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Your Weekend Weather?

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  • #31
    Re: Your Weekend Weather?

    Ug. They may need to start using salt in the PNW. I know it's terrible, but if you get week-long stretches like this, you've got to... Sand just doesn't cut it.

    I hope you find a way to get out!
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #32
      Re: Your Weekend Weather?

      I think they are using salt and that mag chloride stuff (or something like it). I guess it is too cold for the de-icer to work very well and I suspect they only put it on the highway and other major arteries. The road outside our street has sand but I'm not sure about the other stuff. Maybe enough de-icer would cut it but after some certain amount of snow, it needs to be plowed (which makes no financial sense for the city to invest in).

      DH and I joke that there are maybe 5 snowplows in the state and they exceed the sand budget in February. Snow at the coast? Too bad, the plows are in central Oregon clearing that recent storm, or vice versa.


      • #33
        Re: Your Weekend Weather?

        Yeah, I think Seattle has 6 plows. Less than Bellevue even!
        Here, you can put an attachment on your car and just plow your own street. Aw, I think I'm going to miss it here!

        So, maybe your secret Santa should send you 10# bags of salt!
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #34
          Re: Your Weekend Weather?

          Originally posted by cupcake
          I am stuck in the house. Our street is a sheet of ice.
          Dh has been at Les Schwab for the last two hours waiting in line to buy chains. Les Schwab is the happening place around here today. Our local store is actually out of stock, but people (including Dh and our neighbor) are waiting in line for the chains that are supposed to arrive on the delivery truck this afternoon.

          The roads are better today around Salem. They are still slick, though. The city has graveled on the roads. It helped some. In PA, the roads would have been salted within hours after the snow stopped. I don't think Oregon salts the roads at all. Out of habit from our PA days, I was out shoveling snow off of our driveway and sidewalks yesterday. I don't think my neighbors even own a snow shovel. I only remember one time while living in Pa being stuck at home and that was when it snow 2ft! I think we only got about 3 inches, but it is icy. On the bright side, my dd loved sledding today.
          Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


          • #35
            Re: Your Weekend Weather?

            Originally posted by wildfin
            Annie -- is all the effort lost?

            OceanChild - yes, it's raining in LA (actual rain, not spittle) and this means that all the LA drivers who don't know how to drive in weather will be slamming on their breaks and driving stupidly on the freeways. :badday:
            Tell your DH to keep his eyes peeled if he's driving.

            I've been here 5 years and I love it, but I've never seen such ill-preparedness for weather other than sunshine in my life. *laugh*
            My heart goes out to all who are experiencing very cold weather right now: I've acclimated to CA so much, I have no idea what I'd do.
            We had playdates cancelled due to cloud last week
            I have been enjoying the rain. I hope those of you with the real severe weather stay safe.


            • #36
              Re: Your Weekend Weather?

              Do you have a Baxter auto supply there? DH got his chains from there. He has been trying for the last half hour to get out of the driveway. Last I saw him, he had a bag of cat litter in hand and his car is now gone. I have no idea if he made it past that. ETA: He did, it wasn't pretty, but he parked his car at a lower elevation and out of the neighborhood.

              I know...why don't they put down the salt or mag chloride BEFORE it starts? They've been talking about this stupid arctic blast for days. Or why can't the city devise a policy of which streets it will sand and which it won't? Our HOA wants to hire someone to plow and sand but has been told before that the city won't allow non-city people or something to treat the roads...but varies with administration so now maybe it is ok...but wait, does that fit within the scope of our HOA (WHO CARES!)...who freaking knows. All I know is that I might be stuck here through the weekend.


              JaneDoe -- you have an Odyssey, right? When I got chains for mine, they told me it wasn't rated for chains (WTF?) and I should get cables. I don't think those work as well. I'm going to put Blizzaks on and then the cables if needed. That is all theoretical of course since I can't leave to get those tires that are probably sold out for the next month.


              • #37
                Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                Cripes Annie!

                Wish the iMSN juju could help. Maybe it can. We'll all send powerful healing vibes to the grid. Hell, we've saved marriages and cured cancer so I'm so we can impact the grid!

                Here in San Antonio, where they are completely ill equipped for ice, whatever they "de-iced" the highway overpasses with this morning actually made it MORE slippery and there were bajillions of accidents as a result. Yes, they put the equivalent to soap on top of ice.

