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Sarah Palin?

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  • #76
    Re: Sarah Palin?

    Originally posted by Pollyanna
    We know plenty of men that go back to work in less than three days. If her husband was with the baby why is it questionable that she went back? Being governor is not exactly a 9 to 5 job.
    Yes, but men have not just given birth. Kind of a hugely physical thing ... Like I said, I don't think she's a hideous being b/c of it, I just have trouble comprehending it. Add to the idea the stresses (and medical concerns) of him being a special needs baby, I'd honestly question a dad who stepped back into their work-life that quickly, too.

    I'm sure you're right though, Kris. If she'd taken weeks to recouperate, that would have been seen as weakness, and justification for some that women aren't capable of performing at the same level as a man.

    Only she and her husband should make the decision when for her to go back to work. We shouldn't be concerned. If she was a guy it would be a non-issue. Hopefully the party of change and understanding won't try to judge a career woman.
    It's just that men DON'T give birth - so it's not something that can really be "hey - if a man does it" kind of comparison.

    And clearly, I'm not speaking for an entire party. I'm sharing my personal opinion.


    • #77
      Re: Sarah Palin?

      Wanted to mention that yes Louisiana politics is completely F'd up.

      Also wanted to say that I was a bit taken back by returning to work 3 days post-partum too. Even if the child was perfectly normal, I don't know that I'd be able to do it. But with Daegan I was an emotional wreck for a LONG time. But too, did they say *what* she did back at work? Or was it that she answered phone calls and paperwork while propped up on the couch holding her newborn and "worked?" Eventhough it's an emotional rollercoaster, it's maybe kinda nice to have *something* to ground you while you are going through it.

      OK I know I shouldn't be in the "debate" zone, so I'll leave now.
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #78
        Re: Sarah Palin?

        I haven't completely wrapped my mind around the whole VP choive to make a rational statement. Once I heard her speak, I was impressed. However, as far as her going back to work after 3 days, IMHO, I can't say I can fault her unless I was in her shoes. Do we really know that it wasn't just for a meeting or to make some phone calls. Did she take the baby with her? Was it completely full-time 8 to 5 M-F? Dara Torres swam in her first meet 3 weeks post-partum then went on to make the Olympic team. I am not trying to compare the two, but people do odd things. Can having 5 children make it that much easier to return to work? There are so many circumstances we many not know about fueling her ability to return. Not to say that I would have done it, but to each his own. It does pain me to hear, others, especially woman and mothers criticize her for being a working mother and that she can't do her job. My first reaction to the choice of Palin was that McCain shot himself in the foot. Whether or not, I believe in candidates, I am not sure the American public would. I did like what I saw of her speech. I need to learn more about her.


        • #79
          Re: Sarah Palin?

          Originally posted by Ladybug
          I *heart* her. It would be very exciting.
          Me too!!!! DH turned me onto her a while back. I was thrilled when I heard the news!


          • #80
            Re: Sarah Palin?

            I kind of like her too. If Condi Rice or Kay Bailey Hutchinson had been the choices I wouldn't even be taking a second look...
            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #81
              Re: Sarah Palin?

              Originally posted by PrincessFiona
              I kind of like her too. If Condi Rice or Kay Bailey Hutchinson had been the choices I wouldn't even be taking a second look...
              If KBH had gotten it, I think even I would have called it quits and consider staying home on voting day.


              • #82
                Re: Sarah Palin?

                On the kids names (from her husband):

                Where do your children's names come from?
                TODD: Sarah's parents were coaches and the whole family was involved in track and I was an athlete in high school, so with our first-born, I was, like, 'Track!' Bristol is named after Bristol Bay. That's where I grew up, that's where we commercial fish. Willow is a community there in Alaska. And then Piper, you know, there's just not too many Pipers out there and it's a cool name. And Trig is a Norse name for "strength."
                John McCain on Palin's limited resume vs. Obama's

                Given her young age and relatively short resume, why is she any more ready to be president than Sen. Barack Obama?
                JOHN: I don't think it's a short resume. She first ran for office back in 1992. I don't know what Senator Obama was doing then, but the first time she ran was 1992. That's 16 years. I think that's a pretty, pretty event-filled and record-filled resume.
                SARAH: Gov. Palin: And I haven't had too many years other than that to fill up yet.
                JOHN: There you go.
                And, I'll just agree with everyone on the insipid media coverage. Why on earth they should mention her shoes and/or pedicure is beyond me. Whether or not she's a good choice is not my decision, but she's running for the 2nd highest office in all the land, and to make it into a fashion commentary is just wrong.

                Sarah Palin, in ruby red peep-toe platform heels that showed off a pink French-style pedicure, first ducked into a holding room to change the diaper of her just-up-from-a-nap 4 1/2-month-old son, Trig.
                Oh - and she is breast-feeding, she made reference to sneaking off to use the breast pump.


                • #83
                  Re: Sarah Palin?

