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Do you make your husband...

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  • #31
    Re: Do you make your husband...

    YES! He insists on showering right when he gets home from the hospital and leaves his shoes in the car. He is afraid the pets might lick them or something......kind of silly, but sweet


    • #32
      Re: Do you make your husband...

      Okay, so he's not my husband, we don't live together, and we're chaste, BUT:

      If call has been particularly brutal, he goes home and takes off said scrubs and changes boxers and an under T before falling into his bed. If it hasn't been brutal, he goes home and showers immediately.

      I'm not a germ nazi, but let's just say he bought me my very own cida-stat bottle, has one in his home too, and won't touch me at all until he's washed his hands.

      ...I got Staph earlier this year. Probably from him, from one of his rotations. He's been meticulous ever since

      P.S. All it takes is for me to say "You smell like call" and he hits the shower
      Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
      Professional Relocation Specialist &
      "The Official IMSN Enabler"


      • #33
        Re: Do you make your husband...

        I don't have a husband either, however trying to get my girlfriend to shower after coming home from the hospital would NOT be popular. Normally I just let her come to the conclusion that it might be a good idea on her own instead. She generally does, eventually. I don't think either of us thinks too much about the bacteria/hygiene factor, though I suspect we will once we catch something the first time.


        • #34
          Re: Do you make your husband...

          I don't really worry too much about hospital germs, so I don't make him shower. I had a microbiology teacher in high school who pretty much sums up my feelings about bacteria/viruses. She said after studying microbiology, you learn how many are really out there, and you either end up paranoid about everything or say "The heck with it!" I am kind of the second type. We wash our hands a lot, but pretty much only shower in the mornings.
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

