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They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

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  • #61
    Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

    Flynn's first hockey game -- mullets optional

    Actually, the title to this post is factually a lie. About 17 years ago I saw a North Stars game in an arena that doesn’t exist anymore. I think I have blocked out the game however, as my first official experience with hockey (pronounced HAWK -- EEEE) was laden with especially large men swearing, sloshing beer on anyone near them, and basically burning off more calories, YELLING at the opposing team, than they had in months. I was morbidly fascinated with the entire experience.

    Yesterday we saw the University of Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs play the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux as a family. I have to admit, watching a game in person -- the goofy sport actually starts to make sense. Unlike on television, you can see every line change, and the puck is visible. Huh. Who knew? If you can SEE the puck -- the skating around aimlessly begins to loosely resemble -- strategy.

    If you didn’t grow up with "hawk - ee" it's hard to understand what a big deal MINNESOTA hockey is. I imagine it's like Texas football or even East Coast Lacrosse -- to a lesser degree. Learning the rules to hockey feels foreign even for a person who truly does enjoy watching and playing sports, like myself. I know both women and men here (admittedly more women than men) who have no CLUE what a wide receiver is, can't tell you if basketball is played on a field or court let alone what "three in the key is," and have no opinion on the designated hitter -- yet turn into intense FANS at a hockey game when there is a "blue line" violation and the ref misses it. HUH? It's a mystery to me. Hockey is not just a sport here -- it's part of the cultural foundation.

    So off we went to the hockey game. If I'm being completely honest, it was fun. I learned a few more tips about hockey, asked I'm sure were a million dumb questions (DH was very sweet to answer all of them) and might even be in the "beginner" stage now as far as my hockey expertise goes, instead of "completely clueless about hockey and proud of it."

    The kids enjoyed themselves as well. DD thought the cheerleading "costumes" would have been "MUCH prettier had they been better colors. Why did they use that yucky gold color?" (picture burgundy and a horrid gold mixed with white) She did approve of the shiny golden pompoms however. She also thought the players "skated well" but they were best at "bumping into each other -- why do they keep doing that Mom? I thought this was supposed to be players who were good. Can't they avoid bumping into each other more?" When I asked her who she wanted to cheer for she replied she didn’t care who won, she just didn’t want "anyone to get hurt."

    DS wanted to know why at period breaks "loud men screaming" was played instead of music? ( aka Metallica, Guns and Roses, AC/DC, and Journey) I told him some people thought that WAS music and after he thought about it for a couple of seconds, he was about as shocked as a three year old could be. He then went on to say that music was played with instruments, NOT machines and singing is NOT screaming. It was hard for me to keep a straight face.

    So I have experienced one more cultural milestone here in good ole' Northern Minnesota.

    What's next? Who knows. You can bet your ass it won't be deer hunting while it's below zero wearing blaze orange though. I'm fairly certain that's one experience I can live without!

    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


    • #62
      Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

      Last Friday:

      DD had a great day at kindergarten round up! We picked a school a few days ago (after a LONG researching process and a few tours) and we settled on a public school just out of our zoned area! DS came as moral support (DD requested it and DS agreed) and broke the ice for his more cautious big sister. He was a big help actually and after we were asked a few times if they were twins, DS told everyone he met that DD was OLDER because "I'm only three but I talk pretty well." What a character.

      We spent about 15 minutes ALONE with DD's teacher next year which was really nice for her. I forget her name right now but the teacher seems to be a nice mixture of a nurturing Kindergarten teacher and someone who knows the kids have to learn certain things each day and can make that happen. DD will be in the morning Kindergarten class which goes from 8 - 10:45. It's perfect for her. She could have adjusted to all day kindergarten eventually but this is by far the best choice for her personality.

      I'm so glad the decision has been made and I'm very happy with our final choice.

      This weekend:

      We had a crazy time with friends in Minneapolis and now I'm sick! Oh well. Such is life. These are childhood friends of mine and seeing their kids with our kids was really enjoyable. We also checked out the Children's Museum in St. Paul and had a blast. We spent over two hours there (ages from 7 down to 2.5 for all the kids) and could have spent at least another 90 minutes had we the time. Fun was had by all!

      Other news:

      It's a boy! We chose not to find out the gender for DD and DS so for this UNEXPECTED baby we found out and are very happy it's a boy! Had it been a daughter we would have been equally thrilled -- so it's a win win. I'm about 23 weeks now. This summer is going to be nuts with a new baby and KINDERGARTEN in the not too distant future.

