Me: Well, my DEAR husband told me that my needing-a-haircut-hair was making me look a "little Brady Bunch." Which character? I don't really give a *$^# because there is no Brady Bunch haircut I would be too happy about.
When my hair was really long, I heard I looked like Melissa Gilbert (probably the whole Nellie - Little House on the Prairie crap even though she played Laura). Later with chin length hair, flattering comparison to Neve Campbell. With short hair, apparently like a Brady Bunch brother.
DH: He got a lot of comparisons to the guy who played Clark on "Lois and Clark". I can't think of a more recent one....Sometimes his geriatrics patients have told him he looks like a teenager.
When my hair was really long, I heard I looked like Melissa Gilbert (probably the whole Nellie - Little House on the Prairie crap even though she played Laura). Later with chin length hair, flattering comparison to Neve Campbell. With short hair, apparently like a Brady Bunch brother.
DH: He got a lot of comparisons to the guy who played Clark on "Lois and Clark". I can't think of a more recent one....Sometimes his geriatrics patients have told him he looks like a teenager.