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  • #61
    ESPN is reporting he's at a sex rehab in Mississippi.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #62
      ESPN is reporting he's at a sex rehab in Mississippi.
      All anger, joking, and shock aside, this is the single best thing I've heard about this whole mess. He clearly is an addict and needs help.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #63
        Anyone else watching his statement?

        He's definitely displaying some emotion. And admitting that he is at fault and needs help, which is a good first step. He is also taking more time to continue with therapy and finding religion again.

        What makes me sad is that he thought he was "entitled" to do what ever he wanted because he had "worked hard". That fame = not having to follow "normal rules".

        What do you all think?
        Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


        • #64
          I think a lot of athletes, stars, etc that find themselves with that much money do things they shouldn't and wouldn't otherwise. It is why sports like the NBA and NFL have rookie weekends where they are lectured about knowing who is around them, who their real friends are, etc. I wonder, but I doubt, the PGA ever does anything like that.

          I thought his apology was sincere, I think its obvious he's not ready to return to golf. I think its obvious he and Elin still have a lot of work to do to save their family. I think it was smart of him to refuse to release details, I still don't think the details are anyone's business.

          I think its another example of why parents shouldn't make athletes their kid's idols. I'm glad to hear his foundations will continue and I hope they continue to do good. I know he'll be back for golf someday and when he does I think he'll be a different player and man.

          I think it was probably the most honest and sincere apology you will ever see from any athlete, politician, or anyone in the public eye. Granted he probably didn't write most of it but I felt like he meant it. I guess we'll see.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #65
            The whole athlete entitlement thing is to true. I went to a college that churned out a lot of pro-athletes and they ran the campus. I was good friends with a lot of them, but would not date them. I remember being out and a guy approached me about going out with a star athlete. He was actually scouting out girls for this guy. When I said no, the guy said, "Do you know who you are saying no too." The city I'm from also has lots of pro ball players. My sister is casually dating one of the top football players in the country. Any by casually I mean he likes her way more than she likes him. There is no way I would ever date a pro athlete. There is enough temptation as there is for an ordinary guy. You would not believe how girls so blatantly through themselves at these men. I'm sure all of them do not have feel entitled and are faithful, but the ones I have come across certainly do feel very entitled.
            Last edited by Chrisada; 02-22-2010, 08:36 AM.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
              You would not believe how girls so blatantly through themselves at these men. I'm sure all of them do not have feel entitled and are faithful, but the ones I have come across certainly do feel very entitled.
              When I was in college one of the star basketball players was in one of my classes. One of my good friends was a high school friend of his so he would come sit with us because he knew he was "safe" to sit with us. Every other girl in the class just hit on him constantly. This was a junior and senior level class and it was SO painful to watch, I always felt so sorry for him and even sorrier for the girls that threw themselves at him on a regular basis.
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #67
                Originally posted by SuzySunshine View Post
                When I was in college one of the star basketball players was in one of my classes. One of my good friends was a high school friend of his so he would come sit with us because he knew he was "safe" to sit with us. Every other girl in the class just hit on him constantly. This was a junior and senior level class and it was SO painful to watch, I always felt so sorry for him and even sorrier for the girls that threw themselves at him on a regular basis.
                It may seem more obvious here (to me) than it did in Cleveland b/c of how big college sports are in this region, but I totally agree with what Cheri said. One of my friend's sisters often jokes about her days as a team groupie for KState football. It kind of freaks me out.


                • #68
                  I'm sitting her listening to Tiger's press conference at the Master's and I'm actually impressed he is answering 99% of the questions. He just skirted one about why Elin isn't coming this weekend but has answered the rest what seems like truthfully.

                  I read the Vanity Fair article that was done on a few of his mistresses. Several times in it Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan were brought up as his main cohorts in Vegas. Of course Jordan is divorced and I don't think Barkley has ever been married so that sheds an interesting light on all of this.

                  I just hope he plays well this weekend, makes the cut and gets back to playing golf.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #69
                    I had heard the same things about him hanging out with Jordan and Barkley. Don't know about Barkley, but anyone who was in Chicago at the time the Bulls had Jordan knew that he had a love nest in the city, was frequently seen driving around town with women other than his wife, and that he was definitely a cheater. I'm so sick of hearing about Tiger. Are people really that surprised?
                    Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!

