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10 things you may not know about me

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  • #16
    Should be easy, since you know so little about me:

    1. I grew up in a small town in Illinois, and moved to New York City 4 years ago. I'm kind of a cultural hybrid of the two places at this point.
    2. At 5-foot-10-inches, I was always the tallest girl in my class but am easily the shortest person in my family.
    3. I volunteer, and it's about the closest thing I have to a hobby.
    4. I met my boyfriend on a blind date a year and a half ago. I only went on a few, but I always liked blind dates and never understood why they got such a bad rap.
    5. I don't get lonely easily at all. It's always been kind of a blessing and a curse.
    6. I was an English major in college, and have often joked that a literary person (me) and a science person (my bf) being together is akin to some kind of inter-faith relationship--we often see the world in very different ways, which is usually fascinating and occasionally frustrating.
    7. I adore my niece and nephew and wish I had more.
    8. I used to weigh 60 lbs. more than I do right now, and even though I have been at my current size for a few years, I sometimes still forget that I'm no longer that size. It's weird.
    9. I work in book publishing as a production editor.
    10. Objectively, I know that our apartment is your typical dark and shabby NYC apartment, but since we have all our belongings in there and it's where my boyfriend and I live our lives, I still like the place, despite all its faults.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #17
      1. I'm first generation Korean American.
      2. My immediate family is the only family I have in the United States. My father is an anesthesiologist. My mother is a homemaker. My sister is finishing her dissertation for her PhD in clinical psychology while working at a children's hospital. My brother is preparing to go back to school next year.
      3. I went to the University of Pennsylvania and majored in English with a double minor in Women's Studies and Folklore.
      4. I quit smoking. It's been 1 month, 1 week and 1 day of freedom.
      5. I have two tattoos. One around my ankle and one on my lower back.
      6. I was born and raised in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio.
      7. I have OCD tendencies, i.e., I'm a neat and clean freak and I still sometimes count steps (the tendencies have lessened as I've gotten older) amongst other things.
      8. If allowed, I can sleep for 14+ hours at a time.
      9. The most compliments I get is about my hair.
      10. This list took me way too long to write...mostly because I over think everything way too much!


      • #18
        Ten Things About Me......

        What a great idea! I thought it was very interesting to read everyone's responses.

        1.) I am 5'5, have green eyes, and can't remember exactly what my natural hair color used to be. (my mom tried to warn me that it is never the same after you dye it )

        2.) I have one tattoo (a chain of flowers w/ some vines on my lower stomach), a belly button piercing, and have had my tongue pierced twice!! 8O (though I took the tongue piercing out)

        3.) I take an hour to straighten my natural curly hair almost every day.

        4.) My fiancee refuses to eat my cooking.

        5.) I grew up very poor.....had a single mother who worked three jobs to support my brother and sister and I.

        6.) My maternal grandmother is less than four feet tall. She was born with spina bifida myelomeningocele. I have spina bifida occulta.

        7.) I bite my nails.

        8.) I just turned 24 yesterday!

        9.) I recently lost four pant sizes!

        10.) I LOVE to talk! In fact, it is rare for me to be quiet, .



        • #19
          Happy birthday
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #20
            1. I grew up as a Lutheran, with a university theologian for a dad (he always fell asleep in church reading his bible in ancient Greek), two clergy grandfathers, and numerous clergy cousins. All Lutheran. Yawn. I am now not anything religious, although my father insists I'm a Humanist. I am also a leftish liberal.

            2. Both my dad and my brother have head injuries. And my wannabe opera singer sister (in Boston) is a head injury counseller (she's good at it).

            3. I spent one summer as a sous chef at a mountain lodge near Lake Louise, Canada. Great fun!

            4. I have my undergrad in English Literature, my master's in Rhetorical Theory and Professional Writing. I hate it when that makes people think they need to spell check their emails... I don't!

            5. I love dragonflies.

            6. I love red wine.

            7. I love my twins more than anything.

            8. My dh and I met on a blind date.

            9. We just bought a log house with dog poodle poop in it.

            10. I live in Canada!!!


            • #21
              1. I was born in Colorado but we moved all over the country while I was growing up - oil field brat. I finally made it back to Colorado for college but moved to Texas when I married.

