Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen
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The reason I asked about the big spit ups and throwups it because DD did the same thing, as dose most reflux babies. I remember thinking she must be starving because of all the throwing up she did.
I'm really happy with the fantastic ped's office we go to. If it makes you feel any better the owner of the practice has been known to say most babies have some form of reflux. Some babies outgrow it sooner than others. Mine was nearly a year old, but maybe you'll be lucky and she'll out grow it much sooner.
Just remember you'll have to prop her up almost all the time and prop up one side of her crib once she's sleeping in there. DD loved the bouncy seat and the baby swing. Anything that kept her upright. On the other hand, tummy time was impossible. She would scream unbearably if I ever put her on her tummy.