There is a mom of one of the kids in DD#1's pre-school class trying to guilt everyone into having only Organic snacks.
I'm all for healthy snacks but there are some people sending their kids to this pre-school who would have to change their grocery budget to make room for an organic pre-school snack. Times are tight for some people.
I flat out said I was all for healthy snacks (fruit, non processed cheese etc., no candy or fruit snacks) but I would not agree to ONLY organic. She gave me several pregnant pauses with "ohs" and "Hmmmm, well if you feel strongly...."
Yesterday I sent strawberries (that cost me about 14 dollars to serve 8 kids and the teacher a resonable portion and this was NOT organic -- just well washed ) and each child received one hershey kiss. I'm all for health but let's have a LITTE fun too okay?
The mom came up to me and then had a very passive agressive conversation praising my choice of strawberries. She went on and on and on -- THEN said maybe next time I could leave out the "sugar high" in a sickly sweet Dolores Umbrindge tone.
Parenthood really fries some people's brains.
I'm all for healthy snacks but there are some people sending their kids to this pre-school who would have to change their grocery budget to make room for an organic pre-school snack. Times are tight for some people.
I flat out said I was all for healthy snacks (fruit, non processed cheese etc., no candy or fruit snacks) but I would not agree to ONLY organic. She gave me several pregnant pauses with "ohs" and "Hmmmm, well if you feel strongly...."
Yesterday I sent strawberries (that cost me about 14 dollars to serve 8 kids and the teacher a resonable portion and this was NOT organic -- just well washed ) and each child received one hershey kiss. I'm all for health but let's have a LITTE fun too okay?
The mom came up to me and then had a very passive agressive conversation praising my choice of strawberries. She went on and on and on -- THEN said maybe next time I could leave out the "sugar high" in a sickly sweet Dolores Umbrindge tone.
Parenthood really fries some people's brains.