              2. I attended all girl Catholic schools from pre-K through 12th grade.

              3. I converted from being a Catholic to being a Muslim as a sophomore in college. No my parents didn't have a fit and yes I wear a scarf and all.

              4. I have a BS in Petroleum Engineering with a minor in International Studies, a MS in MIS, and currently back in school for a MS in Nursing ... want to be a midwife .

              5. I am American and my DH is Indian ... so our kids will be American Indian ... hahaha .. okay, lame joke.

              6. I knew DH 3 months (via a long distance, pseudo-arranged relationship) before we married; that was a little over 3 years ago

              7. I barely could cook eggs when I married (though I owned bunches of cook books) and now get rave reviews for my authentic Indian cuisine. My old fashioned mac and cheese and meatloaf have come a long way too and I am finally getting the hang of Thanksgiving food preparation after 3 years .

              8. Until 2 months ago I had hair down past my waist but cut it because I didn't have the time to take care of properly anymore.

              9. I am Euro car junkie ... faithfully read Car and Driver, EuroWeek, etc.

              10. I actually enjoy organizing my house and cleaning (well, not cleaning the toilets or the kitchen floor, but anything else) and I married the cookie monster except he loves paper .


              • #22
                1. I was born and raised in Manhattan and grew up in a two bedroom apartment with my parents.

                2. I went to the same elementary and high school for 14 years and many of my best friends I've known since I was four.

                3. I'm 28, 5'2" with brown hair and hazel eyes. I was raised Jewish.

                4. I was an art history major in college and studied for four months in Florence, Italy, during which time I traveled to nine different European countries and visited lots of museums.

                5. It was during my study abroad that my parents decided to get divorced. About five years later my dad died.

                6. I didn't met my husband until the final two weeks of college in upstate New York that we both attended for four years.

                7. We were long distance for two years (I was in NYC and he was in Chicago for med school) before I moved to Chicago, where he proposed at sunrise during a blizzard on Lake Michigan.

                8. I went back to school in Chicago and got my master's in journalism. I am now an online editor at an international news agency.

                9. I am fourth generation journalist, preceded by my father, his father and his grandfather.

                10. I can't wait to start our family and move to a house in New England when my husband is further on in his career!


                • #23
                  1. I was born in Connecticut, but now live in Ohio.

                  2. I'm a male (since we're in the minority here, it needed to be said), 5' 11", 280 pounds, size 13 ring, size 12 shoe, 56 inch chest, 42 inch waist.

                  3. I hate to watch sports.

                  4. I lifted weights, played football, threw the shot, did some boxing, and studied karate...then my kids arrived and took my free time away.

                  5. My heaviest bench press was 405lbs.

                  6. My degree is in Computer Science.

                  7. I am a CEO that wears sneakers to board meetings. My VPs, lawyers, and accountants all wear suits, but I'm the boss and I'll dress however I like.

                  8. I have long light-brown hair. I worked hard to escape from the corporate world and my hair is a symbol of my rebellion.

                  9. I don't believe in any mythology, superstition, or supernatural power, but, if your beliefs makes you an honest and pleasant person, I have no problem with you.

                  10. I met my Doctor-Wife in a comic book shoppe!


                  • #24
                    1. I have lived in 7 states (by the age of 21) and don't know exactly what to put when asked where I grew up. (IA, IL, PA, TX, ID, UT, AZ)

