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sarah palin part deux

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  • sarah palin part deux

    *disclaimer* i'm not attacking her because she is a woman. i don't really do politics. what i do enjoy, however, is gossip. this is from

    this is just too juicy to get burried in the real sarah palin thread. and, well...this is also taken from a gossip site that i *LOVE*...but, there are some links that seem to sorta, kinda, back it up. :huh:

    Everybody and their pet fish has been e-mailing me this story, so obviously that's a sign that I must post it. This is basically some Bree Van de Kamp shit. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the chick who is running as McCain's VP, is being accused of faking one of her pregnancies. The Daily Kos thinks Sarah's teenage daughter, Bristol, is the real mother of Trig Paxton Van Palin.

    Yes, Bristol and Trig. Sarah also has three other kids named Track, Willow and Piper. I think they were named after Pottery Barn candle scents.

    Anydrama, the rumor is that Sarah, a pro-lifer, pretended to be pregnant while her then 16-year-old daughter was the one who was really carrying baby Trig. Escandalo! Here's some of the shit the Daily Kos is claiming:

    In March, Sarah told everyone she was 7-months pregnant. Everyone including her staff said they were shocked to find out, because she didn't look pregnant to them. They also said she's always been thin, because she's a runner or some shit.

    Sarah's 16-year-old daughter Bristol was taken out of her high school for 5 to 8 months. The high school was told Bristol had mono.

    While attending some Republican convention in Texas, Sarah began leaking amniotic fluid one month before her due date. She didn't check into the hospital. She gave her speech and then got on an 8-hour flight back to Alaska.

    Sarah gave birth in a hospital 45-minutes from the airport. Trig, who was born with Down Syndrome, was one month premature. Sarah was back to work 3 days later.

    I left out of a ton of details. Visit here, here and here if you give an eff. On the other side, there are a few pictures with Sarah sort of looking knocked up. Gawker also has a post claiming Bristol was in a car accident when she would have been seven months pregnant. The dude involved in the accident with Bristol said she "really didn't look pregnant," but he wasn't really staring at her belly.

    I'm so confused. Maybe I'm the one who gave birth to baby Trig. Shit, maybe I'm the father. Maury! Please help us! It's the only way we can solve any of this. Bring them all on a very special episode of "The Maury Povich" show. I want Cindy McCain to read the DNA results though. That's if she can read it through her Vicodin haze. I also want Tina Fey and Megan Mullally to appear on the episode just so I can see them next to Sarah Palin.
    the links: ... 10th-2008/ ... ewcomments
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Re: sarah palin part deux

    Really? Some people really need to get real jobs or better hobbies. Follow the link the read the ridiculous comments.
    DailyKos Embraces The Palin 'Fake Pregnancy' Rumor But Rejects The Edwards Story

    Its the wackiest rumor about Sarah Palin or any other politician so far this election. It's making it's way all through the internet. And of course it came from DailyKos.

    Let's hear from noted reporter ArcXIX, following up on story by the widely respected Inky99...

    Well, Sarah, I'm calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.

    Daily Kos: Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video]

    The whole story is based on an insulting view of fundamentalist Christians; that they'd be so freaked out by a teenage pregnancy that they'd have the Governor -- the most highly visible and public women in the small fishbowl of Alaska -- fake a pregnancy to cover up the sins her of daughter Bristol.

    That diary got 'rec'd' -- voted as one of the 'Best Of' on DailyKos. The diary is uncited, breathless, and spins a story that's totally far-fetched. Without going through the whole hot mess point by point, I'll mention that no doctors, nurses, hospital workers or other patients have come forward to say anything was amiss. Plus, there's this picture.

    The irony for me, of course, is that despite making over fifty short political videos with a clear progressive point of view, I was banned on DailyKos for saying that it seemed reasonable that John Edwards was seen at the Beverly Hilton late at night.

    To be sure, some on DailyKos pointed up the numerous problems with the Palin story. But 'the community' in large part embraced it and it's part of a trend...