      That's all I have time for now!

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #63
        Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

        Damn I miss my old OB/GYN group!!! I miss the art on the walls, friendly (but alas not to bright) counter people, friendly phone people, INTERESTING magazines in the waiting room, and fellow patients who don't smell like smoke and are in last nights sweats! I miss signs in the waiting room about eating healthy and inspirational quotes about families and children. I do not need to see 10 signs about paying THEY DAY OF YOUR APPT. and how much money extra you will be charged if you don't comply. Where they HELL do I LIVE!!!!!???????

        There are two OB groups in town and I chose the one within DH's hospital so DH can come to appointments when he's available and he can check on charts, get meds etc. That part has been great. I like my doc okay. She's fine. The nurses are reasonable. I just don't like the "environment" and the counter people/phone people are RUDE as the day is long. I hesitate to "get into it" with them because DH works there and I just don't want to go there. I guess that makes me somewhat of a snob. :huh:

        Is it too much to ask for a little sunlight in the waiting room, someone pleasant behind the desk to greet you, and a few copies of Time, Newsweek, or National Geographic to read?

        I dread calling for my next appointment. The last time I tried to make one it was difficult, the scheduling person got testy with me, then basically called me a liar when she mixed up the name of my doctor with another one I'd never heard of. I was about ready to reach into the phone and whack her upside the head.

        Sometimes this place feels like a whole new world.

        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


        • #64
          Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

          Originally posted by Flynn
          I dread calling for my next appointment. The last time I tried to make one it was difficult, the scheduling person got testy with me, then basically called me a liar when she mixed up the name of my doctor with another one I'd never heard of. I was about ready to reach into the phone and whack her upside the head.

          Sometimes this place feels like a whole new world.
          So I made my next appointment with limited eye rolling and actually got a laugh out of the woman on the other end. I'm making progress!

          Our babysitter called to confirm she can come that day and all is well.

          "I love it when a plan comes together." -- The A TEAM "Hannibal"

          Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

          “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


          • #65
            Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

            I've decided that other than weddings, babies, and politics (especially money), people can get pretty riled up about EDUCATION.

            It's a good topic to feel passionately about -- don't get me wrong. There are LOTS of "right" answers in education however and the individual child can differ so drastically. What is "the answer" for one child is a bit of a nightmare for another.

            Like most groups of people, parents LOVE for other parents to make the same decisions they made when it comes to schools and teachers. I get that. It's affirming. However, to feel threatened when someone makes a different choice is wacky IMO and happens far too often. Let people decide what's right FOR THEM. End of story.

            So off we went to choose a school for DD to attend Kindergarten next year. As much as I tried to stay objective, I had some preconceived notions. The good news is it's open enrollment here. As long as you provide transportation, you can go anywhere -- and the public schools are still free of charge (except full day Kindergarten). Most parents we talked to LOVE their school and were willing to talk about the pros to their institution, public or private.

            I ended my short teaching career in a Catholic High school. I had a great experience. The school was obviously faith based BUT it was extremely welcoming to anyone who wanted to go there. It fostered diversity (no, really it DID) and good people are good people, regardless of how they choose (or don't choose) to pray. It was refreshing. I loved teaching there.

            Fast forward to here and now. Have I mentioned it's a TEENSY bit more conservative here than in the NW as far as faith and religion goes? On the two Catholic school tours we went on, I literally felt like I had gone back in time -- to 1950. The walls were drab and dingy white, the woodwork was dark and the art was all about the "stations of the cross" complete with thorns and people stoning Jesus. Are you kidding me? Must. NOT. Judge. Before. Tour. IS. Over.

            Of course the pluses were class size, uniforms, all the teachers had their masters or some had PhDs and the testing was off the charts. The Math, Science, Reading, and Writing curriculum was solid and while there was some choice, there were very little fluff classes.

            We then toured three public schools. On the third tour I pinched DH in the arm and made a head movement as we went from the principals office to the various classrooms to suggest, "This is it. I KNOW it." He looked back and gave me the "really?" look. Ten more minutes into the tour he gave me the sign, "Yep. You're right. This is it."

            So five schools after we started, we found OUR school. The one that best fits our needs as a family and the place we think DD will really grow. Was I surprised it was a public school? Honestly, YES. Private is not always better though and here we are taxed coming and going so YES, thank GOD some of the public schools are OUTSTANDING. Do I believe in faith based education? Yes and No. It's a slippery slope from my experience yet I cherish the years I taught at a Catholic school. They did so many things WELL. I loved it there and I think most of the students felt the same way.

