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  • #76

    I've yet to get one with Matthew as he doesn't like being too close to Tara, he just asks her to shhh and stop crying from a safe distance. Although he will jump to protect her if anyone other than myself or DF or my mum goes near her.


    • #77
      Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

      Our beautiful girl is now 6 weeks old. Its gone so fast, everyday goes by so fast, I get up and I rush to get Matthew ready for preschool, he looks so cute in his school uniform, it seems no time at all before I have to pick him up and all I seem to get done while he's there is feed the baby, bath her and dress her. After we get home it seems no time until its bed time for the kids and I'm shattered! I get a bit of 'me time' bit its with a baby attached to my boob, grabbing a shower is a chore, but I"m loving it! The only bit I"d change is I'd have Ciaran home a bit more often! or awake, that would be nice! His work load is heavy but nothing like last year. I"m pretty tired at the moment with baby related night wakenings and not being able to catch up during the day because when she does settle in the morning I need to get stuff done in the house and prepare dinner, when she settles in the afternoon I need to give the dude my time. If Ciarans shift starts in the late morning or afternoon, which is most days he says he's sleeping in because the baby kept him awake, or he needs his sleep for work and then gets up and apologises for being useless. I'm getting a bit sick of this attitude, especially as the baby keeping him awake is him opening one eye, acknowledging the baby is awake and then turning over and going back to sleep. He's not helping out with anything home or family related at the moment. Currently he'sin Italy at a conference and is being wined and dined and I know he'll come home and go straight to bed because he'll be wrecked from it all and then get up and go straight to work. I feel like what I do is so insignificant to his work, I feel like his house keeper rather than his wife to be and mother of his kids.

      Here's a short clip of Tara and one of her first smiles taken yesterday


      • #78
        Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

        Finally i have a time to myself and I can finally right this and then go through all the threads properly and reply to one' i've wanted to in the past and ahven't been able to.

        Tara's is asleep and the dude is off sick from school and is quietly watching the telly tucked up on the sofa, Ciaran is on nights and is asleep in our room hence why I have a bit of free time, the laundry basket is in our room and there are 3 loads of washing to be done which is what I had set aside to do today in between dropping and picking Matthew to and from school.

        Matthew started pre-school 2 weeks ago and its going great. We ahd a massive panic the few weeks coming up to it as he was still pooing in his pants and quite happily at doing it. So we got tough and bribery came into play. Buzz light year stood on top of the fridge and he wasn't getting him until he got a poo in the potty. Well it took a further week to get the buzz and that was me leaving him without his trouser and boxers on and literally catching it as he went to hide behing the sofa (his 'place') so when I caught it I made a big deal about the poo going in the potty, tons of praise, we got the buzz down and we got a new sticker to put on his wall (you know the ones for decorating bedrooms, we've a thomas the tank set and a set from disney's Cars and he gets a sticker for good things he does, they are all in a cluster over his bed, refuses to spread them out ) Anyway I think something must have clicked as he got the buzz. We had loads of thimas the tank engines up in the cupboard we got on sale in the UK and were going to give him over time. So they came out and stood on the fridge and that was it, a few times doing using the potty and getting a prize there was no way he was going back to his pants. There were a few accidents when we were in my mum's house but he got over that once he knew were the potty was kept there and he could go and get it himself. THe week before we got the first one broke my heart! he was devastated with himself, he would hide his face in his arms and it was hard to watch but worth it in the end.

        Tara is still on Zantac for her tummy but we're begining to wean her off it. She had her 6 week developmental check today and is on the 90th percentile so the paeds praised me and encouraged me to keep breastfeeding (which is a big deal here, doctors are only begining to encourage breast feeding a lot(the old school) still prefer you to bottlefeed). She is now 12lbs 14 oz at six weeks, which is up from 8lbs 15 oz at birth, she has also grown 6 cm (about 3 inchs) and is doing all the things she is meant to be.

        Ciaran returned from Italy last night. He met quite a few residents from his programme in Boston there. He's a bit down because DD doesn't respond to him except to try and look in the opposite direction or cry but I tried to explain that the evenings is not her best time and he's been away. He gets upset that if she's crying and I pick her up she stops but she keeps crying with him. I think when he finish's nights next week I need to let him learn to settle her prehaps even express for him to feed her and bond. I guess as a stay at home mum until maternity leave finishes I get to know all her quirks and she knows me better and I have the added bonus of providing all her food which I always get huge smiles for!

