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  • #16
    Re: Laundry

    I have no idea.

    I'll pay attention next week. It's my gig, he gets the dishes. I do a lot of laundry but I'm a freak about it, too.

    easily 8 loads.



    • #17
      Re: Laundry

      I do 2-4 loads during the week. I usually do the loads on different days. During the winter when DH has evening sports 1-2 times a week, I use those evenings as wine, my shows, and laundry.

      I love having the laundry done. I like looking at the chute and having less than one load or an empty chute.

      I'm not a freak about it BUT I do keep up with it.

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #18
        Re: Laundry

        Originally posted by oceanchild
        Laundry is my job. DH does groceries. When I mentioned this to a friend she thought I'd totally gotten the short end of the stick, but grocery shopping is a huge stressor for me, so no complaints. )
        ITA! I hate grocery shopping with a vengence (apart from Whole Foods but I try and stay away!). Laundry I don't mind. I like having the big pile from the dryer to fold up


        • #19
          Re: Laundry

          Julia -- we're in the same position as you. I do about 4 loads every 2 weeks. I cram all our stuff into 4 machines and pray that they get clean.

          I HATE doing laundry, and find that if I don't do it at 7 in the morning during the week, the machines are all taken.

          Ugh. Hate laundry. I told dh that our place in CA has to have an in-unit washer and dryer. I can't wait to do laundry whenever I want, and not have to get fully dressed and put on shoes to do it.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #20
            Re: Laundry

            Originally posted by Pollyanna
            10 or more, and I'm ALWAYS behind. :huh:
            This is probably close to where I am... During "potty training" or "night-time training" it's more like 3 loads a day...

            I'm going to get DD to do laundry this year- at least towels.

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #21
              Re: Laundry

              every day, when it's not raining. i hang my clothes, so i have to make sure to get it done first thing in the am, so they have time to dry. if it's raining, i only do socks and undies..maybe kids clothes. they're the only things that fit on my drying rack. the adult clothes have to dry outside.
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #22
                Re: Laundry

                Originally posted by rainbabies
                i hang my clothes, so i have to make sure to get it done first thing in the am, so they have time to dry.
                can you believe i'm not allowed to have a clothesline? i simply cannot dry clothes in my own backyard.


                • #23
                  Re: Laundry

                  Originally posted by Jane
                  Originally posted by rainbabies
                  i hang my clothes, so i have to make sure to get it done first thing in the am, so they have time to dry.
                  can you believe i'm not allowed to have a clothesline? i simply cannot dry clothes in my own backyard.
                  Gotta love JoCo!
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #24
                    Re: Laundry

                    constantly... I don't count the loads, but I am never on top of it so I am always doing it. I probably have about 5 to 6 loads but they pile up again before I get them all done. Plus, my diva middle daughter always needs the shirt that is in the washer and makes my life miserable until it is ready.


                    • #25
                      Re: Laundry

                      We both do our own laundry, about 2-3 loads apiece, usually on Sunday. There is a disclaimer on how much we do per person. We have a washer & dryer in our unit, but they are horrible. They are the stackable kind and were probably made before man set foot on the moon. And, they are not stacked. They are actually side-by-side under a counter in the kitchen. I cannot wait to have normal sized units and to not have to bend all the way over to empty them out!!

                      We do them separately because I actually sort my clothes by color and he is VERY borderline OCD about how his clothes are folded. When we first moved in together, I tried to help out by matching the socks up. I got a whole lecture on how to properly match his socks. I haven't touched them since.

                      Now, we will help each other out on occasion. I will pre-sort my clothes for him to wash/dry, and if I wash/dry his stuff, I will just lay out the clothes on a flat surface (and leave the socks in a pile). :P

                      Julia, I understand how you feel about grocery shopping. I used to dread it, but the other half had a great system for it already in place. We have a pre-made Excel spreadsheet list that is broken down by the aisles in our store and only lists what we buy on a regular basis. When we make our list for the week, we see those items and it jogs our memories about what is empty, needed, etc. We also plan out our meals for the week and buy only the ingredients that we need. And we obey the cardinal rule of grocery shopping: don't go hungry.
                      Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                      • #26
                        Re: Laundry

                        We probably go through about 5 to 6 loads a week and I am terrible about keeping up with it. Sometimes we'll go a whole two weeks without getting any done and then I have a marathon day where I do nothing else and swear that I will start being better and try to do a load a day. But by the time I have done the marathon which could be up to 12 loads, I am burned out and it's another two weeks before I get my ass in gear again. I laugh now that I am actually typing out and seeing my crazy cycle.
                        Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                        • #27
                          Re: Laundry

                          Being a WOHM forced me into a laundry rythm that has just stuck. As soon as I wake up, I throw a load in the washer and then get myself and the kids dressed. I flip the clothes into the dryer before I leave for the day. When I return home in the evening, the dryer button is the first thing that I hit before I start dinner. I fold the clothes during bath time and immediately put them away, skipping the basket entirely.

                          I average 5 to 7 loads a week, depending on whether we're swimming a lot and how much I'm running. Laundry is a chore I don't mind. I treat it almost like a game to see if I can stay ahead of it. (Deep cleaning, however, is an entirely different subject). I haven't ironed in years. Those few items get sent to the dry cleaners.

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #28
                            Re: Laundry

                            I do a load every morning. It's part of my routine- get up, wake up kids, while they are getting dressed I throw a load in. During the day I will switch the load to the dryer, and put away the load that was in the dryer.

                            With that said- it's probably 5-8 loads a week, all dependent on if someone wets the bed, and so on.

                            I don't mind doing laundry. I really, really hate it when it piles up, so I try hard to stay up on it.
                            Gas, and 4 kids


                            • #29
                              Re: Laundry

                              I am the laundry queen in our house...DH hasn't really done laundry since we dated in college (my choice). I rather do laundry and cleaning instead of cooking. Since we live in an apartment building and share one washer/dryer with at least 6 other apartments., I have an early morning routine throw the load in at ~6:30am and will do around 3-4 loads a week (in the summer) and around 2 loads a week in the winter. I imagine once our son is born that will change dramatically.
                              Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                              • #30
                                Re: Laundry

                                I have no idea how much laundry I do... a lot. I loathe dirty clothes so I *never* have dirty clothes in the house. Laundry is done everyday. BUT, and this is a big BUT, I am the worst about actually putting the clothes away. I have tons of baskets FULL of clean folded clothes/towels, linens... like maybe 10 or so in the master bedroom. The girls are finally able to take their own clothes up and put them away, so that helps. I will have to be better about this with the new baby. I also don't sort by kids vs. adults except with baby clothes.
                                Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                                Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!