            The school we chose has a morning Kindergarten section. So many schools don't out here. I think parents should be able to choose! (but I'm swiftly becoming the minority in this cause ) The teachers are experienced, but not over the hill tired and crabby. The school is well funded by the state, and has it's OWN fund to supplement specialists, field trips and anything else the students might need. This public school is, for lack of a better word, LOADED. The library is well stocked and beautiful. DD's eyes lit up when she saw it. There are computers in each classroom and a computer lab that seats two different classes. The technology teachers are on staff and there is a different one for the upper classes than the lower. The art offered here celebrates diversity and other cultures. It's not a huge elementary school but DD will not be with the same 20 kids for 7 years like in the private schools here. All the specialists are ON STAFF here at this school. There is no sharing in the district.

            Since DD will be in morning Kindergarten, her class size will be reasonable 18 - 22 for a public school but the full day K classes can get up to 26 kids. That's TOO many IMO but they have the funds to make more classes if necessary.

            Wow. It's a good fit. Yes the school has some warts we aren't familiar with yet. All schools do. From what we know up front, this is the best school for us. I'm thrilled we have a choice we are so excited about. PHEW. One more milestone navigated.

            ETA -- The school we chose had similar test scores to the private schools and the curriculum was JUST as solid. The principal was professional and knew her stuff. There was lots of color in the halls, smiling and greeting as we went from place to place in the school. The vibe was welcoming and strong.

            Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

            “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


            • #66
              Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

              I just received a "WHY DID YOU CHOOSE MORNING KINDERGARTEN WHEN YOU COULD HAVE CHOSEN FULL DAY????" email from a childhood friend. Her heart is in the right place. She knows I'll have an infant in the fall. She's also coming from a different perspective because her kids are a bit energy than mine are and still have some sleep issues (at ages 6 and 2.5 years). She's tired.

              Why morning kindergarten for DD? Um, well it's the best fit FOR HER which is where I think my decision should be based instead of what's best for me, right?

              Gotta love a topic that gets everyone talking.

              Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

              “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


              • #67
                Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                Time to reflect. I will be 37 years old on Tuesday. Holy Crap.

                I could care less what my actual age is other than I don't feel 37. It sounds old to me -- yet here I am. I'm MOST CERTAINLY NOT old. I' age.

                My two good friends here are taking me out to dinner. They remembered my bday and called to schedule something two weeks ago. It made me feel good. This time last year I was still short in the friends category and I had JUST met these two women. I had only been here for 7 months. It feels nice to have a group of people to socialize with on a regular basis who have kids that are about the same age as ours. We have a community here now.

                Despite how "settled" I feel here, DH has hemmed and hawed about this particular job and if it's the right fit for him for the long haul. Ug. Although I find it hard at times I have been completely supportive of his venting 99% of the time. I know it's just talk right now. I don't particularly want to move and risk the lifestyle we have here. DH needs more cases to be happy and wonders if working with "some" sub-par people will cause him someday to explode and need a rubber room. He feels like he's in the twilight zone here sometimes. Sigh. There have been countless meetings and strategies on how to improve things. MOST of the administration is on board but the progress is slow. I think DH just needs to CHILL and we can see what's going on in 18 months. His most recent meeting calmed him down a bit (THANK GOD.). The admin. voiced all his concerns before he could, gave a detailed plan on how each was going to be addressed, talked about how this community moves at a slower pace than a university and what could she do to keep him here? He said fixing some of this concerns was paramount which they just discussed. She mentioned salary....pause...... DH voiced that if the cases don't improve his earning power here is stunted and his salary will freeze with what he's currently paid. Admin. said, no that's not true. She can raise his salary at any time since he is an investment to the hospital. How about a 12% raise to meet the current median income a CT surgeon makes? (He's a bit stunned here since he realizes WHOLE HEARTEDLY he's paid well at this job.) Okay. So not in a month or 6 months but NEXT paycheck (which is in a couple of days) our income will reflect the raise. 12% of a lot of a lot of money. I was a bit as he told me all about the meeting. I still feel like this isn't my life sometimes. I AM getting used to post training -- UM YEAH BABY I am!!!! But I wasn't thinking a raise at this point was possible.