    The election hasn't even been won yet and there's already a liberal hubris developing. Progressive standard bearers such as DailyKos and Keith Olbermann have been showing signs lately of a nasty tendency towards stifling dissenting opinions and promoting the sort of crazy rumors usually associated with the right then the reality based community.

    It's not effective, it's not progressive, and it's not a good or accurate reflection on Barack Obama or the Democratic party.

    Update: There's a weird pivot on this story. What started as 'she wasn't pregnant!' is morphing into Palin getting attacked for her choice (after talking to her doctor) to go back home to Alaska after her amniotic fluid began a small leak.

    Two points. First, nothing bad happened - her judgment in this case worked out just fine. In fact, the baby had to be induced. Second, people LOVE to spout off about other women's birth choices.
    Another one...
    Stooping to Lowest Level: Democratic Claim of Palin's 'Faked Pregnancy' Gaining Steam
    By Warner Todd Huston
    Created 2008-08-31 01:17

    **Update: TV's Alan Colmes Says Palin's Neglect Caused Down's Syndrome Birth Stress!**

    **Update #2 Below the Fold- Pregnancy Confirmed**

    As I reported earlier [1], the scurrilous claim that McCain vice presidential pick Governor Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with a Down's Syndrome child is beginning to spread among the lowest of the nutrooters. Now, the unhinged, smear site [2] has boosted this lie to their front pages. Naturally, since these hate sites feed into each other, the spurious source of the DU story is another DailyKos story like the one I earlier reported upon.

    Of course, this whole meme is nothing but a lie. Are we expected to believe an entire state, its hospitals, doctors and media establishment helped cover up this pregnancy story? And they all did this for a Republican, to boot? It makes little logical sense to believe a word of this black helicopter conspiracy theory. Next thing we know, the Kossacks and DUers are going to expect us to believe that Big Foot and some gray aliens were the attendants at the birth!

    But, here is the thing. This hateful story about the birth of a child with Down's Syndrome is exactly the sort of lowest, gutter ideas that float through the empty space in the voluminous heads of our friends at the lowest depths of the Democratic Party and the lefty movement. There are some sick, sick people over there and stories like this prove it.

    Pile this on top of the low blow from TV's Alan Colmes who claims that Palin didn't practice proper prenatal care before she had the baby with Down's Syndrome, blaming the Mother for her disabled child. Well, the lefties don't know a low road they won't take. (Colmes' site has crashed right now, but this is the address if it ever comes back: ... atal-care/ [3])

    Now, let's take a looks at some of the replies on the DU garbage thread:

    WARNING -- As is common on leftist sites, some of the language that follows is profane. (Not to mention filled with bad spelling and grammar)

    bobd0: It's not an "accusation" and it isn't "awful" Teenagers get pregnant. It isn't awful. It just happens. It happens all the time. I'm not making accusations. I'm just looking at all the angles. You know, like those Republicans do. Look at that "breakaway" sect of Mormons in Texas. Who would have thought that sort of thing was going on in their backyard? And we're talking Alaska here. Those long winters must get very boring. And Sarah is all for drilling in Alaska

    DaLittle Kitty: That IS a little bastard christian grandchild... WITHOUT QUESTION! IGHT! It's Da LYING STUPID! Da LYING!!! AllCFhristianed Out +LY'N DER ASS OFF! Why Was this same standard of which you speak NOT in play re: JOHN EDWARDS? The bulshite is unbelievable!!!!

    Demeter: It Doesn't Have to Be an Issue--Just a Rumor or Legend on the Internet. Like Obama is a Muslim==tit for tat.

    enough already: Screw 'em all! It's time we started fighting back. We always show up at gun fights with knives. Knock Palin's teeth out on this one. No backing down, no mercy.

    marylanddem: I think this IS a an important issue. And commend Daily Kos for focusing on it. Fuck Sarah Palin if she's the lying hypocrite she appears to be, the sooner this shit hits the fan the better.

    progressivebydesign: How can she be the arbiter of all things HOLY and PURE if her daughter gets knocked up?? How would that play in Palin's little circle of believers? Guess that shoots her 'abstinence only' stance, doesn't it?

    scarface2004: fuck that right wing piece of shit..if it belonged to her daughter and she covered it up to avoid embarrasment then fuck that piece of shit! republicans have asked for this...and now they are gonna get it. this is DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND goddammit, not mr rogers neighborhood!! its time to fuck them over with every rumor speculation bald faced lie whatever. reap what you sow assholes!!

