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Do you swear?

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  • #31
    Re: Do you swear?

    I wonder though, for those that don't swear, does it bother you when people do (not around your kids)? I swear, a LOT. DH pointed out to me one time that I did it "too much" and was making another resident (c'mon now!) blush.
    It doesn't bother me when other people swear around me. I might think less of them if they're being rude or distasteful, or if they obviously aren't aware of what is appropriate to the setting/company. Hanging out in the resident's lounge, though, a lot of times I think it's just funny, especially when people are telling stories. I like people with more "spice" (for lack of a better word) than I have. I get all the fun with no guilt. (Except I've just managed to twist that around to make myself feel guilty about that, too...) The absolute last thing I'd ever want is for people to stop talking or telling stories b/c they think I don't want to hear their language. That would offend me.


    • #32
      Re: Do you swear?

      I voted sometimes. I am tame compared to some of you
      I mostly use random Brit slang words. If I stub my toe or drop something I will most likely say "bollocks". And I frequently call DH a "twat" or "tosser" or tell him to "piss off" or "bugger off". He thinks it is funny. I don't really swear in front of other people, and I still would not swear in front of my parents!
      It does not bother me at all if people swear more than me, but I think it would bother me if people swore in front of the baby when he is learning to talk.


      • #33
        Re: Do you swear?

        Originally posted by Kirsty
        I voted sometimes. I am tame compared to some of you
        I mostly use random Brit slang words. If I stub my toe or drop something I will most likely say "bollocks". And I frequently call DH a "twat" or "tosser" or tell him to "piss off" or "bugger off". He thinks it is funny. I don't really swear in front of other people, and I still would not swear in front of my parents!
        It does not bother me at all if people swear more than me, but I think it would bother me if people swore in front of the baby when he is learning to talk.
        I love tosser and bugger off. I wish I could pull that off. How offensive are the ones you listed in Britain? Obviously, in the states the vulgarity and offensiveness of words runs the gammut from mild to crass to completely obscene!
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #34
          Re: Do you swear?

          Originally posted by Vanquisher
          Originally posted by Kirsty
          I voted sometimes. I am tame compared to some of you
          I mostly use random Brit slang words. If I stub my toe or drop something I will most likely say "bollocks". And I frequently call DH a "twat" or "tosser" or tell him to "piss off" or "bugger off". He thinks it is funny. I don't really swear in front of other people, and I still would not swear in front of my parents!
          It does not bother me at all if people swear more than me, but I think it would bother me if people swore in front of the baby when he is learning to talk.
          I love tosser and bugger off. I wish I could pull that off. How offensive are the ones you listed in Britain? Obviously, in the states the vulgarity and offensiveness of words runs the gammut from mild to crass to completely obscene!
          Pretty mild, but still too offensive to say in front of my parents! We still have all the same big bad swear words as here when something stronger is required!


          • #35
            Re: Do you swear?

            I just can't help myself. I want to respond to this as: F*** yeah! I chose sometimes. I watch my language around my kids and since I am around them most of the time, I don't swear. At least not out loud.


            • #36
              Re: Do you swear?

              Originally posted by Rapunzel
              With my children I try to teach them the correct terminology for all of their body parts. I've encountered people that only knew the curse words for them - or some cutesy slang terms! I've also known people who think that the correct scientific terminology for sex organs IS cursing! Similarly:
              Slightly off topic - but my mom STILL refers to the female genitalia as a "peep-ish" and your butt as a..."poop-ish" It's no wonder that I couldn't stomach the word vagina until I was in college!
              Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


              • #37
                Re: Do you swear?

                DH has had several patients who called it their "business." One time early in his training, the attending & nurses were trying to explain to a patient what a Bartholin's gland cyst was and how they would treat it, and the patient just wasn't getting it. So DH piped up, "Look, it's just like having a big zit up in your business!" Everyone in the room cracked up, including the patient, who finally got it. The moral - - it is useful to develop a broader vocabulary when it comes to the privates!


                • #38
                  Re: Do you swear?

                  Originally posted by Deb7456
                  it is useful to develop a broader vocabulary when it comes to the privates!
                  On one of dh's first few days of med school, they brought the entire class in and had a discussion on every slang term they could think of for breasts, vagina, and penis.


                  • #39
                    Re: Do you swear?

                    As for many people for whom English wasn't a first language, American curses don't seem harsh at all and English ones are just amusing. Russian curse vocabulary is way more expansive largely because there aren't any non-curse names for body parts or even some STDs. The words weren't always curses but normal words at first, although only used by the lower classes, as educated people didn't converse in Russian. I can use the latin variations but they seem much stranger to say than the curse words. The latin words aren't really used outside of the medical context. When I was trying to explain to my Russian-speaking friend why I found the name of a restaurant, Dick's Crabs, amusing, I had to use the curse words because I have no idea what the medical terminology is.

                    Saying fuck or any of it's variations just doesn't seem harsh to me. I can say it in front of my parents without being embarassed but I won't use Russian curse in front of them. That would be really cursing.

                    If anyone is interested in expanding their cursing vocab, please let me know.


                    • #40
                      Re: Do you swear?

                      Originally posted by Vishenka69
                      If anyone is interested in expanding their cursing vocab, please let me know.
                      When I was in high school, I had the dubious distinction of being the girl who could swear in 18 languages. Oddly enough, Russian was not one of them!

                      Perhaps I needed to find a better use of my time.


                      • #41
                        Re: Do you swear?

                        I voted - "never" there is nothing like 20 years of teaching to break you of the swearing habit - I once heard a second grade teacher drop a book on her foot and really let loose in front of her kids -


                        • #42
                          Re: Do you swear?

                          Originally posted by Jane
                          Originally posted by Vishenka69
                          If anyone is interested in expanding their cursing vocab, please let me know.
                          When I was in high school, I had the dubious distinction of being the girl who could swear in 18 languages. Oddly enough, Russian was not one of them!

                          Perhaps I needed to find a better use of my time.
                          And how many of those do you still remember?


                          • #43
                            Re: Do you swear?

                            I swear more than I like to admit, but tend to keep it pretty tame. I don't use the F word much. I don't like it. I say Fing or Fricking though. I say jackass a lot. Today I swore in front of my kids and my 23 month old repeated "Dammit" after I said it.

                            I swear more around other people who swear. It doesn't bother me if others swear, except if they do it around my kids. My MIL doesn't monitor her mouth in front of my kids and it pisses me off. I say that a lot, too.


                            • #44
                              Re: Do you swear?

                              I voted "Heck no! Unless you count suck, stupid, or dang."

                              I don't get offended, but cursing does stand out to me as Rapunzel said. If someone is really flying off the handle then I might ask for them to tone it down, but I haven't had to ask any friends to do so. It's their choice.
                              Gas, and 4 kids


                              • #45
                                Re: Do you swear?

                                Originally posted by Vishenka69
                                Originally posted by Jane
                                Originally posted by Vishenka69
                                If anyone is interested in expanding their cursing vocab, please let me know.
                                When I was in high school, I had the dubious distinction of being the girl who could swear in 18 languages. Oddly enough, Russian was not one of them!

                                Perhaps I needed to find a better use of my time.
                                And how many of those do you still remember?
                                yeah ... not many. Polish, Serbian, French, Spanish, German, and ... English. You've gotta work to keep skills like that up! I knew words in several different Asian languages, but can't remember any. I can ask for a kiss or call someone a sweetheart in Arabic, and I can be quite bossy & rude in Gujarati - but no actual swear words.

