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Sarah Palin?

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  • Re: Sarah Palin?

    I think she seems very cool, and I'm glad we are beginning to move ever so slightly in this direction as a nation. I fundamentally disagree with nearly all of her positions, however.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • Re: Sarah Palin?

      Can they do that? Once she and McCain accept the nominations this week can they do that? I guess it is McCain's prerogative to select whomever he likes but isn't that why they do it before the convention. Interesting thought.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • Re: Sarah Palin?

        I'm only indulging this because I just love a good conspiracy theory. I don't think it is likely, but I'm thrilled that you gave me this line of thinking Lily!

        I can absolutely see a legit reason for her to back out of the campaign. She has a disabled little baby. How do we know what the future months will bring? If something were to turn up with Trig that she knew would require more of her time and care, I could see an announcement that she needed to back down and devote more time/energy to him -- given the latest news. After all, family first. Then, in sweeps Mitt Romney to fill the post after months without any attacks on him. He's a stellar candidate with serious business cred. Domestic issues, check. Experience, check. Election, checkmate. I like it. It is Rove-esque.

        Of course, I'd be crushed - and I'd hope it wouldn't swing the vote away from my guy. Great theory. Outlandish, but I will give you full credit if it comes to pass.
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • Re: Sarah Palin?

          I am appalled at the number of alleged liberals (not here, this is not an observation on anyone here!!) on the blogs who are suggesting that she must step down to be a good mom to a disabled baby. WTF??? Wouldn't a more correct response be, not to call for her to step down (and "step into" a more traditional female role--primary caregiver), but to call for her husband to step up and take on that role?

          It's the height of hypocrisy. So much for sharing responsibility. So much for partnership. Liberal feminism is the ideal only when traditionalism can't be used as a weapon. When it comes right down to it, women are still judged and attacked on the same things as they always were--are you a good enough "woman" as "woman" has always been defined to mean, with all the roles and priorities associated therewith.

          No wonder so many of us WOTH moms want to crawl into a hole at social functions where the SAHM nazis (not ALL SAHMs!!) talk about "how right" their decision is and how "it is so great to be able to make this sacrifice." Then they turn to us and say things like how much they "admire" our decision to work and how they just can't imagine juggling it all. As if someone who thinks that they are making a personal, selfless sacrifice really admires another person who is NOT making this exact same sacrifice. Clearly, the implication is one laden with morality. Commenting on our juggling acumen and energy level does not equate to the same moral footing. So, as a WOTH mom, you never know who is being sincere and appreciates that different women can make different choices with necessarily one being morally superior, and who harbors the same feelings that underlie the argument that Palin should step down to be a good mom. And, if you don't genuinely "have to" work (me, for example--we could squeak by on DH's salary, I suppose), then the moral suggestions are even more stark. What are you supposed to say,? "I realize that you believe that your choice is the clearly morally superior one, based on all traditional understandings of the role of a mother, but I happen to think that me working is best for our family and for me personally?" Believe me, that will be a party stopper. I've been there and I've said things like this when really pushed. You don't get invited to the ladies' book club after that (which, invariably, is always held at 10:00 AM on a Tuesday, anyway...).

          There will always be this quietly pulsing undercurrent in society that says WOTH moms are somehow lesser mothers...and now people are exploiting that to malign Palin. And the knee-jerk stuff from some Dem-supporters won't be the end of it (although it may be the surprising beginning). I am confident that the Eagle Forum, etc. have all the same sentiments.

          I think the argument that her situation is unique because her child has Down is a bunch of crap--even if he didn't have Down Syndrome, they'd probably STILL be arguing that, with so many kids at home and so many needs to meet, she shouldn't be "stretching herself too thin." It's not about the kid's needs--it's about HER.

          And, I'd note that NO ONE is complaining that Obama's working mom did a bad job or that Biden, who was a single dad for a good period after his first wife was tragically killed, should have stepped down from the Senate to care for his children. Clearly, Obama turned out very well and, by all accounts, Biden's children thrived and are successful, well-adjusted adults--and these kids would have had their own set of serious challenges given to them by the circumstances of life.


          • Re: Sarah Palin?

            OK, I recognize that I sound especially crabby. It's just politics--people hit below the belt and often in a hypocritical way.

            I am just in a bad mood. I have a huge, awful order to draft for my judge, and it is a "holiday"--which only means that I am expected to get time-sensitive work done, but with the added benefit of no childcare. And I can't even go up to Chambers to work (which DS LOVES to do) because the federal courthouse shuts down the A/C on the weekends/holidays. So poor DS and I are trapped here at the apartment, inside on a glorious day. He's being awsome and playing by himself, but I am just so bummed that we aren't out at the park. I am mad at the idiot attorneys that tried this case did such a bad job on the trial briefing and wrecked my weekend.

            And, probably most significantly, I had been having pre-labor cramping for HOURS. Ouch, ouch,ouch--and yet, no baby! :banghead: So I am uncomfortable and unrewarded. But thanks for tolerating this total THREAD HIJACK and listening!!


            • Re: Sarah Palin?