                • administration on board to get rid of some dead weight and hire good people? YEP. CHECK.
                  administration on board to have a plan to increase cases (especially cardiac) YEP. CHECK.
                  administration aware that DH is spinning his wheels here a bit and is frustrated? YEP. CHECK.
                  administration aware to keep DH they need to keep raising his salary even if he's not doing enough cases to support it? YEP. CHECK.

                So for now, crisis averted. The market in this speciality is hard everywhere. DH gets this. He just wants to do one to two cases a day = 5-8 cases a week. With this load he still can have a great life outside the hospital which continues to be a huge priority in his life...again....THANK GOD. This place is wacky but if I'm totally honest here, we're happy and settled here. The schools are good. The people are kind and work hard. It's ironic because during training, his life was always on track for the next gold ring or level to achieve. Training was structured albeit unpredictable. Home life was the shakey area. I was trying to BE organized and normal despite having an AWOL spouse and two kids. Now DH is, at times, unfulfilled at work and his home life has never been better. Bizarre.

                The bottom line is WE as a couple are okay. Yes this is another area to manage for me that is less than ideal but DH seems to be going about it reasonably. I'm extremely thankful for this. DH turns 37 a few days after I do and I plan on thanking him for dealing with this bump in the road in a way that includes me in the process other than just someone he can take cheap shots at to relieve his stress. We're on the same page here. He's honestly trying to balance his kick ass surgeon mentality with what's best for his family. Right now they are compeating for attention and the fact that he can relax and see what happens with this job instead of walk around grumbling and being a PITA for the next 12 months is a very good sign.

                He gets a huge amount of pleasure from watching our kids grow lately. They are 5 and 3 right now and they are just so adorable, fun, and smart little people I feel very lucky every day and so does DH. We're excited to welcome Mr. OOOPS #3 into our family and have begun really thinking about names. The kids are psyched. They ask the cutest questions and are really thinking about how much fun they will have with this new addition to our family. I'm touched and excited for what is to come.

                So finally at 37 (or almost anyway ) with training behind us I am in a great place. My world makes sense and I'm thankful on so many levels for this life I have now. I know who I am and am more comfortable in my own skin than ever before.

                While I realize and am humbled by the fact that there is so much I still don't know, I feel I can handle anything and it's not coming from a place of survival but a place of strength.

                Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                • #68
                  Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                  WARNING -- THIS IS A TMI POST.

                  You've been warned!

                  ************************************************** ************************************

                  I'm batting 1000 today.

                  DH is sick. He has the shakes, his fever is high, and he groans a lot.

                  I decide to impersonate June Cleaver and draw him a bath and get him some meds, coffee, and ice water. I use my favorite bubble bath and put some salts in the bath that are supposed to calm aches. DH calls the hospital and gets into the bath. Ten minutes later he asks me if I put anything weird in his bath because "my scrotum is on fire hon." Whoops. My bad. It's not calming your aches? "No, I feel like I have icy hot all over me." Ouch.

                  DS gets up later than usual (way cool) and goes immediately into the playroom. I go up in about five minutes to find him playing in a puddle of pee quite happily. His night time pull up has overflowed and he could care less. I take a breath, ask him what's up....this is the same kid who speaks two years older than he is and has been counting to fifty since he was two and a half. Why he can't PEE IN THE FREAKING POTTY 100% of the time is beyond me. I clean up the pee on the rug and his skin and throw his favorite pjs into the laundry. Of course he wants me to wash them immediately so he can wear them again tonight and begins to cry because Batman doesn't like the dark.

                  Finally, it seems I have my first yeast infection of my pregnancy. Do I pack up DS and DD who is home sick from pre-school to get my saving grace VAGISIL from the closest store -- or do I suffer in silence hoping DH becomes somewhat functional so I don't have to drag the kids with me? Hmmm. Decisions decisions.

                  I see a lot of Disney movies in our future today!

                  Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                  “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                  • #69
                    Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                    DH is rarely sick. Today he might miss his SECOND day of work. I cannot remember that ever happening. I think he missed 5 days in his 9 years of training and four of them were during lab time.

                    Right now he's groaning in his bed. I brought up meds so "they can start working while he lays there." He said he'd take something after he "got up." So lying there miserable is a good plan BECAUSE???????????????????????


                    If he takes a nap on the couch today like yesterday I will go POSTAL. Stay in your room or the media room. Veg out. Tell me what you need and I'll get it. SLEEP TO GET BETTER. That would sound GREAT to me!!!! What does he do??? He follows me around yesterday NOT helping and moaning about how sick he is. He won't take a hot bath, eat soup or nap. I'M READY TO KILL HIM.

