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Do you swear?

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  • #46
    Re: Do you swear?

    I went to vote never, but was laughing when I read the replies and DH has corrected me...I use jackass, damn (once in a while) and if something is really bad I say JC....I know that is probably the most offensive thing to say around some other people and I try super hard not to...long time bad habit...came from rebelling against my very chrisitan parents as a teenager (uh huh that was a LONGG time ago)

    When we moved to Australia I used bloody all the time and had no idea it was the least bit offensive (british parents who never told me it wasn't polite) ...DH picked it up from me and said it to an elderly patient and the guy told him off ...Oops!


    • #47
      Re: Do you swear?

      I use the following obscenities: "hell," "fuck," and the phrase, "Are you shitting me??" But not at home (DH hates swearing) and I didn't swear until after I'd entered the world of private practice. But now there really are days when I honestly can't think of a more concise and correct way of conveying something.

      As for profanities: I don't generally take the Lord's name in vain. I often will even change an "OMG" abbreviation to "OM Gosh." I figure, why get Him involved?

      As for assorted other vulgarities: I can't ever remember using any derogatory female anatomy slang: "cunt," "twat," etc. Maybe I've used "pussy" before to describe a wimpy man--but it's more likely that I just thought it. Just not my thing and those are terms that even lawyers aren't comfortable tossing around in a professional context. And if a lawyer won't say it behind closed doors... I occasionally use derogatory terms for male anatomy, but almost exclusively "dick" and "prick."

      Is "asshat" a vulgarity? That's the word I got from this site. I use that!!


      • #48
        Re: Do you swear?

        Originally posted by LilySayWhat
        Sorry, I'm still a fan of bajingo, hooha, orchid, and va jay jay. And punani. Whatever you call it, it's funny lookin' and should have a funny name.

        So I as I went through and read this, it reminded me of the crotched "item" found on the web from a while back. Real mature I know.

        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #49
          Re: Do you swear?

          Originally posted by Amiens
          Originally posted by LilySayWhat
          Sorry, I'm still a fan of bajingo, hooha, orchid, and va jay jay. And punani. Whatever you call it, it's funny lookin' and should have a funny name.

          So I as I went through and read this, it reminded me of the crotched "item" found on the web from a while back. Real mature I know.

          i remember that. was it a purse...or a change purse, maybe?

          something like this

 ... atchel.htm

          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #50
            Re: Do you swear?

            I'm remembering a knitted uterus and a crocheted vagina which, um, opened up to be a coin purse.


            • #51
              Re: Do you swear?

              I decided I needed to be more careful about swearing last summer when my two year old starting saying omg and oh shit. She then proceeded to get them confused and would say, "oh my shit".


              • #52
                Re: Do you swear?

                I swear, dh swears, and my parents swore when my brother and I were kids. We knew when and where it was appropriate. Kids are a rare sighting in our neighborhood in Chicago, so we rarely have to watch what we say.
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #53
                  Re: Do you swear?

                  Today I dropped my iPod on the ground on our way out the door and I said, "Shit!" DS#1 then said, "Shit!"

                  -Wife of urology attending.
                  -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                  • #54
                    Re: Do you swear?

                    I tend to swear a lot. I also work in a kitchen where every second word is a naughty one That being said I also enjoy swearing, it can be so cathartic, especially when you come up with interesting combos. hehe. I often find that I have to control myself in front of those who are not my absolute closest friends.


                    • #55
                      Re: Do you swear?

                      Hmm, in my native language I tend to curse a reasonable amount however I find that I rarely use swear words when speaking English. For some reason, cursing in English feels a bit vulgar to me. I suppose it might be tied to the fact that my socialization process with regards to usage of English came slightly later than it did for my native language. I was simply more mature when I learned how to express myself properly in English. Or something like that, I don't know.


                      • #56
                        Re: Do you swear?

                        For all of you fans of the word "asshat," Jon Stewart used it on his show last night.

                        -Wife of urology attending.
                        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                        • #57
                          Re: Do you swear?

                          Originally posted by migirl
                          For all of you fans of the word "asshat," Jon Stewart used it on his show last night.
                          I know - I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself (not a hard task these days).


                          • #58
                            Re: Do you swear?

                            Holy Smokes! I have loved reading this thread!! I voted for cussing!! God I love a good cuss word…especially when done at a wholly inappropriate moment (as long as it isn’t me saying it?). I let her rip almost always, except when I’m teaching. Then I use the most cheesy exclamations I can come up with…Holy Purple Elephants! (I’m the drama teacher).

                            Last year I got a note from DS’s teacher saying she thought he was saying shit at school. That evening I caught him doing it too…at the truly appropriate moment…he had tripped and fallen. We had a conversation about words that are for adults and words that are for kids. Shit is a word for adults…he can say darnit! On Mother’s Day we went to the art museum for brunch and art and as we were walking around James tripped and shouted “darnit!” Then ran to me exclaiming “See mom I said Darnit! Not shit. Moms say shit. I say darnit!” I explained to his teacher that there are many things I will do for my kids. I will make them turn off the T.V. and go outside with me when all I want to do is veg in front of the T.V. I will eat vegetables when I don’t want to so they eat vegetables…I won’t stop saying shit…gosh I love to cuss.

                            I hadn’t realized how often I said JC though until last night when I left something in another room and had to go back and get it. I simply muttered “Jesus.” DS said “Christ. You have to say Christ.” In my defense…I come from a Catholic family…the holy family and all saints are the expletives of choice.
                            Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                            • #59
                              Re: Do you swear?

                              potty mouth here too.... I have gotten better since Dh is beginning to talk now. I laugh every time he tries to say couch, "cockch"
                              Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
                              SAHM to 3


                              • #60
                                Re: Do you swear?

                                I usually swear only when I am frustrated, driving is definently the time I do it most. I need to start being a little more careful so I don't do it too much in front of my daughter. For some reason I am getting worse about it the older I get.

