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How often do you wash your hair?

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  • #31
    Re: How often do you wash your hair?

    In Iowa I could do the every other day thing, but here in FLA it is so humid my hair would be disgusting if I didn't wash it daily.
    Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


    • #32
      Re: How often do you wash your hair?

      Hmmm....well I am a little different than everyone else here. I usually won't wash my hair more than once a week unless I am on vacation (beach or skiing) and swim/sweat a lot. My sister lives in Orlando and cut off most of her hair so she can wash it everyday because it's so humid. My hair would have to be really short to wash it daily or else it gets too dry and takes forever to dry and style....I don't feel gross about it though.
      Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


      • #33
        Re: How often do you wash your hair?

        OK I just rinsed my hair last night and put a little conditioner in and went to bed with my hair just toweled dry and woke up with a head of perfect ringlets!
        I have been brushing my hair extra all week after reading the curly girl site to get the oil distributed down my longish hair. School starts this week so we will see how this experiment goes - the just rinsing and washing rarely experiment.