                    Happy Birthday to me.

                    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                    • #70
                      Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                      The house is healthy again. Finally. PHEW.

                      I can sleep at night AND breath through my nose. What a concept!

                      Here are some things about my marriage/husband I will never understand: :banghead: Okay there was a whole list here but I thought better about posting it. It just got me riled up MORE.

                      So things with us are fine -- good even. I just have a small inkling that we have different expectations about this summer when baby #3 comes and how this is all going to shake out.

                      Me thinks DH will need a few "reality check" conversations PRIOR to July. Why do I think this? Well as spring comes there have been WAAAYYY too many mentions of golf this summer. Granted I have some ISSUES with how he was AWOL with our other kids and I need to let go a bit (who me?). So this is partly my issue too. I just think that topics like golf, new cars, and having my parents here to help out when baby comes are all very self-serving and somewhat transparent. :tsk: :banghead: It makes me nervous.

                      I realize this is 100% fantasy of mine HOWEVER it would be so refreshing and wonderful if DH really put his big boy boxers on this summer with the birth of our second son and really just stepped up on all levels. Was completely self-less. Took one for the team because it was the right thing to do. Etc. Etc. Etc. I'll stop now before I get too pissy.

                      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                      • #71
                        Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                        Wow, I was really bent when I wrote my last post. Hmmmm.

                        The sun is out today and the snow is melting. THANK GOD. FINALLY.

                        Other than looking like a beached whale I feel pretty good. I know I might be in the minority here but there is NOTHING attractive about being pregnant. NOT. ONE. THING. The "healthy glow" and all the other silly phrases attached to pregnant women is just major spin doctoring in my book. I LOVE being a mom. Love it love it love it!!!!!! I DESPISE TO VERY CENTER OF MY CORE being pregnant. I'll be 27 weeks on Friday. Only 13 weeks to go. Goodie.

                        I had a "talk" with Dh about expectations this summer. It went well. :| This proves to me that at times I am taking past experiences that didn't go so hot in residency and assuming the worst about DH NOW post training -- not healthy and so NOT his issue. It's mine. Note to self, get mad AFTER he does something dumb or insensitive -- not when you are ASSUMING he will do something dumb and insensitive.

                        DH wants to play golf two days a month (for sure) when he has weekends totally off -- I say that's fine but those are the nights he's on for feeding baby #3 so I don't get into the exhaustion hole I was with our first two. He's on to feed both Friday and Saturday nights of weekends off. Sunday I'll relieve him. He doesn't flinch and says he's totally on board. Okay. Good. I'm a tiny bit skeptical but I have to take him at his word and go with it.

                        I'm not sure how to end this random post so for now I'm signing off....

                        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                        • #72
                          Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                          It's raining!!!!!

                          I'm cautiously optimistic that spring is finally here and we can turn the page and say GOODBYE to winter!!! Whoo hoooo!!!! I love this weather. It's fun to dress up the kids in rain clothes, umbrellas, and boots and go for walks when it's not a downpour. It makes me feel like I'm home. Now -- give me 6 months of this and I'd be singing another tune. But, honestly I like rain. You don't have to DO anything to rain. It waters plants and keeps them alive for free! You can push strollers in rain no problem, unlike inches of snow that make it tough for even jogging strollers. Walking dogs in light rain is kind of fun actually. All the smells are at their peak and my pup has lots to do! I like hearing the muffled noise on the roof at night and during the day. When the rain blows so it hits the windows, I like that sound TOO! It's somehow calming to me. I'm a NW girl through and through apparently.

                          On a completely different note, I have a good friend who is looking at saying GOODBYE to training after 8 years in a surgical residency/fellowship this June. I'm psyched for her! They have a job, have chosen a house and will take a two week vacation post training and pre-real job. She sounds very realistic in her emails that her DH's time will still be taken up by starting a new job, but they will now own an house and get a fatter paycheck (finally) PLUS they will be near family, so it will be more good than not. I'm interested in hearing how it goes. Unlike me , this friend is a bit more diplomatic about the trials of training (or maybe she's just this way with me -- very possible) so what I would classify as struggling, she would say they are getting cabin fever. I really wish her all the best and hope her path post training is more smooth sailing than not!

