So sad. The parents say she was taken at night. But the police came out and said they r no longer working with police and the mom failed the polygraph test. Poor little girl!!
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Missing kc girl
There's something hinky with the parents' body language. Becaue I'm significantly hearing impaired, I pay super close attention to non-verbal cues and they are off-the-charts weird. Dad has been strangely disengaged since day one and mom telegraphs guilt. Her BL can be explained away by assuming that since she was the one home, she'd naturally feel guilt that her kid went missing on her watch. But there's something deceptive in her demeanor, too. I'm not sure quite what, though.
Ooh, one other thing -- the mom keeps looking to the dad for approval of whatever she's saying. Which is weird. As a mom, approval wouldn't be anywhere near my radar if one of my kiddos was missing.
There's something off here.
The parents do seem very off. There's a reason why the family is usually the first group that is looked at in a crime - often, they are the criminals. BUT, I really try to remind myself of Jon Benet Ramsey. Everyone thought the parents killed her, hired someone to kill her, covered for their son who killed her, etc. Those who didn't believe were eventually convinced by Nancy Grace who basically went on a rampage against that poor family. A stranger really did come into their house, for no financial gain, killed their daughter, and left. As they were grieving their daughter, the entire world seemed to think not only that they were responsible for her death, but that they killed her and tried to cover it up. I just hope that someone really did see her and think she was cute, abduct her, and will leave her somewhere safe to be found. I know, I'm not completely cynical yet.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
I think its odd that someone broke into their house and took ONLY their cell phones and the baby. And I don't buy the whole "we didn't call right away because we didn't have cell phones". If someone abducted my child, after I searched our house in .5 seconds, I would be banging down neighbors' doors to call the police. Very strange. I really, really hope that nothing bad happened to that little girl.Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending
Ok, now that I am on my computer I can type a longer response. First off I have very little faith in the KC, MO cops - yes the FBI is involved but still. A neighbor claims that her husband saw a man carrying a baby down the street around 1am. If that is true that definitely lends to the family's story but yes there are also a lot of holes. I hope that its not another situation where there was an accident and they're covering it up. She has big brothers, I don't know how old they are but can you imagine how hard this is on them? Very sad, I hope they find her.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
If in fact she did die, and it was intentional, and they are responsible, it just blows my mind to attempt to cover it up as something else.
So much money and manpower for the search/investigation, wasted... What about cases that need those resources?
I'll go even farther: let's say it was a truly accidental death. Still? Don't cover it up.
Maybe I'm too early in the parenting game to get it, but it seems logical to me. Tell the truth. Always.
Tragedy is tragedy, without the complication of lies.Last edited by Thirteen; 10-07-2011, 10:47 AM.Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
Professional Relocation Specialist &
"The Official IMSN Enabler"
Someone broke into my home in the middle of the night and took me when I was 5. The police blamed my parents, pitted them against each other and then ultimately blamed my dad. The police delayed looking for me and made my dad their suspect. He refused to cooperate any further and demanded they look for me. That was the point that the perpetrator felt surrounded and pushed me out if the car. I was able to get to someone's home and the woman called the police.
1. It wasn't my dad
2. He is a hostile and difficult person.
Being weird or seeming off isn't the same as being guilty.~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Being weird or seeming off isn't the same as being guilty.
And Kris,
So true, Rapunzel. It's awful. OKC is a big hub of the human trafficking network, and I have a friend who works with an organization that helps rescue people from it. Some of the statistics I hear from her are unbelievable. I really hope that isn't the case for this girl and they find her safe soon.Laurie
My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)
Originally posted by diggitydot View PostSeriously?! I had no idea...Laurie
My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)
Now the mom admits to having had "2-3 drinks" the night the baby disappeared. I don't know. I'm not saying people are not allowed to drink once they have kids, but you KNOW she's downplaying the amount she had to drink. This looks really bad for her. She should've come clean when it all started.Cristina