May 7, 2006
I've been meaning to start a journal for awhile. I haven't because I never seem to have time to write more than a few lines at a time. We'll see how this goes....
This has been the best but hardest weekends that we've had in a long time. I'll start with the good. Best for of our marriage - somehow we've managed to put aside all of the stress associated with graduation, the move, trying to unload - er - sell - the house, me finding a job, at least for a few days. We had our first "date" in months on Saturday night. Granted, the date started late because of Natalie (see below), but it was a nice kid-free dinner :candle with "grownup vegetables" (sauted squash - something that Natalie hasn't taken a liking too yet so we don't have it often) and wine. Afterwards we played dominos and talked. It was so nice to talk about something other than the move, finding a job, or what the heck we are going to do if we don't sell this house. I'd forgotten how much we crack each other up. I hope that after everything gets settled and we have access to some free babysitting that the date nights won't be so few and far between. And maybe - gasp - we could have a date where we actually leave the house!
Hardest because Natalie came down with something on Saturday night and it is heartbreaking to see her not feeling well. She doesn't get sick very often and it is so sad to see her and feel her hot little hands and feet. She is usually a bundle of energy; a force that we have to sprint to keep up with. Last night and today she has been quiet, clingy, and lathargic with only short periods where she wants to play. She normally doesn't want to cuddle during the day, but I've spent most of the day nursing her in the rocking chair or carrying her around the house. I do not want to leave her and go to work tomorrow. Maybe this bug will have run its course by then....
I've been meaning to start a journal for awhile. I haven't because I never seem to have time to write more than a few lines at a time. We'll see how this goes....
This has been the best but hardest weekends that we've had in a long time. I'll start with the good. Best for of our marriage - somehow we've managed to put aside all of the stress associated with graduation, the move, trying to unload - er - sell - the house, me finding a job, at least for a few days. We had our first "date" in months on Saturday night. Granted, the date started late because of Natalie (see below), but it was a nice kid-free dinner :candle with "grownup vegetables" (sauted squash - something that Natalie hasn't taken a liking too yet so we don't have it often) and wine. Afterwards we played dominos and talked. It was so nice to talk about something other than the move, finding a job, or what the heck we are going to do if we don't sell this house. I'd forgotten how much we crack each other up. I hope that after everything gets settled and we have access to some free babysitting that the date nights won't be so few and far between. And maybe - gasp - we could have a date where we actually leave the house!

Hardest because Natalie came down with something on Saturday night and it is heartbreaking to see her not feeling well. She doesn't get sick very often and it is so sad to see her and feel her hot little hands and feet. She is usually a bundle of energy; a force that we have to sprint to keep up with. Last night and today she has been quiet, clingy, and lathargic with only short periods where she wants to play. She normally doesn't want to cuddle during the day, but I've spent most of the day nursing her in the rocking chair or carrying her around the house. I do not want to leave her and go to work tomorrow. Maybe this bug will have run its course by then....