I've also been following but staying out of this thread, but wanted to let Abigail know that she's definitely not alone. I'm one of "those" where the training years were not unbearably brutal or malignant, despite DH having trained in a 6-year surgical subspecialty. Of course it helped that DH did residency at a great program so his hours weren't horrible, we were close to family and friends, and we did not struggle financially. I feel like those who are in the trenches don't want to hear how great we have/had it, so I don't say too much about it either.
If anyone's interested in my thoughts about the OP ... We're just now 3.5 weeks into attendinghood
, and I'd say that we've emerged relatively unscathed. So, yes, I'd have to say that the journey was worth it for us. The training process was not hell for us, so it's easy for me to say that though. DH will be the first to tell you that this was never about the money, he likes to say that there are definitely easier ways to get rich in life. He's fulfilled with a career that he enjoys that will also afford us a comfortable lifestyle, and I'm perfectly happy staying home and raising our kids. I harbor zero resentment toward DH for following his dream, probably because I didn't need to sacrifice much in order for him to attain it.
If anyone's interested in my thoughts about the OP ... We're just now 3.5 weeks into attendinghood
