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Babysitter question

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  • #16
    Thanks for all the anecdotal stories The family stopped by this afternoon and the two girls played with DD, while I talked with their mom. It sounds like they have some experience with little ones, enough that I'd feel comfortable with them watching DD while I'm still in the house. So, we'll do that for a few weeks, see how things go and then I may start leaving her with the 15-yr-old girl for a couple hours - long enough that I can go to the mall and try on clothes by myself (what a luxury!).

    And, I hope I never get a phone call telling me that the oven is on fire! Actually, DH almost set our oven on fire a few years ago broiling steaks, so I do have some experience with oven fires
    Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


    • #17
      I think my mommy helper (13 yr old) and my babysitter (her older sister / 20 yr old college jr.) are moving.

      Once you get used to little helpers, it's really hard to think about not having them around. The girls live right next door to me and can be over here in minutes if I txt.

      And just to add my 2 cents. The 13 yr old only watches her if I'm in the house or if she is at home with one of her parents. Their dad is very much a hand on parent and the mother is a L&D RN. The 20 year old sitter is like having the little sister I never had. I still can't believe they are moving!
      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


      • #18
        Babysitter question

        I started babysitting at 10. I was very responsible & the parent was around. By 12 I was left alone. I think it depends on the parent & kids.

        I hope it all works to your advantage!
        Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


        • #19
          Our babysitter is 13. The first time she came over I stayed home to see how she was with the boys. She is very responsible and mature with lots of babysitting experience, so I feel comfortable leaving her alone with them. The same with my 13-year-old cousin. I've left my boys with her with no worries. I was also babysitting at 13.


          • #20
            I also started babysitting at 10. The first baby that I babysat though was when I was 13.

            Here, if you don't catch a babysitter young, you won't have one. Most of the teenagers are so busy with their activities (sports, theater, jobs) that it is almost impossible to find one.

            I think the age of the child is almost less important than their experience. We hired a 15 year old to babysit when Amanda was 12 and she became overwhelmed when Zoe cried. She put her up in her crib and closed the door. Amanda called us from Zoe's room and had changed her diaper and made her a bottle. We came home and that was the end of hiring out.

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #21
              :hijack: Related question: Our usual sitter (a grandma from our temple) is not available next week and we've been invited to a dinner party. A friend of mine recommended her sitter, an 18yo college student. The sitter is stopping by tonight to meet us. I was going to ask for her address and the like. Would I be totally crazy if I requested a copy of her drivers' license? What information should I get from her? I wasn't planning to do the whole background check/checking references that I did when we were interviewing potential nannies. This girl already comes with a recommendation from a trustworthy source. Still, since it's a dinner party, she'll be spending several hours of awake time with our baby. Even our usual sitter arrives just before bedtime so I'm a little anxious.
              Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


              • #22
                I'm too late to reply before you met the sitter, but how did it go? Did you already go to your party?


                • #23
                  The party is in a couple weeks. We met her yesterday. I asked her to fill in a note card with her contact info (we use a recipe box style system for phone numbers). She volunteered a lot of information, all her phone numbers, addresses, her parents' cel phone numbers, etc. The friend who recommended her is one of the most protective mothers I know. She's let sitters go for watching tv or talking on the phone while watching her son. This sitter worked at a day care where my friend sent her son and has babysat for my friend for a couple years. DrK and I both got a good vibe from this girl and my son seemed to like her too -- lately, he's sometimes anxious even with people that he knows. I've also confirmed that the dinner party doesn't start until 7 so she'll only have about an hour of awake time with the baby. He'll be fed, bathed and in his pjs before we leave. I'm going to have her come at 6 so we can all get used to eachother while we are getting ready to head out.

                  BTW, Deb, if you can recommend a local sitter -- perhaps someone you used for the twins before you moved away -- please PM me.
                  Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                  • #24
                    I'd love to be able to help, but the twins were just 1yo when we moved, and we never used a sitter except my mom in that first year. I'm also extremely protective. Most of the people I know well enough to trust live an hour north. They would definitely be good go-to people in a pinch, but not practical for frequent sitting. Let me know if you need their contact info, and I'll double-check with them!


                    • #25
                      Would she let you call the day care for a reference check? Normally daycares are good about background checks to get hired. It sounds like your friend is a great resource and recommendation! And I don't think it would be strange to ask for a copy if it would give you peace of mind. She's 18 and wants extra work- she'll go for it.
                      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"

