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Reflux update (BF experts come in!)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen View Post
    Yeah, I would prefer to try a few more days before going the Zantac route bc then I can avoid having to wean her from it.
    Just as a side note my DD needed hardly any weaning from it when she out grew the reflux at 11 months old. There was a couple days when we had a late or missed dosage and she didn't fuss. The same week we took her right off it because she clearly didn't need it.

    The reason I asked about the big spit ups and throwups it because DD did the same thing, as dose most reflux babies. I remember thinking she must be starving because of all the throwing up she did.

    I'm really happy with the fantastic ped's office we go to. If it makes you feel any better the owner of the practice has been known to say most babies have some form of reflux. Some babies outgrow it sooner than others. Mine was nearly a year old, but maybe you'll be lucky and she'll out grow it much sooner.

    Just remember you'll have to prop her up almost all the time and prop up one side of her crib once she's sleeping in there. DD loved the bouncy seat and the baby swing. Anything that kept her upright. On the other hand, tummy time was impossible. She would scream unbearably if I ever put her on her tummy.
    Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
    "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


    • #32
      Originally posted by moonlight View Post
      Just as a side note my DD needed hardly any weaning from it when she out grew the reflux at 11 months old. There was a couple days when we had a late or missed dosage and she didn't fuss. The same week we took her right off it because she clearly didn't need it.
      We didn't exactly wean either. I never thought to ask my pediatrician to adjust the dose as DS got bigger, and DH looked it up a couple months ago and said "There's no way he's getting anything from this small of a dose!" So we just stopped...
      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


      • #33
        Generally, I'd say to give Zantac a try right away, but I think if one isn't sure if it's gas or reflux or both, that you should try one thing at a time. Mylicon isn't habit-forming and if gas seems to be the primary culprit, I'd go with it over trying Zantac as a first step.

        If the baby is on Zantac and Mylicon and does well, there isn't a way of knowing which of the two is helping (and what the actual underlying problem is).
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #34
          I call BS on that doc, SO HARD. Grrrrr.

          I've heard that breastfed babies with reflux can fall into one of two camps: they make the food/pain connection and avoid eating (so they tend to be slender) or they make the full belly/easing of symptoms connection and eat frequently (so they tend to be plumper). Neither is an example of overfeeding or underfeeding the baby, in either case the kids will probably thrive if the reflux is mild, but they'll probably be a little more comfortable if you treat the symptoms. Starving the one who wants to snack doesn't make any more sense as a treatment than force-feeding the one who doesn't want to eat, yeesh!


          • #35
            I am noticing that she seems to scream in pain from gas and is soothed from nursing - so maybe she is gaining a little more than normal but I'm not going to deny her comfort if she's hurting.
            Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
            Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


            • #36
              I think she is way too young to start 3 hr feedings. The big spit ups is clearly a sign of reflux. How does her tough look? Is there white on it from milk most of the time? If you wanted to adjust your diet you could try and figure out what foods might be upsetting her more than others. That's a really hard thing to work on. Keeping her sitting up is a easier task.
              Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
              "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


              • #37
                I just want to gently remind everyone that my DS1 was a major puker and never was diagnosed w/ reflux, his was a gas issue. I just wanted to reiterate this because obviously big spit ups are not always reflux


                • #38
                  I've been following this thread because we are having similar issues with DD4. DD1 had lots of gas and DD2 and DD3 both took meds for reflux. DD4 actually sleeps okay at night, but wakes up with a stuffy nose and coughing we think because of reflux. During the day, she doesn't sleep and is very fussy unless she is kept upright. Today DH was post call and DD slept on his chest while he slept propped up on pillows for 4 hours. I got so much done! I am primarily BF and supplementing with formula as we have with all four kids.

                  DH also told me that most babies have reflux like someone else posted here. DD4 is one that soothes with nursing and is very happy after she burps. She gained two lbs from birth to one month. Another mom gasped after finding out DD was eating 4 to 5 ounces during feedings at one month. That is a guessimate based on the amount of milk I am making and what she takes in a bottle. Her feedings are sometimes continuous and spread out. Even after a feeding, she will be rooting and upset until she gets more to eat. She doesn't spit up a ton, but we can tell she is refluxing. She does cough a lot and gets the hiccups frequently. Based on what I read here, I got some of the gas drops tonight and will see if that makes a difference.

                  ETA: Alison thanks for asking how we are doing. I am doing really well and felt great after having the baby, minus not enough sleep. With 4 kids, life doesn't stop so you have to keep going. I was lucky to have a lot of help the first 3 weeks with our parents and DH taking a week off. The older girls have adjusted really well with Quinlyn. They love to help, almost too much.
                  Last edited by Phoebe; 04-04-2012, 03:18 AM.


                  • #39
                    I'm not sure whether it's gas or reflux. I go back and forth. For the ladies with reflux babies, did burping help? Because it instantly helps her when I can get her to do it.

                    Last night it took 3 hours to get her to sleep - despite feeding her upright and Px dosing of the gas meds. At that point I almost just wanted to give up and say screw bedtime, let's all just hang out until she falls asleep. It's not like I'm gaining any time to accomplish anything when it takes from 7 pm-10 pm to get her to sleep.
                    Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                    Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                    • #40
                      Mylicon didn't help Daegan near as much as the Prevacid. But he didn't spit up. You could hear liquid slosh in the back of his throat/nose when he was lying down. He also seemed like he had a belly ache most of the time. He had a stuffy nose from the sloshing.
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #41
                        No, burping did not help M.
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #42
                          Burping helped D in that it slowed feedings so he didn't overfill his belly and have quite so much in his stomach at any given moment to slosh up.
                          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                          • #43
                            If it helps, I only just started putting DD down for an early bedtime, and she's just turned 4 months. Until about 2 weeks ago, we kept her up until we went to bed around 11:00. She just wasn't ready for an earlier bedtime yet. She'd nap off and on in our arms as we watched TV or played on the computer. Until a couple weeks ago, if we tried putting her down before about 10:30 or so, we'd have the same experience you did - fighting sleep until later.
                            My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                            • #44

                              "... I am doing really well and felt great after having the baby, minus not enough sleep. With 4 kids, life doesn't stop so you have to keep going. I was lucky to have a lot of help the first 3 weeks with our parents and DH taking a week off. The older girls have adjusted really well with Quinlyn. They love to help, almost too much."
                              Yea!!! I'm so happy to read this! I have thought a lot about you & Tara...I must admit to longing for #5, but I need to take care of me & my health issues. I am 99% on there not being another...besides I'm 42 & DS croup earlier this week served as a form of major BC! LOL


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post
                                If it helps, I only just started putting DD down for an early bedtime, and she's just turned 4 months. Until about 2 weeks ago, we kept her up until we went to bed around 11:00. She just wasn't ready for an earlier bedtime yet. She'd nap off and on in our arms as we watched TV or played on the computer. Until a couple weeks ago, if we tried putting her down before about 10:30 or so, we'd have the same experience you did - fighting sleep until later.
                                That's really interesting L. Honestly, I'd rather do that but I felt pressure to get her to bed to establish sleep hygiene, etc. Plus, with going back to work, I thought it was important. Maybe I'll just say screw bedtime until she's a little older. She usually goes down much easier when we keep her up later. She does start to get fussy at 8 and sometimes she's ready for bed but other days, not so much. I think it's because she doesn't have a set nap time so obviously some days she's more tired than others. That combined with this gas issue makes for a miserable mama!
                                Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                                Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.

