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Just Curious

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  • #16
    Originally posted by pinkpickles
    as my dh isn't a doctor.
    I'm sorry, but I must ask:
    Why have you chosen to lurk & now post on a Medical Spouse Support Network Board? Did you give all of us your 411 in the intros? If you did and are somehow connected to the medical community, I guess I missed it :huh: :huh: .
    I was wondering the same thing. :huh:

    Please feel free to enlighten.


    • #17
      I personally love the:

      Q: So what does your husband do?
      A: Oh, he's in his residency.

      Q: ...oh ok, so is he like a real doctor?
      A: Yes, he is an MD...

      A "real" doctor? as opposed to what, a fake one? i mean seriously comeon people...


      • #18
        That reminds me of a funny story. We met a couple out at the marina where we keep our yacht, and his boat was named Dr. (his name). So in conversation we asked what kind of doctor he was. He said he was an "O" doctor. So of course we had to ask what he meant. He said the conversation would go like this:

        People: You're a doctor.
        Dr: Yes
        People: What kind of doctor are you?
        Dr: A chiropractor.
        People: Ohhhhhhhhhh....

        That one cracks me up everytime! LOL


        • #19
          Originally posted by jem
          Originally posted by pinkpickles
          as my dh isn't a doctor.
          I'm sorry, but I must ask:
          Why have you chosen to lurk & now post on a Medical Spouse Support Network Board? Did you give all of us your 411 in the intros? If you did and are somehow connected to the medical community, I guess I missed it :huh: :huh: .
          I was wondering the same thing. :huh:

          Please feel free to enlighten.
          Ditto here.

          This is obviously the public portion of the website and, thus, subject to curiosity-seekers. But, I didn't answer the question because I don't like to acknowledge that I am essentially a zoo animal to be gawked at by others when I visit the public areas (where I am sure there are many other non-medical spouse curiosity-seekers).
          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #20
            Originally posted by Pollyanna
            Originally posted by CityChic919
            A "real" doctor? as opposed to what, a fake one? i mean seriously comeon people...
            We've had the "real doctor" comment a lot regarding Dh's PhD. When he finished med school people would say, "now you're a real doctor".
            I used to tease DH (also an Md-PhD) and call him "redundant."

            Yeah, I know it's not really redundant because they are different doctoral degrees, but it was funny to see him get irked.


            • #21
              Even my mother is guilty of this. Last time she came to visit, she was asking DF about his day. He was talking about his attending, and she asked what that meant. He explained and she said, "Ah, the REAL doctor"! WHAT? This is especially a WHAT? because not two years ago I was having surgery after surgery at a teaching hospital in Chicago, and my mother knew that the ones in my room the most were real doctors, and they were interns and residents. I almost smacked her. My DF turned red. Really offensive, even though she didn't mean it, and didn't realize what came out of her mouth.



              • #22
                Re: Just Curious

                Originally posted by JW
                I was just wondering if people treat you differently when they find out your dh is a doctor.
                Oh, yeah. We get it a lot. Along with people wanting free medical advice...even when he was a first year med student. I learned VERY quickly to not talk about what he does with people I don't know very well.

                Heck, we even get it from DH's family. Not so much mine because we've got lots of medical personnel on my side of the family. But even DH's mom treats him differently. But she still won't take his advice when she asks for it.

                This is totally OT, but I had someone ask me if he quit school now if he'd be a PA? Uh, no...he'd be a failed med student with a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of student loans.


                • #23
                  Re: Just Curious

                  Originally posted by JW
                  I was just wondering if people treat you differently when they find out your dh is a doctor.
                  OK, I'll bite:

                  I think some people might assume we can afford a yacht because dh has an MD after his name....
                  Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                  With fingernails that shine like justice
                  And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                    Originally posted by Pollyanna
                    Originally posted by CityChic919
                    A "real" doctor? as opposed to what, a fake one? i mean seriously comeon people...
                    We've had the "real doctor" comment a lot regarding Dh's PhD. When he finished med school people would say, "now you're a real doctor".
                    I have a friend who works in a research environment. They lovingly refer to her and other PhDs as "NARDs" as in Not a Real Doctor.
                    Mom to three wild women.


                    • #25
                      I almost snorted water -- oops, no, Pellegrino -- out of my nose at that one Lily.


                      • #26
                        OMG, you guys are killing me!



                        • #27
                          second home in Bologna!
                          heh, too each his own. Personally, I'd be ashamed of a home in Northern Italy -- especially one that is known for its love of basketball.

                          Sicily or bust for all medical spouses..just ask Justice Scalia...that gesture is Sicilian for......


                          • #28
                            ... well it is known as the "fat city" ...what would Nicole Richie say...for those of you making wristbands at home...WWNRS?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by *Lily*
                              LOL!!!! We have had almost the exact same conversation with people the last three times we were at our second home in Bologna! I guess people are the same no matter where you go.
                              But really, how do you decide which one you refer to as your 2nd, 3rd or 4th home? Is it the order in which you purchased them, or the frequency with which you're there? I mean, there's the spread in Idaho, the villa in Tuscany, the chateau in the South of France ... plus we keep that apartment in New York ... Sometimes it's just all to much to manage!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Genivieve
                                Originally posted by *Lily*
                                LOL!!!! We have had almost the exact same conversation with people the last three times we were at our second home in Bologna! I guess people are the same no matter where you go.
                                But really, how do you decide which one you refer to as your 2nd, 3rd or 4th home? Is it the order in which you purchased them, or the frequency with which you're there? I mean, there's the spread in Idaho, the villa in Tuscany, the chateau in the South of France ... plus we keep that apartment in New York ... Sometimes it's just all to much to manage!
                                Are you telling us that you don't have a household manager? For shame!