        I thought about having to go back to work in Jaunary and burst into tears. I know how lucky and priviliged we are here to have 26 weeks state paid maternity leave but right now I would hate to have the see the kids going into daycare. I guess thats from my own experiences as a child of daycare and aupairs and child minders. I hated being away from my mum (I still do ). At the moment I get 280 euro a week, and 160 per child a month which what everyone who has children gets, and 250 per child every 3 months to help with caring for children under 6 so I'm putting about 50 euros a week to be able to have a few extra weeks at home at the end and ease myself back to work. If I'm anything like after having matthew I'll probably be dying to get back to work by the time she's 16 weeks.

        I hope I haven't bored anyone to death after reading this. It's taken a few hours of stopping and starting to clean the pukey boy up, feed and clean up DD also.


        • #79
          Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

          A few pics, Tara is now 9.5 weeks....and her first teeth are about to cut through her gums...yes already!!!! and ouch it really huts when feeding her!!:


          • #80
            Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss


            • #81
              Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

              Is there ever enough time in the day? nope! Finally the apartment is tidy, I don't think its been this tidy since we moved in! I brought the kids out to mum's after DS finished pre-school and left Df to study and to aviod it he clean the place from top to bottom, he has done the most amazing job, I may have even shed a tear! he's even managed to re-arrange the furnitur so DS has a huge play space no where near the TV. I know I know I probably should have said you crazy man I lef tyou to study not do the house work, but I was so delighted, I'd been feeling very down and tearful and generally like I was having a HUGE hormonal crash and avoiding everything house work-y so it has lifted my spirits no end.

              I've noticed DS's hearing is on the downhill the last 2 weeks, his teacher has also and he's started sitting up in his sleep and falling out of bed again so we're going to see our family practicioner tomorrow and see if the grommits have fallen out, then make an appointment for a hearing test and to be seen by his ENT afterwards.

              Little miss is the opposite, she could hear a pin drop! We met up with my birth group this week and she is huge compared to her peers, she's well into 6-9 month clothes now, people always gasp and make comments when I say she's 11 weeks, or 12 weeks now because I'm only 5 ft 3, DH is 6ft 3 so she's obviously got his genes lucky girl! She's making lots of oooo and eee and i sounds, sleeping from 7.30pm-7.00 am sometimes later but i have to wake her to feed her and bring DS to school, the school is only 3 miles away but takes 40 mins through morning traffic and she can't last that long without food and Ds and I can't bear to see her upset screaming with the hunger! She is very contented and plays for 40-60 mins in the afternoon before her nap with no complaints.

              DF is currently studying for MIMMS, 2 different board exams parts B and C for the UK, applying for disater medicine masters in Italy and also giving 1-2 presentations a week, either clinical cases or current research or his own research. This week he's giving presenting info he's collected through audit, over 160 patients over 90 years old have been admitted to the hospital in the last month alone! and its not even chritmas yet! so they are going to follow these cases up to see how many were medical/surgical or social admissions, and if they were medical could they have been managed in their wn homes if resources where available, I suspect majority will be social, likely to be from nursing homes when the patients money has run out, sad but fact.

              We looked at our finances last night and I probably won't be returning to work in January. sounds stupid, but we can't afford for me to work! childcare, afterschool care and school fees will cost more than what I can earn. Childcare plus afterschool care will come to approx 2400 euros a month ($3430 USD) I'm not sure if thats expensive in US terms but its really expensive but those working outside of medical fields in the private sectors earm a hell of a lot more and cost of living has soared including childcare. I need to do something though, I'm just not sure what yet.


              • #82
                Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                DF thinks we should have another baby in the next year :funnycry:


                • #83
                  Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                  One of my favourite pictures to date:

                  Tara all wrapped up in my Calin Bleu fleece wrap, so lovely and cosy

                  Tara making her first sounds at 11 weeks:


                  • #84
                    Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                    I haven't been online much, ust can't seem to get organised and even when I finish up early in the evenings I'd rather go to sleep over anything else even when its only 8pm.

