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Five Interesting Tidbits about me

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  • #61
    Originally posted by bokelley View Post
    Trust me it is not that bad, If you can do calculus than you can do physics. Now I did have 6 semesters of it, but the first year was the hardest. Same with the math, if you get a great understanding of the basics then everything else just kinda comes to ya.
    Wow, six semesters of physics, you rock! I sometimes have flashbacks to high school honors physics. The teacher used an ancient textbook and I didn't understand any of it. I got the worst grades in that class that I've ever gotten in high school or in college. When I became hysterical that he was going to fail me, he took pity on me and gave me a D. I understand math and always worked hard at it, I tested out of the calculus requirement in college. I never loved math, but I didn't hate it either.
    :end hijack:
    Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


    • #62
      1. I used to be a tomboy until junior high, when I discovered boys. I have a broken toe and scars to prove it.
      2. I didn't learn how to drive until 25, when we bought our first car.
      3. My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla.
      4. I hold grudges forever. I can forgive but I never forget.
      5. I'm actually not a big people person and I hate small talk.


      • #63
        O, I love this thread! A few interesting things about me.....
        1. I hate to share, yes I do share but I HATE doing it. The remote, my dogs, the blankets, the pillows, my food, drinks, car, and just about everything. O.k. now that you all think I am a total weirdo, I will go on with my list.
        2. I have ADD, like seriously. I was never tested, but I can't sit still. I can have be talking on the phone, listening to my ipod, reading a magzine, watching tv and run on my treadmill at the same time while making a list in my head of what I will be doing that day and what I need to buy from the grocery store. I could NEVER pay attention in school.
        3. I never learned how to write paper properly, I can't spell, I am grammatically incorrect 98% of the time, possibly because I never learned it in school, see #2.
        4. I love holidays, I love to decorate for them, and celebrate every single one of them.
        5. I went to state for swimming in high school.


        • #64
          Originally posted by thegirlnextdoor View Post
          O, I love this thread! A few interesting things about me.....
          1. I hate to share, yes I do share but I HATE doing it. The remote, my dogs, the blankets, the pillows, my food, drinks, car, and just about everything. O.k. now that you all think I am a total weirdo, I will go on with my list.
          2. I have ADD, like seriously. I was never tested, but I can't sit still. I can have be talking on the phone, listening to my ipod, reading a magzine, watching tv and run on my treadmill at the same time while making a list in my head of what I will be doing that day and what I need to buy from the grocery store. I could NEVER pay attention in school.
          3. I never learned how to write paper properly, I can't spell, I am grammatically incorrect 98% of the time, possibly because I never learned it in school, see #2.
          4. I love holidays, I love to decorate for them, and celebrate every single one of them.
          5. I went to state for swimming in high school.

          Hahaha I hate to share my pillow and blanket too. It actually irritates me that we have one comforter on the bed. I'd rather have my own and hubby has his own! haha

          I also hear you on the ADD thing... I swear I have it!



          • #65
            It took me a while to think of 5 things. And some of these aren't all that interesting!

            1. I love to read. So much so that I read while walking around my house and bump into walls. I read while I floss and brush my teeth. My husband thinks I'm a weirdo. Whenever I'm on the computer on weekends, he just smiles at me and says "Reading the Internet?" and I say yes
            2. I love jam. LOVE might not be a strong enough word. I go through 2-3 jars per week and put so much on my PB&Js that it oozes out everywhere.
            3. I'm scared of butterflies. I think they fly very erractically and it freaks me out, plus, I have a general fear of buys (see #4)
            4. I'm allergic to mosquito bites. As in, I get massive hard, swollen red welts for 2-3 days afterward in a 6 inch radius of any bite. This should make Africa interesting...
            5. I like the height difference between my husband and I (20 inches) - it makes old people smile at us.
            Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
            Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