              I don't think it is too crabby. I've had some similar experiences. I have gotten criticism from all three angles: for working (not willing to make that sacrifice ), for working part-time (not taking my career seriously), and being a SAH parent (from the working parents). Criticism of parenting and working choices is not reserved just for the working parents. Like Kelly says, people suck.


              • Re: Sarah Palin?

                Originally posted by cupcake
                I don't think it is too crabby. I've had some similar experiences. I have gotten criticism from all three angles: for working (not willing to make that sacrifice ), for working part-time (not taking my career seriously), and being a SAH parent (from the working parents). Criticism of parenting and working choices is not reserved just for the working parents. Like Kelly says, people suck.
                That's why I like this site.


                • Re: Sarah Palin?

         did realize that my conspiracy theory was just fictional, right? I'm sorry if I set you off. I was just writing the script for the Palin "exit" that Lily foretold in Act One of this little made up drama. Now that her daughter is pregnant, I could write a different one. :huh:

                  I've found the same as Nellie. People will give you a hard time no matter what you choose. I've recently (and maybe temporarily) found peace on this issue because I've come to believe that most women are talking to justify their own choice to themselves. They really could give a rat's ass what you've chosen. That's your business. :huh: I know for me, if I go on about how SAH parenting works best for us, I am in no way concerned with judging another woman's choice. Work, don't work. You know your family. For me, my argument is being made TO MYSELF so that I can justify shelving my career temporarily.

                  I'm sorry you've run in to bitchy SAHM types. I feel like I run in to bitchy working mom types all the time that ask me if I really think I'll be able to re-enter the work force at a later date or if I feel bad sacrificing the Ivy league education. :huh: I've had to let it go or it ends up being an argument. I think it is my issue - not theirs. They are just talking. I'm sensitive because I know I've given things up. I need to express the upside of my decision to counter the downside.

                  I'm not sure people do suck - but we sure are unaware of how easily we can hurt each other with careless words. Parenthood decisions are some of the hardest and no matter what, you lose win. :huh: Anyhoo.....just wanted to clear that up before we headed off unintentionally on the SAHM vs. WOTH drama. That's always fun posting.
                  Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                  Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                  "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                  • Re: Sarah Palin?

                    Originally posted by Sheherezade

                    I'm not sure people do suck - but we sure are unaware of how easily we can hurt each other with careless words. Parenthood decisions are some of the hardest and no matter what, you lose win. :huh: Anyhoo.....just wanted to clear that up before we headed off unintentionally on the SAHM vs. WOTH drama. That's always fun posting.
                    True. I just got a couple doses of this (from the working mom side) this weekend and was grumbling that people suck. I think you are right, Angie, that it is more about one's own choices and making peace with that -- and that is true for me too.


                    • Re: Sarah Palin?

                      Originally posted by Sheherezade
                      I've come to believe that most women are talking to justify their own choice to themselves.
                      I'll just give a big old AMEN to that statement.


                      • Re: Sarah Palin?

                        Originally posted by Sheherezade
               did realize that my conspiracy theory was just fictional, right?
                        Oh, totally. I flipped not over anything you wrote, but the stuff that I have read on the blogs. It's all a byproduct of the combination of me being high on hormones and not being a crier (so I'm a verbal spewer, apparently), and the fact that I'm super-peeved at liberals who are trying to hang up Palin on account of her being a working mom.


                        • Re: Sarah Palin?

                          Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                          I'm super-peeved at liberals who are trying to hang up Palin on account of her being a working mom.
                          You can find people on both ends of the policital spectrum who would try to tie this to Palin's status as a working mom. I think the arguement is nuts - but it's not just something you hear from liberals.

                          As far as the Obama camp official statement:

                          Linda Douglass, an Obama spokeswoman, earlier said: "Our thoughts are with the Palin family and we urge people to respect their privacy."

                          Speaking with reporters in Monroe, Mich., today, Barack Obama said candidates' families should be "off limits."


                          • Re: Sarah Palin?

                            Originally posted by Jane
                            Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                            I'm super-peeved at liberals who are trying to hang up Palin on account of her being a working mom.
                            You can find people on both ends of the policital spectrum who would try to tie this to Palin's status as a working mom. I think the arguement is nuts - but it's not just something you hear from liberals.
                            True. But I can sort of expect it from a certain group of conservatives. I just blow them off. They aren't being hypocritical; they're just being idiots. It's the hypocrisy of the liberals spouting it that irks me so much.


                            • Re: Sarah Palin?

                              Originally posted by Ladybug
                              I have no doubt that Obama would defend the Palin family's respect. Obviously I disagree with his policies, but I don't think he's a petty person that would attack a 17 year old girl, accuse a mother of faking a pregnancy or endorse anyone in his party doing so.
                              His response seemed very classy.


                              • Re: Sarah Palin?

                                Originally posted by Ladybug
                                I have no doubt that Obama would defend the Palin family's respect. Obviously I disagree with his policies, but I don't think he's a petty person that would attack a 17 year old girl, accuse a mother of faking a pregnancy or endorse anyone in his party doing so.
                                Especially considering his mother was pregnant with him when she was 17, by a man who later left and went on to get a few other women pregnant and then was never a part of Obama's life!

                                I think Obama's response to all of this has been classy.

                                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

