who had babies over the age of 40, and how did it go?

            My mom is no help. She had six, and the last two were over the age of 40. She had perfect pregnancies, full term babies, and no bleeding. Breatfed them all (I tried for a month, including pumping, but had too low prolactin levels to give any milk). In the end, the retained placenta likely told my body I was still pregnant, so no milk! My mom says "of course" it would be OK. But I'm not her! She also has an amazingly flat tummy after all that, and at age 71 she has a better body than me! So, I can't go by her.

            Sorry to ramble, but I am really struggling with trying to make a decision on this. My husband would like one more child, and I am afraid and thinking I'm too old. Also, I'm feeling pretty rushed. If I could say "I'll decide in 3 or 4 years", it would take the pressure off. But at age 39.9 (40 in January), I can't wait THAT long, can I? I worry that I'll regret it later in life and I wonder what that child would/will be like. I even dream about that child, a boy (wishful thinking here?).

            Thoughts? Personal experiences?


            • #7
              I kind of have the opposite experience than you. My two pregnancies were FANTASTIC. I wasn't tired, didn't have morning sickness, no complications and I was up and at 'em until the day they were born. I also had uncomplicated, by-the-book deliveries, absolutely PERFECT babies, lost all of my weight after both pregnancies and no stretch marks-nothing! I am so thankful for all of that and now I'm thinking about a 3rd with a little fear. I'm thinking,


              • #8
                I kind of have the opposite experience than you. My two pregnancies were FANTASTIC. I wasn't tired, didn't have morning sickness, no complications and I was up and at 'em until the day they were born. I also had uncomplicated, by-the-book deliveries, absolutely PERFECT babies, lost all of my weight after both pregnancies and no stretch marks-nothing! I am so thankful for all of that and now I'm thinking about a 3rd with a little fear. I'm thinking,


                • #9
                  I kind of have the opposite experience than you. My two pregnancies were FANTASTIC. I wasn't tired, didn't have morning sickness, no complications and I was up and at 'em until the day they were born. I also had uncomplicated, by-the-book deliveries, absolutely PERFECT babies, lost all of my weight after both pregnancies and no stretch marks-nothing! I am so thankful for all of that and now I'm thinking about a 3rd with a little fear. I'm thinking,


                  • #10
                    OK, I don't know what happened to the rest of my post, but it was really long and I don't have time right now to type it again.


                    • #11
                      OK, I don't know what happened to the rest of my post, but it was really long and I don't have time right now to type it again.


                      • #12
                        OK, I don't know what happened to the rest of my post, but it was really long and I don't have time right now to type it again.


                        • #13
                          Gosh, Lisa, ......... Wow!!! AND you lost all of the weight so fast....congratulations..that is great! I am definately jealous!

                          Janet, like you, I have considered what would happen in a 4th pregnancy.....To answer two of your questions:

                          1. I have never known anyone who suffers from preeclampsia that did not have the problem in subsequent pregnancies...but perhaps it would be less with a singleton pregnancy? I don't know ...that is a question for an ob.

                          2. I have known moms who have done it after 40...and yes, they found it to be doable.

                          I have some concerns about the whole issue of bleeding...not wanting to risk my life or the life of another child......It isn't an easy decision once you have had a complication....alot of women who have these problems feel that way.....Seriously, if you are thinking of having another one you should go to your ob first.



                          • #14
                            Gosh, Lisa, ......... Wow!!! AND you lost all of the weight so fast....congratulations..that is great! I am definately jealous!

                            Janet, like you, I have considered what would happen in a 4th pregnancy.....To answer two of your questions:

                            1. I have never known anyone who suffers from preeclampsia that did not have the problem in subsequent pregnancies...but perhaps it would be less with a singleton pregnancy? I don't know ...that is a question for an ob.

                            2. I have known moms who have done it after 40...and yes, they found it to be doable.

                            I have some concerns about the whole issue of bleeding...not wanting to risk my life or the life of another child......It isn't an easy decision once you have had a complication....alot of women who have these problems feel that way.....Seriously, if you are thinking of having another one you should go to your ob first.



                            • #15
                              Gosh, Lisa, ......... Wow!!! AND you lost all of the weight so fast....congratulations..that is great! I am definately jealous!

                              Janet, like you, I have considered what would happen in a 4th pregnancy.....To answer two of your questions:

                              1. I have never known anyone who suffers from preeclampsia that did not have the problem in subsequent pregnancies...but perhaps it would be less with a singleton pregnancy? I don't know ...that is a question for an ob.

                              2. I have known moms who have done it after 40...and yes, they found it to be doable.

                              I have some concerns about the whole issue of bleeding...not wanting to risk my life or the life of another child......It isn't an easy decision once you have had a complication....alot of women who have these problems feel that way.....Seriously, if you are thinking of having another one you should go to your ob first.