                    2. I have one older brother and 3 younger sisters

                    3. I am married to my best friend!

                    4. My dream was to marry a "romantic" and that dream came true.

                    5. When we were married I had NO idea "we" would someday go to Medical school.

                    6. I love being a SAHM but somedays I truly think this is the hardest job in the world.

                    7. I have a big obsession and collection of scented jar candles.

                    8. I also have an obsession with reality shows. Anyone else?

                    9. I used to be a clean freak but since having a family I have let that slide (unfortunately)

                    10. This list took me way too long to write.


                    • #25
                      Top 10

                      1. I have lived in PA my entire life (how sad for me!).

                      2. I would really like to live in Paris.

                      3. My BF and I met while attending Penn State.

                      4. I have 2 tatoos and I used to have my tongue pierced (silly college bodily mutilations)

                      5. My favorite food is cheese pizza. I could eat it every day for every meal!

                      6. I think that the sexiest thing in the world is my BF in his scrubs.

                      7. I am a Friends junkie! I can watched the same episode over and over again!

                      8. I love to cook, but hate to clean up afterwards.

                      9. I'm a hopeless romantic. Luckily my BF is too!

                      10. I'm really glad that I found this site!


                      • #26
                        1. I love tea! I am a self proclaimed "tea snob"
                        2. When I was younger I used to mime.
                        3. I was a theatre major.
                        4. I can twist my arm 360 degrees around (I know, it's really gross!!)
                        5. I love the Monkees
                        6. I can't resist Ben and Jerry's ice cream
                        7. I love snow!
                        8. I work as an admissions counselor at a women's college
                        9. I grew up in NJ, school in PA, but now live in NY
                        10. I really want a pet (any suggestions??)


                        • #27
                          Sarah, what kind of pet are you looking for? Where do you live? Easy, apartment friendly, no fuss pets are rats. There are dumbo rats that are just adorable!

                          If you can't stomach their tails, cats are pretty easy. And dogs are always fun. Iguanas are cool too. I'm not much of a hamster/ gerbil person, but they make good do rabbits. I'm not a fan of sugar gliders or chinchillas as pets as I think they aren't really domesticated enough, but some people have great success with them.

                          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                          • #28
                            Top Ten

                            Hi Everybody--I've really enjoyed reading your Top 10--Here are mine...

                            1. Originally from Wichita, KS, most recently Chicago, spent some time in St Louis.

                            2. I have a BA in Poli Sci (before I got the BSN)

                            3. I'm a nurse in a Cardiac Surgery ICU

                            4. My parents divorced after 30 years of marriage (it was a long time coming!)

                            5. My dermatologist says I am her "moliest" patient. Haha--I stay out of the sun for good reasons! 8)

                            6. People sometimes say I look like Neve Campbell (I want to kiss them when they say this!)

                            7. I love red

                            8. I love a good cold beer; my husband turned me on to Black and Tans

                            9. I wear my heart on my sleeve most of the time

                            10. I LOVE U2!!!!!!!!!!


                            • #29
                              1. I'm left-handed.

                              2. I'm a freelance writer, and used to write for a TV series back in the early 90's.

                              3. I was born in Ohio, lived in Denver for 21 years, Kansas City for 8, LA for a year, Milwaukee for 3.

                              4. I love museum-shop jewelry, tea, lemon meringue pie, bookstores...

                              5. I've known my husband for more than 20 years--we met when we both won a writing contest, I was in 6th grade, he was in 5th. We were married on June 9th, 2002.

                              6. I was raised Catholic/Lutheran and converted to Judaism as an adult.

                              7. Green is my favorite color, red is my favorite color to wear.

                              8. I'm claustrophobic in crowds, but otherwise pretty fearless.

                              9. I teach English as a Second Language with a local literacy program as a volunteer.

                              10. I have two pet cockatiels, Richard and Dede.


                              • #30
                                I suppose since I spilled the beans on Jay in another thread, I should do likewise for myself. So here goes:

                                (1) I have lived all my life in California - and LOVE it!!!

                                (2) I attended Catholic school from first grade through high school.

                                (3) I went to an all-girls' boarding school for high school.

                                (4) I went to UCLA for my undergrad & USC for my MBA

                                (5) I am a HUGE sports fan, esp. college sports!

                                (6) I am a sucker for "chick flicks." My favorite movies are "My Best Friend's Wedding," "Pretty Woman," "Hope Floats," "Bridget Jones's Diary"

                                (7) I love all sorts of music and have hundreds of CDs.

                                (8.) I am a history buff, esp. on the American Civil War

                                (9) I am an avid reader. I especially love to read biographies, Jane Austen, mystery books, true crime novels, and classical literature.

                                (10) I love to shop for anything & everything. I have a huge weakness for shoes (about 60 pairs post 'Spring-cleaning')

