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Fun Poll for Everyone :)

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  • #16
    Love that I no longer sweat half my weight walking from the parking lot to my office. It is 79 today.

    Love that because we are past sweat season I can wear tights. I luv wearing tights with cute shoes. In winter, they do not keep me warm enough.

    Love the fall decorations. I really like those colors. BTW - I,too, used to decorate my place while I was in college.
    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


    • #17
      Football.....lots and lots of Football....("Foosball is the Debbil!")
      The lower frequency of 90ยบ+ weather...
      ..and some other thing that I can't think of right now...

      I like Summer better...

      Last edited by RocketBoy; 09-16-2009, 02:30 PM.


      • #18
        - Pumpkin Pie & finally being cool enough to bake.
        - Fall colors
        - Sweater and boots season (I love my sweaters)
        Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


        • #19
          1. the saturated colors (in nature and in fashion)
          2. tall boots!
          3. college football!!!


          • #20
            Thanks for starting this I have been a negative nelly lately because I don't particularly like fall because it means winter is coming...

            With that being said there are fun parts and I need to focus on those things...

            1) Apples (picking them, eating them, and baking with them)
            2) Football (watching it with my DH)
            3) Bon fires (smores and hotchocolate)
            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


            • #21
              Originally posted by MarissaNicole3 View Post
              Thanks for starting this I have been a negative nelly lately because I don't particularly like fall because it means winter is coming...

              With that being said there are fun parts and I need to focus on those things...

              1) Apples (picking them, eating them, and baking with them)
              2) Football (watching it with my DH)
              3) Bon fires (smores and hotchocolate)
              mmmm...smores....baked pie....and homemade hot apple cider...forgot about those - I love those too! Maybe I like Fall more than I thought.
              Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


              • #22
                My birthday, college football, and the sense that things have regained the rhythm that sort of gets lost in the summer.

                We feds also get a lot of holidays in the fall.
                Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                  mmmm...smores....baked pie....and homemade hot apple cider...forgot about those - I love those too! Maybe I like Fall more than I thought.

                  Oh and I forgot to add carmel apples and candy corn... mmmmm! Is it bad that most of the things I like about fall are related to eating?!
                  Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                  • #24
                    My birthday (along with all of the OTHER Scorpios on this board)

                    It's getting cooler- today it's only 92- and trust me, that's a huge improvement.

                    Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday.



                    • #25
                      First this,
                      Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                      My birthday (along with all of the OTHER Scorpios on this board)
                      Second, the foliage. I love living in NE precisely because of this.
                      Third, I can finally use my ovens again without feeling like I'm in a sauna.


                      • #26
                        I love the smell of the fall.
                        Wrapping up in the cool days with a nice hot cup of tea!
                        And I USED to love apple pie, but I just developed a terrible allergy to that so I am going to have to find something new to replace my former love of apple pie


                        • #27
                          OOOh I love this thread/poll and I am so excited to look for those mazes. J and I went to one last year and had SO much fun.

                          ok mine

                          1. THE COLORS. I LOVE the changing of the leaves.
                          2. Weather. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right!
                          3. Jewish Holidays family time. (comfort food too!)

                          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                          • #28
                            Oh yeah- I miss living near enough to my college room-mate to get invited for all the Jewish Holidays.

                            YUM! I was the only one who would her her Bubbie's chopped living, too. Delish.


                            • #29
                              I miss seasons. SO much.


                              (None of which apply to fall in LA)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
                                3. The autumn section at Hobby Lobby. When I have a bad day, I like to go wander around in it. My entire apartment is decked out in fall stuff right now--and I'm a college student.
                                OMG I could LIVE in Hobby Lobby this time of year and be perfectly content. No matter how bad of a day I'm having, the autumn section of HL cheers me right up!!
                                Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)