                    Matthew has been out of pre-school yesterday and today. Yesterday MAtthew got ready for school, then a sudden onset of vomiting (its been doing the rounds in school) meant we weren't going anywhere. Whenever MAtthew get's this tummy bugs they always seem to take the same path. He wakes up in the morning very thirsty and has a drink, asks for a bowl 20 mins later and throws up maybe twice, then becomes very lethargic and falls into a deep sleep for 30 mins, wakes up and asks for a bowl again, then spends a few hours wretching, eventually has a drink throws it up and then is fine all over by midday and makes up by having lots to drink, loads of toast nd dancing around the place. He is perfectly fine for school today but rules are the kids have to be 24-48 hours free of the last time they were sick, which is fair, I'd hate to be responsible for all the kids getting it, obviously there are parents who feel differently and ignore these rules for whatever reason, usually work commitments. But its been a joy to have him here today, he's has made bridges and houses out of our stack of tables and the sofas and blankets, there is even a picnic area where we had our lunch today. Of course Ciaran will be home at 10pm tonight and probably won't be amused that I have to catch up on all the housework, it's not that he minds me playing all day with the kids but that he isn't. He's on his week off nights at the moment but is spending that week in the west of Ireland (where it NEVER stops raining), its cold, windy and wet and he's doing a MIMMS (major incident medical management and support) course, and is on practicals up a muddy mountain, in a chemical factory and in Mayo general hospital (not to be confused with the Mayo clinic/hospital in America, this place is probably NOT where you want to be actually treated!), Ciaran will get home tonight at 11pm, and at 8am tomorrow will head to the library until 9pm for do months worth of crash study for his exam on Monday, He just can't do it at home at he is not disciplined enough to not want to get up and spend time with us and to study through the chaos that is our small apartment. I never thought I'd enjoy chaos and mess, but I'm begining to get there. I love entering into my childrens world where they don't see mess and just see opertunity to expand their imagination! Oh my picnic of fake sandwiches made from Lego is ready so i better go eat them before they're all gone, then we are going fishing for fish fingers in the river over the apartment balcony!


                    • #85
                      Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                      I haven't got time to upload to photobucket at the moment so for now the latest pics are here:



                      • #86
                        Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                        Life is sooooo busy right now! It' great but I ahve no 'me' time ever anymore, not even a soak in the bath is 'me time', I"m always on call or MAtthew has decided to jump in.....BTW our landlord hasn't fixed our bathroom door, its a new door and the wood expanded in the summer warmth and it doesn't close now as a result so the main bathroom is a free for all!!! If you want time alone you need to go into the ensuite bathroom but if Ciaran is at work I feel too far away from the babies if they are asleep.

                        Matthew is in full swing preparing for his christmas nativity play in school. I can't wait, although his teacher tells me for the past 3 weeks she's been trying to presaude him to get into his king costume but King Matthew is having none if it! I love hearing him practice his songs here when he thinks we're not listening! MIL got DS a 2 foot blow up santa that Matthew now keeps talking too, and even bring to bed with him for cuddles, he keeps asking this blow up santa(its one of those that you can knock over and it stands up again?) what new toys he's getting and Santa keeps coming out with funny answers!

                        Tara got the vomiting bug but much worse that Matthew and ended up in hospital for rehydration!

                        Matthew had his HiB B booster vaccination and Tara had her 5 in 1 and Meningitis C vaccinations today so its grumpy central here.

                        Ciaran passed his Exam he took in London last month and goes on for the next part in January and another part in February, he also passed in MIMMS course and starts a masters in Diaster medicine on top of everything next July

                        I got to speak to the community Midwives at our local hospital recently about my options for next time we try to conceive. I was told by my doctor that my only option is induction because of the speed of my first pain in labour to the urge to push to the birth. (I got my first urges to push after my 4th contraction 15 mins in). As I've said before, doctors play no role in the actual labour or delivery unless something is wrong. The community midwives said I can be accepted onto their home birth scheme for next time, so I'm delighted, they work in conjunction with my consultant, I just get to have all my antenatal check ups and give birth at home rather than in hospital, or what could be my case, the car!

                        Tara was christened yesterday. Ciarans friend, who must be blind!, took the pictures and cut everyones heads off in them! It was a beautiful service and we had such a lovely day!

                        My sister Anna who is tara's godmother, Meself tara and Ciaran, Matthew, Ciarans best friend who is Tara's godfather.

                        One with Matthew, who kept running off!

                        One of the priest, he font is hidden behind him, but it is such a lovely area of the church, I love
                        the mosaic design where the priest is standing
                        With Daddy
                        With me
                        In her christening robe, its made from Tara's great, great, great grandmother's wedding dress, its absolutely stunning!


                        • #87
                          Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss


                          • #88
                            Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                            I've been MIA for a loooooooong time and was going to update last night, as was I last week, and the week before that and the week before that so please forgive me!

                            Firstly, total admiration for those of you with more than 2 kids, I've been finding it so tough to keep up with everything and never have a minute to myself.

                            The weather here is miserable which doesn't help, high winds, rain, a looooooot of rain! and cold. We've double glazing windows and the wind is so strong there are still drafts around the edges.

