Thanks for all the anecdotal stories
The family stopped by this afternoon and the two girls played with DD, while I talked with their mom. It sounds like they have some experience with little ones, enough that I'd feel comfortable with them watching DD while I'm still in the house. So, we'll do that for a few weeks, see how things go and then I may start leaving her with the 15-yr-old girl for a couple hours - long enough that I can go to the mall and try on clothes by myself (what a luxury!).
And, I hope I never get a phone call telling me that the oven is on fire! Actually, DH almost set our oven on fire a few years ago broiling steaks, so I do have some experience with oven fires

And, I hope I never get a phone call telling me that the oven is on fire! Actually, DH almost set our oven on fire a few years ago broiling steaks, so I do have some experience with oven fires
