I'm not a mom, but have been a counselor for years and big sister (for my entire life!
) and would love to keep an open constantly moving thread of funny things you've heard kids say. 
My favorite kid-speak moment was at a summer camp a few years ago. A camper woke me up and we had this conversation:
Camper: Peanut? Peanuuuuuut!
Me (totally freaked out): What! What Camper, are you okay?
C: No!!! Noooo! LOOK! (she points at one of her bunkmates who is sound asleep)
M: I see her, she's asleep, what's going on?
C: NOOOO! Peaaaanut, she's suffercating my monkey!!!
I walked over to the sleeping camper and realized that she was sleeping on Camper's stuffed monkey, and it did look like she was suffacating her bunkmate's stuffed animal. I had to literally bite the insides of my cheeks so that I didn't burst out laughing as I wiggled the "suffercating" monkey from sleeping campers arms and gave it back to Camper to sleep with.
For the rest of the summer, any time the counselors needed a laugh, we repeated the "suffercating my monkey" line. My husband and I will say it every now & then still for a giggle.
What funny things have your children said?
edited for grammar mistake

My favorite kid-speak moment was at a summer camp a few years ago. A camper woke me up and we had this conversation:
Camper: Peanut? Peanuuuuuut!
Me (totally freaked out): What! What Camper, are you okay?
C: No!!! Noooo! LOOK! (she points at one of her bunkmates who is sound asleep)
M: I see her, she's asleep, what's going on?
C: NOOOO! Peaaaanut, she's suffercating my monkey!!!
I walked over to the sleeping camper and realized that she was sleeping on Camper's stuffed monkey, and it did look like she was suffacating her bunkmate's stuffed animal. I had to literally bite the insides of my cheeks so that I didn't burst out laughing as I wiggled the "suffercating" monkey from sleeping campers arms and gave it back to Camper to sleep with.
For the rest of the summer, any time the counselors needed a laugh, we repeated the "suffercating my monkey" line. My husband and I will say it every now & then still for a giggle.

What funny things have your children said?
edited for grammar mistake