    Well, there's more, of course, many more that are even more profane. Granted there are a few somewhat saner souls saying that they should leave this horrible story alone. But they are being widely abused and ignored.

    This is the sort of hate that has developed into a pathology for the far left, folks. As distasteful as it is, we need to be aware of how low they will go.

    Update #2- One Woman's Eyewitness Account of Pregnant Palin

    All the speculation on whether Governor Palin was pregnant is easily put to rest by the eyewitness account of Elizabeth Eubanks [4] from April 29 of this year. Eubanks was in an airport in Fairbanks waiting for a flight when she unexpectedly saw Governor Palin in the airport also waiting for a flight.

    Eubanks reports that she found Palin to be a wonderful person.

    Of course I had to check out the “Hottest Governor in the US” and quickly turned to see her pregnant (she has since had her baby) with bags and daughter in tote. Then it struck me as odd. Why is the Governor of Alaska in the airport and preparing to get onto my commercial flight?

    Well, why WAS the Governor waiting for a commercial flight? It seems as a cost cutting measure, Governor Palin sold the state jet on Ebay [5] for 2.1 million dollars.

    So, not only was she pregnant despite the claim of the jackasses in the Democratic Party, but we get to see another example of how fiscally responsible she is! Go ON with your bad self, Governor Palin!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Re: sarah palin part deux

      me, cheri?
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        Re: sarah palin part deux

        No, no of course not you - the idiots that come up with these stories in the first place. And the idiots in the press that fill the need to repeat them just b/c she's been named as VP. As this link shows a local reporter investigated the story to death shortly after Trig was born and found it baseless.

        The final word on Sarah Palin's fifth child
        by PsiFighter37
        Fri Aug 29, 2008 at 05:54:23 PM PDT

        As has been noted in several diaries here at dKos (yes, I still read as much as I can here, despite my lack of posting), the circumstances around the birth of Sarah Palin's fifth child are particularly suspicious. This link from Reddit gives the basic rundown on the rumors. Given the photographic showing what seems to be a very not-pregnant Palin earlier this year, combined with the somewhat dangerous-sounding report that she flew back to Alaska after her water broke, it would seem that there is some strong circumstantial evidence that she was covering for her now-17 year old daughter Bristol - who was reportedly out of school a long time due to mononucleosis.

        So I decided to email Gregg Erickson, the reporter from the Anchorage Daily News who hosted a chat at the Washington Post's website earlier today. I asked about the rumors, including the circumstantial evidence that seems to support a cover-up.

        * PsiFighter37's diary :: ::

        Here's his response:

        The press did a pretty good job of following up on the substitute child rumor. It proved baseless.

        I'm no obstetrics expert, but flying home - while having contractions - seems dangerous to me as well. Perhaps a real expert could opine on that. You have to say this about her: she's tough.

        Given that Erickson was blunt (if not a bit unimpressed) in his evaluation of Palin during the chat this afternoon, I think it's fair to say that if he says the rumors were investigated and debunked, that should be that. Let's focus on the other issues that make Sarah Palin a bad choice for VP hereon out - not a story that makes for a good rumor but has no basis in reality.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Re: sarah palin part deux

          okay. i was starting to feel nauseated for a second that i pissed you off.
          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #6
            Re: sarah palin part deux

            So sad...the dems are totally pushing this memo after having such a heart attack over the Larry Sinclair, Obama is a Muslim crap.

            This was determined to be bunk a long time ago. It makes me feel sorry for her teenage daughter who probably will develop anorexia or something now.

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Re: sarah palin part deux

              No comment other than to note: so, this is how we treat women running for office. Challenge them on the very thing that makes them a woman. Lovely. Ranks right up there with people who call HRC a lesbian or some other de-sexualized term.