                            Both kids have had a permanent snotty nose since September (welcome to the first year of pre-school and integration with other kids!), Matthew has had a least 3 vomiting bugs (theres a noro-virus epidemic, I presume its the same across the pond) despite educating him of hand washing and we've just gotten rid of the flu. Ciaran is the only one vaccinated for flu because he's entitled to as working in the hospital. Other than health care workers only immuno suppressed and the over 65's get vaccinated for flu.

                            Ciarans work is going well and he's much more confident than at than he was last July. On nights he's the only senior doctor for the ED (it seems crazy compared to the system that was in Boston) and its on of the main university hospitals in Dublin and really busy and there's an average of 50 patients in the ED at any one time. He has to do a lot of in service training and courses and presents weekly either clinical, case study from a case he had during the week or a paper, which comes out of our pocket, finanically and time wise. There is a grant for 2000 euro a year for courses but they are an average of 500 each, some less, but most are a lot more. the last exam just cost 500 sterling. All courses are done during nights off or days off. HE has 3 audits on the go plus has just got onto a european MAsters in Disater medicine which will mean 2 weeks in ITaly at the university and then weekly online discussion and weekly assignments and a thesis.
                            It probably sounds like I'm whinging but I'm not. I'm so happy to have CiarĂ¡n home, and we're so proud of him and know this is part of the course!
                            SpR interviews are coming up and we'll get news on his 30th birthday if he's been short listed. If he has been and he gets onto the SpR programme we will most likely have to move out of Dublin which we're not keen on but will do it. If he doesn't get it this year he'll have to do 6 months paediatrics and 6 months anaesthetics.

                            We're off to Berlin on the 12th of February, without the kids, for 3 nights. It's Ciarans favourite city, I"ve never been so I"m looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to having an undisturbed night of sleep and maybe even a bit of without the worry of a sleepwalking 3yo and an insomniac 6 month old!

                            Matthew's teachers are singing his praises at the moment. In September he was clinging onto their skirts for dear life and wouldn't leave their sides, now there is no stopping him. Himself and another little boy had to be separated for constant messing, talking and laughing. Every time they were in a line one would grab the others jacket as they went to walk off and they'd all end up on the floor! I'm sure he'll find a balance soon. He was Joseph in the school nativity which he didn't tell us until the day so we were so proud! He even came riding in on his hobby horse-come donkey!

                            Tara is a TOTALLY different child to her brother! Hot coffee is a distant memory! I've had so many cups pulled down on me! she's broken keys on my laptop, she is always smiling and laughing and full of mischief! I went to take a biscuit off my plate the other day only to find it gone and crumbs everywhere including around her mouth, she had eaten the whole thing! I suppose with 4 teeth I should of seen it coming! So we've gone from breast milk straight to finger food. She will take bottles for my mum but not for me. She is sitting up and desparate to get moving, but I'm hoping that might be a while off because once she gets going there really will be no peace! MAtthew and Tara have had there first sibling fight over a toy she was playing with that belonged to MAtthew who took it back, queue high pitched squealing and shouting! I"m still feeding 3 times day and I"m delighted to have gotten this far as I didn't think I would last breastfeeding for more than 2 days!

                            As for me, well I"m back at work 1-2 days a week, its ok but the housework catch up afterwards is a killer. currently both couch's are piled with washing waiting to be folded, as is the top of the dryer and another load in the dryer. The place needs a good spring clean and our landlord is coming tomorrow which I'm nervous about because the place is such a mess. I go once a week to the Dublin mosque and assist a friend who runs babywearing classes there and teaches the benefits of kangeroo care. I'm reallly enjoying it and have learned a lot more and reaped the benefits. I"m not an owner of my first scandi mei tai sling and its heaven!

                            .....and there she is looking for more food! I posted a slide show last night, hope it worked. I'm going to read the rest of the forums now while I entertain our little tinker.


                            • #89
                              Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                              i can't believe i forgot this bit! Our wedding is booked! we are getting married in Rome 9th May 2009!


                              • #90
                                Re: Airport goodbyes/Separation anxiety/reunited bliss

                                CIaran invited his mother to stay the night! While he's on a night shift! So Ds is in our bed tonight as had to make his bed up for her! She doesn't live that far away, about 30 min drive.

                                It's grandparents day in pre-school tomorrow and she won't go unless Ciaran goes to hold her hand. My parents are going and were going to meet her before hand and bring her out for breakfast but she won't go unless Ciaran is there :banghead: :banghead:

