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Sarah Palin?

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  • Re: Sarah Palin?

    To that end, would it be in poor taste to point out the pictures said to be of Bristol drinking alcohol at parties? I'm guessing probably so, huh?
    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


    • Re: Sarah Palin?

      Originally posted by Pollyanna
      Originally posted by poky
      To that end, would it be in poor taste to point out the pictures said to be of Bristol drinking alcohol at parties? I'm guessing probably so, huh?
      Yes, poor taste.

      I think we're pretty clear on where everyone stands.

      Back to Tomkat people, get with the program.

      (Was 1/2 of that couple also an underaged, pregnant, unmarried girl at one point? Or was it only that she looked underaged? Or that she was never really pregnant?)


      • Re: Sarah Palin?

        I'm sorry. My bad on the boyfriend. It was just such a teenage statement. I wasn't a normal 17 year old, so I can't relate. I plan on being irresponsibly in love in the old age home. It gives me something to look forward to!

        I did post an actual debate question. *foot tapping* Doesn't anyone on the conservative side want to answer? :huh: Would you still like her if you took the pro-life part out of her resume?
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • Re: Sarah Palin?

          Originally posted by Ladybug
          I would still like her...but probably a lot less. I agree that she also brings legitamate concerns which everyone has voiced here. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. :huh: At least it won't be boring.
          Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


          • Re: Sarah Palin?

            I haven't had time to read all of the posts in this thread, although I have been reading as many as I could via my phone anytime I get a minute. I was still trying to make up my mind about her when the news about her daughter came out. I know this is politically incorrect, but I am disappointed in her at this point. :huh: Participating in a national campaign with a young special needs baby......that's a lot on your plate, but babies are portable and more power to you. Participating in a national campaign with a young special needs baby AND a pregnant 17 year old daughter who will deliver shortly after the campaign is over.....I'm having trouble with that, honestly. Flame on if you must (I probably won't have time to read it anyway ) but someone else has quoted Jackie Kennedy (? I think ?) about if she failed at raising her children, nothing else she had done would matter much. I have always agreed very much with that statement. I don't think that the fact her daughter is pregnant means she has failed, but I do think her daughter is going to need her mother in these next few months, whether she knows it or not. I just can't help but personalize it......I *AM* a mother and have been since I heard Luke's heartbeat for the first time. Everything else I do is secondary, except my marriage, and honestly, I often struggle with that balance. I can't help but be a little suspicious of someone who can separate her roles to the extent that Palin seems to be doing. :huh: The pro-life thing is great as far as I'm concerned, but I can think of other (more?) worthy Republicans who also share that view. I also wish that she had more foreign policy experience in light of McCain's age, honestly. I'm not in love, although no doubt they will get my vote.

            I *know* I am probably projecting way too many of my own values onto this woman, but I don't see what the victory is for women in general if you have to deny motherly duties in order to be successful.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • Re: Sarah Palin?

              While I'm pro-life I've never considered it to be one of my main election issues. I think the likelihood of Roe v Wade getting overturned is next to none so its not on my radar. Sally makes some good points about her kids needing her right now. There are a lot of mom duties that can be handled with a working mom but a teenage pregnancy is a really tough one IMO. If she does win this election she's not going to have any time to be a mom or a grandmother for her first grand child at a time when she'll need her the most. And its not just the time thing it will be a distance thing unless her daughter, her son-in-law and her grandchild are going to move into the VP quarters with them, which I doubt.
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • Re: Sarah Palin?

                I don't think that the fact her daughter is pregnant means she has failed, but I do think her daughter is going to need her mother in these next few months, whether she knows it or not.
                I'm with you in this thought, Sally. I try not to judge other women's choices because I do honestly believe we are all trying to get it right. Still, if it were me being offered the VP slot, I'd probably decline. I'd also feel proud of a male candidate that turned down a chance at a slot because of the same family issues - either one (Down's or teen daughter pregnancy) or both together. I was impressed when Colin Powell stepped away from politics (rumored to spare his wife?). Lots of Dem VP choices took themselves out of the running. I can't see that it counts against you politically - and she is young with a bright future. Again, if it were me, I'd seriously consider taking a pass on this before it was offered.

