Ok, I'm seriously about to lose it you guys. For the third night in a row I'm sitting in the dark with Delia screaming bloody murder and not going to sleep.
We start the bedtime routine around 8ish with a bath but now she just screams and won't latch. We keep thinking maybe she's gassy but she won't burp. Eventually se exhausts herself and will nurse. She nurses for 5-10 minutes before falling asleep but when I go to lay her down (after holding her an additional 10 minutes or so to make sure she's asleep, she's up 3 minutes later if not instantaneously. She also won't go more than 2 hours without waking at night. I am about to lose it. Dh will help but we can't think of a solution. We have pumped milk but that doesn't solve her not sleeping and refusing to go down at night.
It's maddening because she'll fall asleep, she just won't stay that way. She's only 8 weeks so I'm trying to tell myself this will improve but there is no way I can function when I restart work in 4 weeks. Most evenings I will have to work after she's asleep and if that takes 2 hours and then she only sleeps in 2 hour chunks, I won't be able to survive.
During the day she happily sleeps in a carrier, on us, or in her car seat. At night we are using the pack and play and swaddling her. We have tried no swaddle but she wakes herself up with her arms. We have a white noise machine, etc. Anyway, that's all the stuff we've tried, can anyone help?
The not sleeping more than 2 hours is in the last 3 weeks and now the not going to sleep has been over the last few days.
We start the bedtime routine around 8ish with a bath but now she just screams and won't latch. We keep thinking maybe she's gassy but she won't burp. Eventually se exhausts herself and will nurse. She nurses for 5-10 minutes before falling asleep but when I go to lay her down (after holding her an additional 10 minutes or so to make sure she's asleep, she's up 3 minutes later if not instantaneously. She also won't go more than 2 hours without waking at night. I am about to lose it. Dh will help but we can't think of a solution. We have pumped milk but that doesn't solve her not sleeping and refusing to go down at night.
It's maddening because she'll fall asleep, she just won't stay that way. She's only 8 weeks so I'm trying to tell myself this will improve but there is no way I can function when I restart work in 4 weeks. Most evenings I will have to work after she's asleep and if that takes 2 hours and then she only sleeps in 2 hour chunks, I won't be able to survive.
During the day she happily sleeps in a carrier, on us, or in her car seat. At night we are using the pack and play and swaddling her. We have tried no swaddle but she wakes herself up with her arms. We have a white noise machine, etc. Anyway, that's all the stuff we've tried, can anyone help?
The not sleeping more than 2 hours is in the last 3 weeks and now the not going to sleep has been over the last few days.