              • #8
                Re: sarah palin part deux

                Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                This was determined to be bunk a long time ago. It makes me feel sorry for her teenage daughter who probably will develop anorexia or something now.

                the pictures they're showing of her...she is not preggers. she looks normal to me. and they say that she is obviously sucking in her stomach and pushing out her chest. um...i do that too. anything to help myself stand taller and thinner.
                ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                • #9
                  Re: sarah palin part deux

                  Yeah....I read this yesterday too. I admit it is juicy. (I didn't stop reading the minute I sensed the smear campaign - I admit. ) I think the whole story about her last pregnancy is just surreal to me. Not showing at seven months on your fifth child? I thought you showed at 2 mos with your second. The extra toughness with the return to work at three days (debunked right here!) and the contractions on the return flight from Texas? Daughter out of school for months at the same time?

                  It's the same as the Katie Holmes pregnancy. You can make a story if you'd like. Not true, I'm sure. When people try to keep pregnancy and birth quiet and they live in the public eye, we find them suspicious. I'm sorry for the daughter too. She didn't ask for this at all. Palin probably expects it. If she didn't before, she's going to get a whole load of smear now. We are not kind to our candidates, male or female. Fair game. What a country, huh?
                  Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                  Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                  "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                  • #10
                    Re: sarah palin part deux

                    Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                    So sad...the dems are totally pushing this memo after having such a heart attack over the Larry Sinclair, Obama is a Muslim crap.
                    Which dems? Are there ANY legitimate representatives who are repeating this story? As Lily or Julia said so correctly a few days ago - the internet is FILLED with wackos (present company excluded, of course), and they write all sorts of stuff. I'd hate to see it attributed to a specific party, but rather some "fringe group" sounds more appropriate.

                    And another blow for Palin -- her MIL has been quoted as saying "I don't know what she brings to the ticket." That will be a fun Thanksgiving dinner.


                    • #11
                      Re: sarah palin part deux

                      ITA, Jenn. I think Obama's initial reaction to the Palin addition to the ticket has been reserved. No smear at all. He's certainly not putting her shots in Vogue magazine up next to pictures of Paris Hilton and Britney and saying her meteoric rise to power is "all charm learned in beauty pageants". I'd be very surprised if I did see anything about this on a reputable Dem site -- beyond mentioning the rumor in the same manner it has been mentioned here.
                      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                      • #12
                        Re: sarah palin part deux

                        Really? Sounds like we have a contender for the MIL smackdown. We can bring her in as a courtesy.

                        Why would you say that out loud? (Of course, I agree with Nasty MIL but jeez, woman- keep it to yourself!)



                        • #13
                          Re: sarah palin part deux

                          Originally posted by DCJenn
                          Really? Sounds like we have a contender for the MIL smackdown. We can bring her in as a courtesy.

                          Why would you say that out loud? (Of course, I agree with Nasty MIL but jeez, woman- keep it to yourself!)

                          That's what I thought too...LOL...Fire up the bus.

                          FYI..sorry for my comment generalizing about dems...I was referring to dem blogs, not the actual candidates themselves.
                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • #14
                            Re: sarah palin part deux

                            Originally posted by Jane

                            And another blow for Palin -- her MIL has been quoted as saying "I don't know what she brings to the ticket." That will be a fun Thanksgiving dinner.
                            Another reason to vote FOR her. Her MIL doesn't like her. A woman I can trust.

                            Seriously, my MIL would say the same thing about me. She has yet to see that I bring any value to our marriage...


                            • #15
                              Re: sarah palin part deux

                              Originally posted by Sheherezade
                              I'd be very surprised if I did see anything about this on a reputable Dem site -- beyond mentioning the rumor in the same manner it has been mentioned here.
                              I would be shocked if this kind of thing ended up on any website sanctioned by the Dems. Of course, not every liberal/left-leaning website that supports Dem candidates is approved of by the DNC--it would not be fair to hold the DNC accountable for stuff posted beyond their control. However, that being said, I was surprised to hear that this was posted on the DailyKos. It is totally leftie, of course, but it is pretty mainstreamed. Not some no-name, who?, internet blog site.

