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  • Today N had an allergic reaction to cinnamon. She's fine, but I'm without a phone due to some fun circumstances and DH is...golfing.

    I should have known--I accidentally dumped a bunch of extra cinnamon into her bananas and said, "eh it will just be cinnamony." She's had it lots of times before, but at least now I know to wait until she is older to try again!

    And kudos to Scrub-Jay--I only had children's benadryl on hand because of her warnings!
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • Aww! Poor baby girl! And Mommy!

      Today I was so glad DH was with us at Hobby Lobby. He was able to carry the screaming 5 year old out to the car while I checked out.
      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


      • ST - That's scary, but keep in mind the cinnamon is high in histamine. We had a really hard time with DD #1 giving her any foods that had a high amount of natural histamine (tomatoes, strawberries, and cinnamon were near the top of the list). We worked with a great allergist who explained carefully the difference between food allergies and a reaction to food high in histamine. Fortunately, DD has NO food allergies, and once we understood that there were foods naturally higher in histamine, we just learned what to avoid as to not make others nervous around her. Any food high in histamine would give her a rashy face and exacerbate her natural rashy state of her body.
        Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


        • Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
          Today N had an allergic reaction to cinnamon. She's fine, but I'm without a phone due to some fun circumstances and DH is...golfing.

          I should have known--I accidentally dumped a bunch of extra cinnamon into her bananas and said, "eh it will just be cinnamony." She's had it lots of times before, but at least now I know to wait until she is older to try again!

          And kudos to Scrub-Jay--I only had children's benadryl on hand because of her warnings!
          Although I am really sorry about the reaction, I'm really relieved to hear that you could treat it quickly.

          ETA: Deebs is absolutely correct re: foods high in histamine vs. IgE-mediated allergic reactions. And for what it's worth, a good allergist is worth his weight in gold.
          Last edited by scrub-jay; 07-28-2012, 07:57 PM.
          Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


          • ST - That's scary, but keep in mind the cinnamon is high in histamine. We had a really hard time with DD #1 giving her any foods that had a high amount of natural histamine (tomatoes, strawberries, and cinnamon were near the top of the list). We worked with a great allergist who explained carefully the difference between food allergies and a reaction to food high in histamine. Fortunately, DD has NO food allergies, and once we understood that there were foods naturally higher in histamine, we just learned what to avoid as to not make others nervous around her. Any food high in histamine would give her a rashy face and exacerbate her natural rashy state of her body.
            I didn't know this--thanks! She's done fine with tomatoes so far and cinnamon lots of times, but always in a much smaller quantity. I mean, there was ALOT in there...really stupid mommy move. She didn't seem bothered by it at all, but the puffy rash and puffy tongue freaked me out. I was afraid it would get worse and she wouldn't be able to breathe. And I didn't have a phone available to me at the time.

            On the bright side...the benadryl knocked her out. I now understand why parents abuse that stuff. (don't worry, not getting any ideas...)
            Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


            • Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
              On the bright side...the benadryl knocked her out. I now understand why parents abuse that stuff. (don't worry, not getting any ideas...)
              It doesn't last, doesn't make my dd drowsy at all anymore (which honestly is nice because it used to throw her sleep cycle off). And - don't forget Skype/google calls in a pinch.
              Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


              • Today, DH is Q1, then Q2. Shoot me now.


                • Today, I found this profile on

                  I am a very successful doctor looking for a very meaningful relationship with someone who is confident with a honest and beautiful heart and who is wanting an incredibly meaningful relationship together.
                  Bwahahahaha! I emailed him to ask him if the "successful doctor" schtick actually works.


                  • Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                    Today, I found this profile on

                    Bwahahahaha! I emailed him to ask him if the "successful doctor" schtick actually works.
                    LOL! I can't wait to hear the reply. I especially liked that he is a VERY successful doctor.
                    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                    • Comment

                      • This was my response:

                        So, I have to ask, does the "successful doctor" statement actually work? Because anyone in the know, realizes that unless you are in something like say, derm or PM&R, being a doctor isn't all that Hollywood makes it out to be.

                        Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude (which I am sure that it did), it is just a bit of been there, done that experience. I put my ex through medical school and I currently work as a practice manager for an orthopaedic surgeon, so the crapfest of the whole medical lifestyle is not news to me.

                        But, your profile is more than a bit vague, can you tell me more about yourself?


                        • Nothing?


                          • Nada from him. But I also found a 36 y.o. who is debating between med school and PA school. I wouldn't consider a serious relationship with him, but I did advise him that PA school would be a much better option... I am such a snarky bitch tonight!


                            • Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                              Nada from him. But I also found a 36 y.o. who is debating between med school and PA school. I wouldn't consider a serious relationship with him, but I did advise him that PA school would be a much better option... I am such a snarky bitch tonight!
                              That's not snarky! That's being truthful. I'd give that same advice to a friend...especially if he is starting out at 36.
                              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                              • Today, I. . . .

                                Went to two banks (my bank and one for Medical Alliance business - did I mention that I'm treasurer? Yes, I had to go inside and wait in line)
                                Went to the UPS Store to pick up packages
                                Went to the Post Office where I stood in line with packages to mail for etsy sales
                                And, went to two different Target stores where I bought all of this:

                                About $350 worth of toys for a just under $100. Thirty-Four toys including the Thomas/Spiderman/DC Comics everything that my sons and nephews adore and I'm ambivilant about and a new summer tote bag for me (or for my SIL - I haven't decided). My kids, my nephews, my friends' kids, and my kids' classrooms are just about set for the holidays and a couple birthdays. Yay!

                                Yes, I did this with an exceedingly cranky/clingy toddler and an exceedingly hyper/disobedient toddler along with me. K1 had to carry boxes for me at the post office. The other people waiting helped keep him in line by threatening to steal his boxes if he did not stay close to them. Now, if only they'd nap!
                                Last edited by MrsK; 08-03-2012, 01:32 PM.
                                Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