                Good luck those with the real severe weather. Come on down, it'll be 80 by Saturday.



                • #38
                  Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                  Ohhh....Annie...:therethere:...I hope you get home soon and have some semblance of normalcy for a few days at least. I think the power company should put you on preggo priority.

                  Um, Jenn, the equivalent of soap on ice? Oh my.


                  • #39
                    Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                    Ladybug, I'm so sorry the weather. It's is awful to be displaced from your home, especially when you are 9 months pregnant. I so hope you will be able to return home before the baby arrives.

                    Originally posted by cupcake

                    JaneDoe -- you have an Odyssey, right? When I got chains for mine, they told me it wasn't rated for chains (WTF?) and I should get cables. I don't think those work as well. I'm going to put Blizzaks on and then the cables if needed. That is all theoretical of course since I can't leave to get those tires that are probably sold out for the next month.
                    Yes, we have an Odyssey. Dh called our local Honda dealer to ask about chains. They said that chains on Odysseys are fine, but Honda recommends cable chains. I've also heard that cable chains are not as good. However, that was all Dh could get at Les Schwab today. They were out of everything else. We figured cable chains are better than nothing, especially since more icy weather is in the forcast. Are Blizzaks studded tires? Les Schwab was trying to sell Dh studded tires. Apparently, those were in stock, but they are expensive. Chains are what I'm used to. Back in the day when I skied (before kids), I always used chains driving to the mountain.
                    Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                    • #40
                      Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                      I called the Honda dealership today and they said the same -- Honda only recommends cable chains. I'm not sure what would happen with the regular kind. The Blizzaks are studless snowtires and Les Schwab doesn't carry Bridgestone (the brand that makes Blizzaks). I've had them before in Colorado and IMO they are just about as good as studs and not as loud. As of right now, my opinion is that cable chains suck.

                      The thought of being stuck in the house tomorrow doesn't bother me. It's the thought of being stuck here until next Tuesday that is getting to me. I ordered the tires but don't know how I can get there because I can't make it up this stupid f'ing driveway. Evie's birthday is tomorrow. Luckily she is only 2 and we have a few things that arrived in the mail. I feel crappy for not having gifts for her. We are having a little birthday party for her on Saturday -- if we can get there.

                      Let me know how the real chains go. I might have to resort to that.


                      • #41
                        Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                        Oh Annie! I hope your power is restored ASAP! As for the food -- can't it go in the garage or something? It's cold enough for snow, it's cold enough to keep the food frozen, right?

                        We've got snow, snow, snow! We were surprised that school wasn't canceled today - the word is that the high school has finals this week, and since report cards are coming out right after break, they didn't want to cancel.


                        • #42
                          Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                          I just got the call that school is canceled for tomorrow - if the electricity stays on I think I will sew!. We are supposed to get heavy snow starting between 2 and 4 am - I won't be up to watch it.

                          Annie - any changes??

                          All will be well.


                          • #43
                            Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                            Gosh - I really feel for everyone in the PNW who has gotten clobbered. We got another 4-6 inches last night, but at least we live in an area where they are prepared for it. During the last storm, I heard on the news that Milwaukee spent nearly half a million on snow removal for just that storm.

                            I went out to shovel at 4:45 this morning (couldn't sleep thanks to the babe) and our new neighbor was already working on our driveway! Thank God for good neighborly-ness!


                            • #44
                              Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                              I'm getting really concerned about us being able to drive home on Saturday. I HATE driving through northern IA. We got about 4 inches yesterday, we're supposed to get another 6-9 Thursday night into Friday and its supposed to snow Saturday. IA is getting just as much if not more and I-35 through northern IA is always a sheet of ice if there is any snow and even the slightest wind.

                              I guess most of us will be having white Christmas' though?
                              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                              • #45
                                Re: Your Weekend Weather?

                                Originally posted by SuzySunshine
                                I'm getting really concerned about us being able to drive home on Saturday. I HATE driving through northern IA. We got about 4 inches yesterday, we're supposed to get another 6-9 Thursday night into Friday and its supposed to snow Saturday. IA is getting just as much if not more and I-35 through northern IA is always a sheet of ice if there is any snow and even the slightest wind.

                                I guess most of us will be having white Christmas' though?
                                I'd really be tempted to pull the plug on the drive.

