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10 things you may not know about me

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  • #31
    1- the oldest of three
    2- have always been a "country boy". grew up in NE Oklahoma on 120 acres, moved to south central Kansas at 14 where you worked in the summer with wheat or hauling hay.
    3- Meet my biological father when I was 20...not the best decision I ever made.
    4- married my high school sweetheart...the worst decision I have made (last all of 10 months).
    5- Moved to Tulsa OK because my wife didn't want to have a long distance relationship (I was living in Wichita KS).
    6- worked with the nations largest credit card collection company, as a collector (talk about jobs that suck....600 phone calls a day, talk to three people, get a new education on things I could have done to myself from 100 others).
    7- played college football- quarterback
    8- have had 7 knee surgeries related to football, basketball and track
    9- Have ridden motorcycles since I was 5, have been to Sturgis and to Padre Island. Currently don't have a bike...residency living prohibits!
    10- am married to an amazingly talented woman, and am father to a "borderline gifted" (according to our neighbor!) 3 yr old with another little boy on the way in April.


    • #32
      How fun!!!

      1. I am an engineer with my MBA, although I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up.

      2. I am a morning person. I actually get up in the morning BEFORE my husband the surgical resident!

      3. I *LOVE* dogs, we are planning to get an English Springer Spaniel soon. Would like to have 2 dogs so they can be friends, but we don't have enough space in our little house.

      4. I love to do crafts. In particular I enjoy cross-stitching and making jewelry.

      5. I am first-generation Korean-American, my husband is "white". Caused some problems with my parents in the beginning, but they love him now.

      6. I grew up in Michigan and love the midwest. I would be happy to live here forever!

      7. My lifelong goal is to visit every continent (so that when I'm on "Jeopardy" some day, that will be my "thing" I talk with Alex about ). I just have Africa and Antarctica left to go, but I have a feeling they will be the hardest to do! (My husband, whose international travel experience is limited to driving over the bridge to Canada, is a bit reluctant.)

      8. I am a neat freak, probably bordering on OC. I get nervous when I think about how messy dogs and children can be!

      9. My parents are my heroes and role models for coming to a foreign country where they didn't speak the language, understand the culture, or know anyone in order to give their children a better life.

      10. My favorite color is blue, my favorite food is cereal, my favorite band is U2 (my husband has accepted that I am leaving him for Bono one day ...), and my favorite movie is "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #33
        1- I speak French: I actually have a double BS in Biology and a BA in French. I thought I wanted to go to medical school, but that all changed once I met Matt.

        2- My parents didn't come to my wedding. But everything is better with them now, especially now that my mother sees that Matt is a good match for me. We have been married for 4 1/2 years. We patched things up about 2 months after I got married.

        3- I have the smartest and cutest little girl in the world- ok I am biased. Emma can say 5 or 6 words, can walk, follow instructions- even her pediatrician was amazed.

        4- I am married to my best friend, inspiration and love of my life.

        5- I am LDS, but I didn't serve a mission, because Matt asked me to marry him instead.

        6- I am sensitive about other's feelings and hate to see other people suffer or experience pain. (I cried when Emma got 3 shots at her 1 yr appt.)

        7- I'm a bit of a neat-freak and perfectionist, but since having Emma- my expectations of myself have dropped, and I am sure they will go down another notch once the our second baby makes his/her appearance soon.

        8- I am the first woman to have graduated college out of my family and Matt's mother and sisters.

        9- I was a competitive gymnast in my younger days (for 12 years), and if I hadn't gotten injured I would have competed collegiately. A wrist deformity forced me to retire. I also danced ballet for 15 years. Some days I miss it, others I don't.

        10- I am a retired USMC (Marine Corps) Officer's Brat Growing up I attended 7 different elementary and middle schools, and never lived in the same place for more than 3 years, with the exception of my dad's last duty station- it was 5 years, and then he retired to Colorado where I lived there for 11 years before moving to Seattle.

        That was fun!
        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #34
          1.) I married my high school sweetheart.

          2.) I am Catholic and have been to only catholic schools my whole life but I havent been to church in about a year. (Try going with two young kids!)

          3.) Both of my parents are from Cuba.

          4.) I am fluent and can speak and write spanish.

          5.) I found my first gray hair when I was 26.

          6.) My children are 18 months apart

          7.) I'm a die hard republican and news junkie.

          8.) I love anything chocolate.

          9.) I have one brother and one sister.

          10.) Dream of having my very own green convertible volkswagon bug someday when we have money


          • #35
            Oh JMOM....I too am sadly a reality tv junkie


            • #36
              Here goes my 10:

              1. I love making lists!

              2. We have a rat terrier/mutt who we adopted 2 years ago from the Humane Society. She was found after she had been thrown out of a truck. We also have 2 cats.

              3. My father died in a boating accident when I was 14(I'm 34 now)

              4. I used to play bass and sing in bands. I haven't really
              played much in years since I moved from Athens, GA

              5. I love renting movies, playing word games and taking baths(but not at the same time)

              6. I listen to talk radio and eat in my car on my lunch break

              7. I love music, all kinds - but hate most of the newer music out currently

              8. I really need to quit smoking. I quit last year for 3 months around this time of year, and started back

              9. I would like to try stand-up comedy one day

              10) I have a BA in English and a degree in Graphic Design


              • #37
                1) I had a blonde cocker spaniel named Tippy and a tortoise named Toby as a child

                2) I play the violin (started at the age of 10)

                3) Although my parents managed to afford braces for me as a teen I very stupidly never wore my retainer (yup, they got a bit crooked).

                4) I was on my high school's drill team, debate team, academic decathlon team, and drama (one-act play lead).

                5) My favorite courses in college were (in no particular order): Federalism, American Foreign Policy, and Organic Chemistry I and II

                6) I was stung by an entire nest of yellow jackets as a child. I managed to sit on top of a mound of fire ants as a baby (and lived!).

                7) My hair is so curly and dry that I didn't know what to do with it until I met my African-American roommate in college. She taught me how to take care of it (Thank you, Chaquita!)

                8) I wore my mother's wedding dress for my own wedding.

                9) I drink about four gallons of skim milk a week (that's by myself - no help)!

                10) My right hip is twisted (congenital) and I have a very odd gate when running as well as a touch of arthritis consequently.
                Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                With fingernails that shine like justice
                And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

