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Spouse careers

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  • #16
    I'm a low-level federal bureaucrat, and after the match I took my job with me via telework. That's a temporary solution, though, and I'm going back to school (orientation this week, eep!) to be a teacher. (I have a BA, and this will get me licensure and an MA.)

    That career choice was definitely tied to my husband's career. I wanted something I could do in lots of places (unlike my current work, which is pretty well tied to Washington, DC - a city my husband happens to hate). It's definitely useful to have one spouse with a flexible career.
    Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


    • #17
      Originally posted by MPAgirl View Post
      I am currious about what all of the spouses here do for a living? What are your degrees in/what kind of job do you do? How hard was it to find a position post-match?
      I am a lawyer. I have a B.A. in English and a juris doctorate. I worked primarily in private practice at a large large firm before residency. Shortly after DH's began residency, I took a position as a career law clerk to a federal judge. Good hours. It is a very workable situation for us (DH is a NSG--never home--and we have two small children).


      • #18
        Originally posted by oceanchild View Post
        and I'm going back to school (orientation this week, eep!) to be a teacher. (I have a BA, and this will get me licensure and an MA.)

        That career choice was definitely tied to my husband's career. I wanted something I could do in lots of places (unlike my current work, which is pretty well tied to Washington, DC - a city my husband happens to hate). It's definitely useful to have one spouse with a flexible career.
        That's what I thought until we moved to Michigan! My friend said several hundred applicants applied for her one teaching position when she left. It all worked out for the best though bec. I get to stay home.


        • #19
          I have a masters in education with a focus in higher ed. I worked in higher ed admin while DH was in med school. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 9 months and will go back to work as a part time's far more family friendly than the hours I kept in higher ed admin.
          Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
            That's what I thought until we moved to Michigan! My friend said several hundred applicants applied for her one teaching position when she left. It all worked out for the best though bec. I get to stay home.
            Yeah, by flexible I meant not so location-dependent. I'm under no illusions about the current market.

            Jenn, it seems as though you can add higher ed to your list of career options!
            Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


            • #21
              Originally posted by oceanchild View Post
              . . . I wanted something I could do in lots of places (unlike my current work, which is pretty well tied to Washington, DC - a city my husband happens to hate). It's definitely useful to have one spouse with a flexible career.
              I so hear you on that. That's the exact reason I went into insolvency/bankruptcy/turnaround law--it's primarily a federal practice. I'm not tied to practicing primarily in one state.


              • #22
                I have a Bachelors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and currently work in IT for an insurance firm (flexibility when DH and I moved for Med School). I am earning my MBA/MPH currently and supporting our family.

                Medical school is rapidly teaching me to be much more flexible.

                Welcome and good luck!

                Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                • #23
                  I have a BA in Econ/Russian Lit and used to work in consulting, telecom and corporate finance before we moved. It all paid reasonably well and we needed my income in med school and residency, all of which we did in NYC. Now in PA I tried to do some part-time consulting last year but it all went to taxes (literally all of it), and so right now I'm a SAHW.


                  • #24
                    I have a BS in Biology and a second BS in Nursing. I now work part time as an RN (about 3 nights a week on average) and am a personal clown to my 3 year old by day. I have been working part time for about 9 months now, and life is SO much better. Luckily, nursing is a great profession for a mom because you can pretty much work whatever schedule you'd like and it's also fairly easy to find a job should you relocate. I would love to go back for my master's in nursing ed., but life is really too hectic right now with a new baby on the way, etc. Sometimes it does feel like my job/career takes second fiddle, but for now, this is what my family needs. This is something I have had to just work through these past few years... My turn will come once DH is done with fellowship and I don't have any more tiny feet running around...
                    Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Vishenka69 View Post
                      I have a BA in Econ/Russian Lit . . .
                      Oooooooh!! I just KNEW you had some kind of fabulous, urbane degree! You just give off the "smart sophisticate" vibe in your posts! I would have guessed something just like a BA in Eco and Russian Lit...or maybe Renassiance Art History or Humanities or something.

                      I had a boring (but much loved) major. I live vicariously through people with exciting majors.
                      Last edited by GrayMatterWife; 08-17-2009, 06:00 PM.


                      • #26
                        I have a masters in education. I met my SO in Texas where I was in school for my masters. He was matched in D.C. before I finished so he went ahead and I finished up. I am now in D.C. (a little over two months now)

                        Unfortunately I got here too late for the school job fairs, I had to apply for certification here, AND on top of that, I wasn't sure if I should apply for certification in Maryland, Virginia, AND D.C. or just one of them (I ended up only applying for Maryland.) I also might have to take a new exam becuase Texas has their own, and they use the Praxis up here. So here I am, job hunting in a career that if you dont get a job by the start of school, youre just going to have to do something else and substitute for a year and try again the following year.

                        Anyway, long story long, its important to know the job hunt isn't going to be fun no matter what you are doing. Its good to know when the job fairs are and if you know the economic/job situation is as bad as it is right now, well, its going to be rough. They say it takes 4-6 months to find a job. Good luck with everything and Enjoy MS4. Its the best of the years so far in my experience.

                        Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                        Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                        Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
                          Oooooooh!! I just KNEW you had some kind of fabulous, urbane degree! You just give off the "smart sophisticate" vibe in your posts! I would have guessed something just like a BA in Eco and Russian Lit...or maybe Renassiance Art History or Humanities or something.

                          I had a boring (but much loved) major. I live vicariously through people with exciting majors.
                          Thanks Abigail, I live vicariously through people with exciting hobbies.


                          • #28
                            another attorney here. Depending on what specialty your husband wants to go into may affect how flexible you have to be. For example there are IM residencies in many locations with many spots available (which increases your chances of going/staying where you want). But then again there are lots of ortho locations but the specialty is highly competitive so you may still not match at your top 10.

                            For us DH is looking into a fairly competitive specialty with few positions (less than 200 nationwide) and he doesn't go to a known school so we really have to be willing to go ANYWHERE that he can match. I am preparing myself to have to take another bar exam, and trying not to think too much about how difficult it may be to get another job.

                            Unfortunately being married to a med student/doctor means your career may have to take a backseat and you have to try and be flexible!

                            By the way... and nice to meet you!
                            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                            • #29
                              Wow! I'm super-impressed with everyone's credentials. I knew that there were a bunch of smarties in here but this is a seriously amazing group (for numerous reasons).

                              I am a lawyer. I have a B.A. in English Lit and Psychology and a juris doctorate. I am a partner in the commercial real estate department of a national law firm. I'd been with my firm 10 years before DrK started his internship so they didn't want to let me go and I didn't want to leave. We tried to interview/match at locations that were desirable for the firm and where I could be easily licensed. Didn't quite work out that way. I have managed to stay with my firm through a combination of commuting and telecommuting and I'm presently applying for my third Bar license.

                              We are expecting our first baby in January. I'll continue to telecommute and may do some commuting. For the time being, the tentative plan is to fly in every few months for a week or two and bring the baby. My mom/MIL will watch Baby K while I'm putting in my face time at the office. The grandmas are giddy about this potential arrangement.
                              Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                              • #30
                                Being flexible is key. With moving for med school, residency, fellowship, and practice. Being able to find a job in just about any city would be a great asset.

                                Oh and I went to school for a BA in Meteorology, but when we had to move for DH clinical rotations and I wasn't able to find a school that I could transfer too. Right now I am doing something I always wanted to do (cosmetology school) and really love it. Once we end up moving again, hopefully to somewhere where I could finish out my degree I plan too. When life hands you lemons right....
                                Last edited by bokelley; 08-17-2009, 08:25 PM.
                                Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.