                          I think a lot of couples need to get to know eachother post training all over again. For us this has been mostly smooth and suprisingly easy -- but we've had our bumps. Living with so much more time together is an adjustment regardless of how well it goes. DH is getting to know me all over again at times through other people. He came home from rounding yesterday and ran into a female doc I don't know but we have a mutual friend. Apparently this woman struck up a conversation with DH and eventually said something like, "I hear your wife is fantastic -- smart, funny, and a kick to hang around!" DH repeated the story to me with a kiss on my cheek. :mydoc: (Who is this man??) He thanked me for being so great even though he rarely tells me so. He told me people compliment me to him all the time and it's a guilty pleasure of his to hear these stories. Huh. That's news to me but if it makes him appreciate his life a little more ASIDE from medicine....I'LL TAKE IT!!!

                          So on that positive note, I'll sign off for now.

                          Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                          “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                          • #73
                            Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                            I'm off to the NW for TEN DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            WHOOO HOOOOO!!!

                            I'll get to see family, friends and our old house....all 1800 square feet of it!
                            My mouth is already watering for GOOD coffee, awesome Thai food, well above average Mexican food, and waking up every day with the temperature being OVER 45 degrees!!


                            I may check in here and there but otherwise I'll be back on mid- May!

                            Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                            “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                            • #74
                              Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                              I'm BACK!!!

                              It will take me a while to check in but I'll get there.

                              Thanks for the PMs.

                              HAPPY MOTHER's DAY!!!!

                              Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                              “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                              • #75
                                Re: They Lived Happily Every After...or, detoxing from residency

                                I've been shameful about updating my blog!

                                I'm short on time so I'll do a "cliffnote" type post here.

                                Our trip back to the NW was big fun. The kids and I had alone time with my parents for five days, then DH, my brother, SIL and niece came, and my sister was in and out since she lives there too now after being out of the country for a while. All in all the trip was a lot of fun. It's our first trip where none of us was missing in over three years!

                                I need to talk to my sister about her life/behavior. She's gotten in some bad habits over the years, ones we all have enabled for various reasons and it's gotten to the point where I need to take the plunge and "go there." Ug. It's nothing dangerous or illegal!!! She's just gotten very set in her ways the past few years, is never on time, and basically is just really selfish right now. The topics she is defensive about are long and diverse. I'm not sure what's going on with her but enough is enough. We need to talk and I need an adult relationship with her. Yuck.

                                On a completely different note, I have about 5 weeks left until we are the parents of THREE children. Good grief. My parents will be here for about a month I'm happy to say so I don't have to worry about who will take our kids and how long DH should be at the hospital. The room is almost ready for #2 baby boy and should be finished after this weekend I imagine.

                                The last day of school for us is today! I pick up DS from his afternoon pre-school in a few hours. The kids both had a great year and have grown up in ways I can't even fathom. They are so fun to be around I feel very lucky and a bit in awe that they are my children. It's so fun being their mom. I love how close they are to eachother -- yet they are such different people. I am smitten with both of them for completely different reasons!

                                DH finally took the plunge and bought himself a new car with my blessing. We discussed the nuimbers at length and have been extremely agressive in saving and investing these past two years. I was pleased to see how much we had socked away and gave him the green light. He bought a 5 series BMW and is just tickled. DH and his sister were raised by their mom and at times in their life they relied on food stamps and government housing. He had never lived in a house prior to marrying me. He remembers his mom's rusted out old Maverick and being embarassed in middle school how much smoke and noise it made. I'm not a car person but it's a really nice vehicle. DH negotiated for 500 under invoice and we've had the car for two days now. He LOVES it. I'm really proud of how much reasearch he's done with our finances to get us to the point where we could consider this purchase. He took care of US first, then figured out how to make HIS dream car a reality.

                                July 1 is the marker for us officially finishing our SECOND year of post training life. We've had our ups and downs these past two years. We had one SERIOUSLY MAJOR scary moment when I wasn't sure what was going to happen -- but mostly we've just a few growing pains as we adjusted to life post training. I've learned a lot about myself lately. I've jumped to conclusions recently with DH and he was pretty understanding when he explained I was mistaken, his intention was X NOT Y and why didn't I ask him before I got frustrated???? He's right. Old habits die hard sometimes and it's something WE don't need to work on. I need to work on this. It's totally my issue.

                                Well my time has run out for now.

                                Send us SUN vibes okay? I think we've had 7 days of "over 65 degree" weather so far in this crazy area of the country I live in!!!! WHEN will it be summer??? Who knows.

                                Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                                “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

