I know some of you aren't religious so this won't necessarily apply to you but do you see a difference between private and parochial? The catholic schools are only about 1/2 as expensive as the private schools but of course still more expensive then the public. I think we'll just plan to send A to the catholic preschool if we can get her in because it will be easy and it is a good school from what I've read and then we'll make the decision about public versus catholic kindergarten this time next year...
And alison if we had chosen to live on the other side of the state line we'd be doing private, public wouldn't be an option. But because of that and the doctor malpractice fund we are living where the public schools are good so we'll have the choice.
And alison if we had chosen to live on the other side of the state line we'd be doing private, public wouldn't be an option. But because of that and the doctor malpractice fund we are living where the public schools are good so we'll have the choice.