                  Oh - and she is breast-feeding, she made reference to sneaking off to use the breast pump.

                  phew! glad we can put that to rest.
                  ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                  • #84
                    Re: Sarah Palin?

                    Originally posted by rainbabies
                    Oh - and she is breast-feeding, she made reference to sneaking off to use the breast pump.

                    phew! glad we can put that to rest.
                    Ah, and we clearly know that makes her a superior mother vs those hideous formula mommies. Thank God she didn't cross over to the dark side with her Enfamil free hospital goodie bag


                    • #85
                      Re: Sarah Palin?

                      Originally posted by Phoebe
                      I haven't completely wrapped my mind around the whole VP choive to make a rational statement. Once I heard her speak, I was impressed. However, as far as her going back to work after 3 days, IMHO, I can't say I can fault her unless I was in her shoes. Do we really know that it wasn't just for a meeting or to make some phone calls. Did she take the baby with her? Was it completely full-time 8 to 5 M-F? Dara Torres swam in her first meet 3 weeks post-partum then went on to make the Olympic team. I am not trying to compare the two, but people do odd things. Can having 5 children make it that much easier to return to work? There are so many circumstances we many not know about fueling her ability to return. Not to say that I would have done it, but to each his own. It does pain me to hear, others, especially woman and mothers criticize her for being a working mother and that she can't do her job. My first reaction to the choice of Palin was that McCain shot himself in the foot. Whether or not, I believe in candidates, I am not sure the American public would. I did like what I saw of her speech. I need to learn more about her.

                      ITA, I, too, am saddened by the criticism she is receiving for being a working mother. Who are we to judge? How often as medical spouses do our own parenting and other choices, or outward appearances get judged? I know we all discuss being "dawkter spouses" and the perception that comes with it. The same can be applied to being a working mother. I am not in her shoes, and I am sure she and her husband decided what was best for them and their family, as what should be with most things in life. I wish as women that we would applaud each other's successes and lift each other during our failures, instead of berate and tear down, or back bite "Well I could never do that." to "what the hell is she thinking do such a thing?" I say "good for you Sarah Palin! You go girl!" Republican, Democrat, black or white, it is amazing and incredible that a woman has been named as a vice-presidential nominee. This has only happened only one other time in history- Geraldine Ferraro when she ran with Walter Mondale against Ronald Reagan and George Bush 42nd.
                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #86
                        Re: Sarah Palin?

                        From the limited bit I read about the return to work and mothering angle, she only went back for a meeting and she planned to bring the baby in to work - as she had with her previous children. (Not that it is anyone's business.... ) I think it is interesting that the whole "returned to work in three days" thing was mentioned. Is that supposed to show how "tough" she is? Or how heartless? :huh: I don't think it would be mentioned at all if it was a male candidate that had just welcomed a new family member. When did he return to work? Who cares?

                        I also read that she was giving a speech in TX when she went in to labor early - and that she flew back after she completed her day. Between that story, the basketball, NRA, fisherwoman, beauty queen, Miss Congeniality, flute player, pictured in Vogue magazine, mother of five, and the highly successful career woman thing..... I'm feeling like the Superwoman ideology is alive and well. As a woman, you have to do it all to be impressive. If you aren't spectacular in every segment of life, you aren't worthy. :soapbox:

                        At least Obama can't bowl and Biden can't shut up. I love them for that.
                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • #87
                          Re: Sarah Palin?

                          I was going to post exactly what Angie did after surfing the web


                          Apparently, she also planned on taking off to get the baby to all necessary doctor's appointments.
                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • #88
                            Re: Sarah Palin?

                            Originally posted by Sheherezade
                            I think it is interesting that the whole "returned to work in three days" thing was mentioned. Is that supposed to show how "tough" she is? Or how heartless? :huh: I don't think it would be mentioned at all if it was a male candidate that had just welcomed a new family member. When did he return to work? Who cares?
                            Huh - returning for a meeting is not exactly returning "to work", as in "full time". It shouldn't matter, I guess. You're right that it's interesting that they mentioned it at all.

                            Her going into labor story makes me feel like a big ol' wimp.


                            • #89
                              Re: Sarah Palin?

                              Did you scroll down and read some of the lovely comments left by readers? Oy.

                              For me (for me!!!), it would be hard to go back to work after three days. I was in a daze for a month after the first but by that definition, also "went back to work" sooner than I had defined it.


                              • #90
                                Re: Sarah Palin?

                                Wow - it took me quite a while to catch up on this thread - you have all been busy on here!
                                I'm glad for the clarification about when she returned to work. I, apparently, returned to work before being discharged from the hospital. (I went to a meeting while still in the hospital for about 45 minutes to wrap up a conference I had coordinate the week before). I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever run for public office. I really hope the media can get a little past all of the superficial issues surrounding her being a women, such as her fashion choices, haircuts, etc. It seems they never did with Hillary, but as the primary campaign went on, that type of commentary did tend to dwindle IMO. I fear that the average American really does think these things are the most important.
                                Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!

