Originally posted by corn poffi
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Originally posted by HouseofWool View PostDoncha wish that you too could wear a tutu with rainbow brite tights and actually make it work? (Although, as slim as you are, you might just be able to pull it off!)
Adorbs Miss S is in very good company.
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostWhose the pregnant one?? ;P
Today I had to leave my sad, clingy, teething baby with my parents. I know she will be well taken care of but it makes me sad and is not making me feel better about my job this week.Today, she refuses to eat anything except grapes and popcorn!
Teeth are the worst! I hope she feels better soon!
Today, I have to take the kids to see my former MIL because she is too damn lazy to come here. I really dislike her and had hoped that the divorce meant I never had to step foot in her nasty dirty house again. But she and E still aren't speaking so it is up to me to cultivate the relationship between her and the kids.
Sometimes being the grown up blows.Kris
Originally posted by Deebs View PostKris, you are an awesome mom. Hope today turns out better than you anticipate.
Today, DrK has been super-dad. I wanted to take the boys to the library but K1 refused to leave the house while K2 sat in front of the door crying "SHOES ON! LI-BAY! Beep Beep GO!". So, DrK stayed while K1 while I took K2 to the library. He managed to get K1 out to the park and fed. When I got K2 home, he was grumpy and tired but fussing and refusing to nap. After I attempted to comfort him every way I knew how, I sent DrK in to "talk" to K2. I heard K2 crying "mommy" and started to go in to rescue DrK. DrK had K2 in a blanket and was very peacefully rocking him to sleep without any need for my help. All I could think is that I did good when I chose this guy. dWife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Today I woke up late because I can't sleep and missed my appointment for a pelvic ultrasound. I need to get that done in case it's another cyst. If I have no cyst, my next step is a CAT scan, scary. I have a throat issue too...
Today all I cooked for dinner was kale, DH loves that with pita bread and raw tomatoes... easy! We had tea afterwards.
Today I feel I was useless and not productive. The gloomy weather and snow does not help, nor that I have spent too much time online :/