                I know she discussed it with her daughter - but what is the kid going to say? "No, mom - I don't want you to do it"?? I'd never ask my mom to give up such a chance even if I wanted her to do so. That's not a fair question to pass off on your kids.
                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                • Re: Sarah Palin?

                  Uh ... just watched the CNN link Cheri posted. Yeah - McCain has got some staffing issues, big time. It started out on a downstroke when he couldn't even pronounce her last name correctly. :huh:


                  • Re: Sarah Palin?

                    Originally posted by mommax3
                    I know this is politically incorrect, but I am disappointed in her at this point. :huh: Participating in a national campaign with a young special needs baby......that's a lot on your plate, but babies are portable and more power to you. Participating in a national campaign with a young special needs baby AND a pregnant 17 year old daughter who will deliver shortly after the campaign is over.....I'm having trouble with that, honestly. Flame on if you must (I probably won't have time to read it anyway ) but someone else has quoted Jackie Kennedy (? I think ?) about if she failed at raising her children, nothing else she had done would matter much.
                    AND a 19 year old son about to be deployed to Iraq. He's enlisted (only 19, can't have earned a degree already, so I'm assuming he's not an officer). I would not be able to focus on ANYTHING with all that going on.

                    If she can, more power to her. As I've said plenty of times, she wouldn't be my candidate based on her views - not her children or her resume.

                    I've always loved that Jackie Kennedy quote.


                    • Re: Sarah Palin?

                      Originally posted by Sheherezade

                      I did post an actual debate question. *foot tapping* Doesn't anyone on the conservative side want to answer? :huh: Would you still like her if you took the pro-life part out of her resume?
                      Not nearly as much, but I'd still vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. It would still be better on that issue than the Obama/Biden ticket.


                      • Re: Sarah Palin?

                        Not gonna flame; I actually agree with the fact that there's definitely a double standard at work here, and one that I hate.

                        Where we differ is that I think the answer is to make men MORE accountable to be a part of their families, rather than to let women off the hook completely just because 'we should treat them like men'. Or, more realistically, do a little of both, in moderation.

                        As we know from our own marriages, realities often dictate either very traditional or very non-traditional roles, and can dictate an all-or-nothing unbalanced situation that is NOT ideal, and there are times when you just have to make do and make the best of what you've got.

                        I'm not going to vilify SP for her family situation(s)...but I'm not going to lie and say I'm not enjoying the show. This is getting better than a soap.
                        Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                        • Re: Sarah Palin?

                          Originally posted by SuzySunshine
                          I think the likelihood of Roe v Wade getting overturned is next to none so its not on my radar.
                          This is kind of where I'm at, too. If I could believe that Obama was serious about reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, that would be a step in the right direction, albeit a compromise.

                          Why are we not expecting Palin's husband to step up and be a stay at home dad?
                          Actually, I did expect that. I totally assumed, with such a young, high-needs baby, that he would be at home. Is that not the case? Who is taking care of the baby?


                          • Re: Sarah Palin?

                            Originally posted by Pollyanna
                            Why are we not expecting Palin's husband to step up and be a stay at home dad?
                            FWIW - he is on extended leave from his job.

                            As to my comments - I don't know how ANYONE can focus on anything other than their kids with that kind of stress load (special needs baby, pregnant teenage daughter & son being deployed in an infantry role). God forbid, if my kids are ever sent to a war zone, I'll be in a fetal position in the corner for the duration.


                            • Re: Sarah Palin?

                              Originally posted by poky
                              Where we differ is that I think the answer is to make men MORE accountable to be a part of their families, rather than to let women off the hook completely just because 'we should treat them like men'. Or, more realistically, do a little of both, in moderation.

                              As we know from our own marriages, realities often dictate either very traditional or very non-traditional roles, and can dictate an all-or-nothing unbalanced situation that is NOT ideal, and there are times when you just have to make do and make the best of what you've got.
                              I agree.

                              I was going to post the same about how the PARENTS handle this -- that it is both her and her husband's responsibility on being available to their kids. In a situation like this -- baby with special needs, young kids, teenager in need -- someone has got to be available (ideally).


                              • Re: Sarah Palin?

                                who cared for Obama's kids when he is in the senate and his wife was working? She just quit in '07, and prior to that, she was working... haven't heard anything about this.

                       ... 02573.html
                                Husband of an amazing female physician!

