I too was totally isolated from the "real world" and went to private small Christian schools until high school. I was SOO overwhelmed when I entered as a freshman. I heard things coming from peoples mouths I had never heard before, and it took me a good year to figure out what 1/2 of it meant. I was banned from non-Christian music until 17, and pretty much kept under lock and key. BUT, I now see my dad was trying his darndest to keep me from the overwhelming influence of society, and did his best. I personally don't want to do many of these things to my kid (oh except the keeping under lock and key
) . The truth is I knew stronger Christians in the public school than in the private, because 1.) they knew what they believed 2.) they had to fight for what they believed 3.) they learned that people who don't believe what they do are still great people to be friends with For me, I will maintain control, but with conversation too, a very hard line, and I'm sure I'll regret some of my actions when it's all said and done for. But things like music, if DS wants to listen to something, I want to read the lyrics together with him, and if they are objectionable, ask him what he thinks of them. Most kids have no clue what is being said, just like the sound. I want to educate my kids to be thinkers, not doers without mental backing. I have family who homeschools, and I respect them a LOT (boy is that hard work to be mom and teacher!!!) but I do think they are going to hit a wall someday when their oldest daughter hits 17 or 18 and is ready for college, but maybe not - maybe she will be better off who knows. That's the thing, as my dad did the best for me, I too will do the best I can for my kids, as will all the moms on here I'm sure
and that = going overboard on something at some point.
Talking about sex ed, I'm very against my kids going to this class unless I see ALL curriculum that is being used. I was taught the rhythm method in high school, and knew lots of girls who made sure they didn't do the deed on the 15th day of their cycle. That probably had something to do with the 9 girls pregnant in my small highschool in just my sophmore year (that I knew of). Now that I've actually had kids, did the whole charting/basal thing to get pg, I am way way
, and freaked out that I was taught this only 10 years ago!
Anyway society is to blame no matter where you go, you just have to tackle your own society and family, can't do nothing about what is going on overseas. BTW has anyone seen a Japenese newspaper? My friend's mom came back from a trip over there 5 years ago (she had foriegn students live with her from Japan each summer ), and I thought Japenese = more conservative lifestyle (as the gals I met at her house seemed so conservative) Holy cow there where breasts and all kinds of shocking pictures in their magazine, I was extremely surprised!

Talking about sex ed, I'm very against my kids going to this class unless I see ALL curriculum that is being used. I was taught the rhythm method in high school, and knew lots of girls who made sure they didn't do the deed on the 15th day of their cycle. That probably had something to do with the 9 girls pregnant in my small highschool in just my sophmore year (that I knew of). Now that I've actually had kids, did the whole charting/basal thing to get pg, I am way way

Anyway society is to blame no matter where you go, you just have to tackle your own society and family, can't do nothing about what is going on overseas. BTW has anyone seen a Japenese newspaper? My friend's mom came back from a trip over there 5 years ago (she had foriegn students live with her from Japan each summer ), and I thought Japenese = more conservative lifestyle (as the gals I met at her house seemed so conservative) Holy cow there where breasts and all kinds of shocking pictures in their magazine, I was extremely surprised!