            • #66
              Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen View Post
              4. I'm allergic to mosquito bites. As in, I get massive hard, swollen red welts for 2-3 days afterward in a 6 inch radius of any bite. This should make Africa interesting...
              5. I like the height difference between my husband and I (20 inches) - it makes old people smile at us.
              4. Me, too. What do you do when you get a bite? Mine are always warm to the touch, and it's so so painful.
              5. My husband is 6'3" and I'm barely 5'. So we've got a good 24" between us. Dh always asks me how the weather is down where I am. Grumble.
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #67
                Originally posted by alison View Post
                4. Me, too. What do you do when you get a bite? Mine are always warm to the touch, and it's so so painful.
                5. My husband is 6'3" and I'm barely 5'. So we've got a good 24" between us. Dh always asks me how the weather is down where I am. Grumble.
                4. Mine too! It's so painful and achy. When I was little they really bothered me to sleep but now I just try to ignore it. Sometimes I'll use a topical cream like Benadryl or something. And I've iced them before so I could get some rest.
                5. I'm 5'0'' and my husbands almost 6'8''
                Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                • #68
                  Okay I know this post has been quiet for awhile, but I LOVED reading about everyone, so I really wanted to post my own. I agree with so many things people wrote (sleeping on hubby's side of bed when gone, eating chocolate, correcting people's grammar, and never smoking) but I am trying to come up with 5 new things so here goes:
                  1. I am directionally challenged. I call my left, right and my right, left all the time.
                  2. I have watched every season/episode of the Real World on MTV--waste of time but addicting. I really am getting too old for this but can't pull away just yet!
                  3. I hate long fingernails on guys! Just like some of you with the bad teeth (which I agree with) it just grosses me out when a guy has long nails.
                  4. I know the lyrics to so many 80's and 90's soft rock ballads. Songs hubby has never heard of, I sing every word to!
                  5. I have a photographic memory. In school when I took a test, I could picture the page the information was on in the textbook. This definitely helped with my 4.0 GPA in grad school.

                  This thread has helped keep me entertained on a rainy Saturday night, so thanks!


                  • #69
                    5 random things about me:

                    1. I am pretty tall and used to be part of Tall International (think amazon woman!)
                    2. I am in love with cooking/baking and make many things from scratch as I have a wheat allergy so things have to taste good.
                    3. I love the teachings of Jesus Christ, and try to practice them on a daily basis
                    4. I love moving to new places and meeting new friends
                    5. and, everyday I usually have a random adventure.


                    • #70
                      1. My eyes are blue but one is half orange/brown
                      2. I start each day with coffee, and end each with a glass of wine. This is more to me about the ritual verus the caffeine and alcohol, well maybe a bit a bout the caffeine.
                      3. I was homecoming queen, cheerleading captain, most spirited, and class VP....and I am annoyed at the bitchy stereotypes given in all teen movies.
                      4. I was on tv on Friday for my shop, and absolutely hated it.
                      5. I am totally obsessed with holidays, my dogs name is Blitzen and my cat's name is Pumpkin


                      • #71
                        1) I once spent a summer working at Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site and did historical reenactments, I wore a prairie dress and I even chopped the head off a live chicken.
                        2) I met my husband in a parking lot, he likes to dress up the story and say we met “outside of a restaurant” but it was really a parking lot and I was the one who approached him. I actually just wanted to tell him how cute his (now our) lab was!
                        3) The only thing I will not eat is mustard. Ugh.
                        4) My sisters and I went to an all girls Catholic high school despite my parents’ rampant atheism and my mom’s deep hatred of the Catholic Church. (They dug the all girls thing.)
                        5) I dislike movies, only because I cannot stand the thought of sitting down for 2 hours straight, but sitting and reading a book from cover-to-cover for 6 + hours doesn’t bother me at all. (As long as I have some sort of snack food to carry me through, I prefer cheetos.)


                        • #72
                          Oh, too funny. I used to do historical re-enactments for a national historic site, too.


                          • #73
                            1. We have two hairless cats. Think Mr. Bigelsworth from Austin Powers. They're great!

                            2. I was a few credits short of an English major in college when I dropped it and switched to Physics major. It worked out well for me though!

                            3. I have a hiatal hernia and bad reflux- and I can't burp. Instead, I just make gurgly sounds. I hate it and no one seems to know how to fix it! I'm hoping DH learns some things in the GI section.....

                            4. One of my favorite foods is chickpeas/garbanzo beans. I eat all variations of hummus, chickpea salad, chickpea sandwiches, etc for lunch almost every week.

                            5. I've been to Cuba and Fidel Castro gave a 4-hour speech to my traveling group. Most unique experience of my life!


                            • #74
                              Dramy, your peanut butter pie and peanut butter banana bread recipes on your blog look heavenly.


                              • #75
                                For several summers when I was home from college, I worked in a warehouse and was certified to drive a forklift.

                                My shoe size has changed from a 7.5/8 to a 9/ 9.5 since I had my three kids.

                                When I was in high school I was convinced I was going to be the next Bob Costas.

                                I love brussle sprouts.

                                I love watching (mostly college) basketball. Hearing the squeaks on the court ups my heart rate.

                                Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                                “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

