Bye bye summer! The high here has been about 68 lately. This weekend it's supposed to get up to 75 but I'll believe it when I see it. I didn't realize summer ended here so abruptly! I love the cool breeze but I could do with a few more 70 degree days before it's all over and we're looking for mittens! All in all the weather was great. There was about three weeks of 90 degree heat plus humidity (YUCK) but other than that the humidity has been minimal. I see why people from the cities drive here to get away from the humidity. We don't seem to have nearly as much extreme summer weather as they do. (Yeah!)
Our first summer in a new location has gone well. We've explored the area a bit, had tons of bbqs and summer cookouts, entertained a bunch of overnight guests, had lots of QT together and just had a very healthy summer.
DH had last week off. We were going to get away for a few days but then decided that we could use the week to play and get a few things done while also giving eachother some alone time in the mix. I was able to go school shopping with DD and another mom and her daughter which was fun. DS stayed at home with Dad and they did some "yardwork."
I also was able to get my hair done (WAY overdue), lightly shop and do some solo errands during the week. DH was able to play two rounds of golf. It worked out well. Lots of time together...some needed time apart.
As of Septeber 3rd the kids and I have been here a year. I'm much more settled since we moved into the house. I could invite many families over and really get to know people after we had our own space. Socially the house has been fantastic. In October, some friends and I will spend a weekend in the city shopping for two nights! I'm excited. It will be some fun girl time PLUS I can get some shopping done for the holidays. The choices here are so minimal. The shopping trip will be the third annual for for these ladies and this year they changed the weekend so I could come. I'm thrilled.
I still have mixed feelings about moving. When I see pictures of home I react. My gut jolts a bit and the memories rush back.
My parents (back in the PNW) were entertaining a couple from Minnesota recently. This couple really enjoys the outdoors and all its physical beauty. After a weekend with my parents they make the comment "the physical beauty here is are (Flynn) and (DH) doing with the move? They moved to a beautiful place for the midwest...but now that we are seeing what they saw on a daily basis....(big pause).....we can see how they might be MISSING the PNW more than someone from another area of the country." It was a thoughtful comment. This couple is from Minnesota and really wants us to like it -- and we do -- but I still wish for home a few times a month.
DH and I are constantly pointing out to eachother though that we COULD not duplicate the life we have here, back home. It doesn't exist. There would be significant sacrifices necessary to move back. We get this. But it's not a secret why we have only gone back's still hard not to live there.
(For me especially)
On a different note, school starts next week. DD will go to her same pre-school with a dynamite teacher we love. She will do the morning four days a week (2.5 hours) class designed for the pre-K group. The school has also tweaked the program and added a 3s class. DS will be three in October and cried last spring when we dropped DD off saying "I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!" The thing is he HAS to be potty trained and that's going slowly. UG. DD was pretty easy. DS is either "on board" for the day as far as going potty in the toilet or completely uninterested. I'll do a bootcamp of sorts this weekend and see what happens. IF DS goes, he'll do twice a week in the afternoon for two and a half hours. It will be just right. We'll see what happens in the potty training area this weekend.
If I keep going, I'll be late for a playdate so I'll sign off for now.
If the second year post training is as good as the first was...I'll consider myself very lucky. Post training life rocks.
Our first summer in a new location has gone well. We've explored the area a bit, had tons of bbqs and summer cookouts, entertained a bunch of overnight guests, had lots of QT together and just had a very healthy summer.
DH had last week off. We were going to get away for a few days but then decided that we could use the week to play and get a few things done while also giving eachother some alone time in the mix. I was able to go school shopping with DD and another mom and her daughter which was fun. DS stayed at home with Dad and they did some "yardwork."

As of Septeber 3rd the kids and I have been here a year. I'm much more settled since we moved into the house. I could invite many families over and really get to know people after we had our own space. Socially the house has been fantastic. In October, some friends and I will spend a weekend in the city shopping for two nights! I'm excited. It will be some fun girl time PLUS I can get some shopping done for the holidays. The choices here are so minimal. The shopping trip will be the third annual for for these ladies and this year they changed the weekend so I could come. I'm thrilled.
I still have mixed feelings about moving. When I see pictures of home I react. My gut jolts a bit and the memories rush back.
My parents (back in the PNW) were entertaining a couple from Minnesota recently. This couple really enjoys the outdoors and all its physical beauty. After a weekend with my parents they make the comment "the physical beauty here is are (Flynn) and (DH) doing with the move? They moved to a beautiful place for the midwest...but now that we are seeing what they saw on a daily basis....(big pause).....we can see how they might be MISSING the PNW more than someone from another area of the country." It was a thoughtful comment. This couple is from Minnesota and really wants us to like it -- and we do -- but I still wish for home a few times a month.
DH and I are constantly pointing out to eachother though that we COULD not duplicate the life we have here, back home. It doesn't exist. There would be significant sacrifices necessary to move back. We get this. But it's not a secret why we have only gone back's still hard not to live there.

On a different note, school starts next week. DD will go to her same pre-school with a dynamite teacher we love. She will do the morning four days a week (2.5 hours) class designed for the pre-K group. The school has also tweaked the program and added a 3s class. DS will be three in October and cried last spring when we dropped DD off saying "I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!" The thing is he HAS to be potty trained and that's going slowly. UG. DD was pretty easy. DS is either "on board" for the day as far as going potty in the toilet or completely uninterested. I'll do a bootcamp of sorts this weekend and see what happens. IF DS goes, he'll do twice a week in the afternoon for two and a half hours. It will be just right. We'll see what happens in the potty training area this weekend.
If I keep going, I'll be late for a playdate so I'll sign off for now.
If the second year post training is as good as the first was...I'll consider myself very lucky. Post training life rocks.
