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Book or eReader?

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  • #16
    I love the convenience of e-book library loans. Especially for popular titles: I place the request, within days I get the email to download my book, and when the lending period is over it zaps off my kindle. No dragging the kids to the library at inconvenient times to pick up my hold, no feeling guilty when the book is overdue (dammit, I have an overdue book now!)

    I haven't bought many books in years, but I kind of like the instant gratification of one-click buying. If I wait even two days for Prime delivery, regret sets in. So I buy more e-books than physical books.

    Speaking of Prime, we have a guest membership (quasi-"legal") so we don't get Lending Library. But during my free month of full membership when I got my Kindle, I was unimpressed by it -- my one free book was Hunger Games, which took me like 3 hours to read, so one loan a month sounded painfully parsimonious.

    I do like browsing the stacks at the library though, thumbing through my choices, roaming for those brief precious minutes while the kids are occupied in the children's area, etc.


    • #17
      Oh, gosh, I don't think I will ever get an eReader! I love books too much! Then again, maybe I'm just in denial about being a luddite?? I still have the same flip-phone I got about 4.5 years ago, taped together in the back because it's so old! I'm scared of Smartphones. I'm already too addicted to the Internet as it is; having access to it 24/7 would be extremely dangerous for me. I already have Repetitive Stress Injuries from being addicted to the Internet for the past 17 years.


      • #18
        Originally posted by bobk View Post
        Would you be interested in this?

        Not sure I would drop $98 for a bottle, but that's really cool. I especially love the packaging.

        Anyway, I use kindle for the iPad. I like that you can download books immediately, but otherwise prefer the tactile experience of real books.
        Bob, what you have just shown me is SUPER dangerous. That is so awesome!
        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
        Professional Relocation Specialist &
        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


        • #19
          I gave a Nook. I love it for accessing Internet. I hate it for reading. I am a real book girl.


          • #20
            I can't get on the e-reader wagon... I love books and I love having my own personal library. I also love going to the library and loading myself up with books that I then HAVE to read within the next 2 weeks before they're due. I spend so much time with technology - for most of my workday I have 2 laptops open in front of me (work and personal), as well as my smartphone. When I pick up a book at the end of the day, it's a break. I think an e-reader would take some of the joy out of it.
            Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
              Am I the last holdout? You'd think with my degree, I'd be all over it, but I just haven't jumped on board.
              I love books, and their smell.

              I'm pretty sure that makes me a weirdo. The smell of books is awesome.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              I have an ereader and I'm still not a convert!! I've read a few books on it, but anytime I buy a book it's a real one. I basically only choose ebook if my library had it immediately available for e checkout.


              • #22
                Originally posted by lovelight View Post
                I have an ereader and I'm still not a convert!! I've read a few books on it, but anytime I buy a book it's a real one. I basically only choose ebook if my library had it immediately available for e checkout.
                This is my hubby...he has an ereader...but he still usually chooses a book...


                • #23
                  I think I'm going to ask for one for my birthday or Christmas this year. I'm debating between Nook and Kindle (e-ink, in either case). Do any of you know which has better library availability? I've never been a big buyer of books.
                  Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                  • #24
                    I looove reading and have a Kindle. But I also check out physical books from the library too and am typically reading on the Kindle and a physical book. Regular Kindles (I don't have the Fire) are made to read like books. They are not backlit or anything. I love that my page is always saved and I always have a few hundred books in my purse.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by oceanchild View Post
                      I think I'm going to ask for one for my birthday or Christmas this year. I'm debating between Nook and Kindle (e-ink, in either case). Do any of you know which has better library availability? I've never been a big buyer of books.
                      I would think Kindle is better just because of all the books on Amazon. They also have a ton of free books you can download via Amazon. I also do check out books onto the Kindle occasionally through my library, but that selection is limited IMO.


                      • #26
                        My library uses Overdrive for eBook lending. It looks like most titles are available in Kindle and ePub. It says that Nook can read ePub. I've read many times that a plus of Nook is that if you physically are inside a B&N store, you can browse books on your Nook. We don't have stores like that so it's moot for me (and we use Amazon for a lot of stuff which makes Kindle more attractive to me).


                        • #27
                          DH has a Kindle but thinks I might like a Nook better, which I don't entirely understand. If we both had a Kindle he could lend me books, but the lending period is really limited, and I read slow. I don't know. I suspect I'd like either.
                          Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                          • #28
                            An interesting facet of having two Kindles on one Amazon account is that whenever one of us buys a book it's available for the other to read as well. DH recently told me, "You are going to love this Michael Pollan book I just got. When I'm done I'll let you use my Kindle to read it." And I was like, "Oh, is that what popped up on my Fire?" LOL.


                            • #29
                              What Alison said. It would make since for both of you two have a Kindle. DH and I share books all the time because they are both on his acct. You can also use the Kindle app on iPhone and IPad.


                              • #30
                                Our library also uses Overdrive which offers books in Kindle format and ePub (Nook) format.

                                Can you use ePub on an iPhone? I know you can download the Kindle app.....wasn't sure if there is a Nook app though.
                                Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

