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Introvert or Extrovert

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  • #46
    Originally posted by civilspouse View Post
    I understand completly. The only difference is that DH and I are both big introverts so it doesn't occur to either of us invite the person in. Later in the day we might say...maybe we should have invited her in, offered her something to drink...oh well, next time. Maybe it's good that you and your DH balance each other out .
    That is so us. Later on, I'm always embarrassed by my lack of hospitality.

    When our new neighbors moved in, we all went over to say hi and introduce ourselves, fully planning on being there for 5 minutes, tops. We ended up being there for 2 hours, despite repeated attempts on our part to leave. (We finally just stood up and said we NEED to go home and have dinner.) So painful. Needless to say, the paper that I had written my cell and email on stayed in my pocket. I can't be friends with people like that. (they literally said "no, no, have some tea! Here, we have brownies. Hey kids, here's some cherries!" Oy.)


    • #47
      I'm so glad to introvert friends to explain this to me because I'm always wondering what the hell I said that didn't entice the person to want to get to know me better.

      ...or really, it could just be me.

      Question for people who know this stuff: Is it possible to become more or less introverted and extroverted over time. When I first took the test in college I was very "E". Now I'm slightly "E". Is this testing error or circumstances or true change? I think the fact that I have the little people all day make me crave silence and a moment to think.
      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #48
        Originally posted by houseelf View Post
        I'm so glad to introvert friends to explain this to me because I'm always wondering what the hell I said that didn't entice the person to want to get to know me better.

        ...or really, it could just be me.

        Question for people who know this stuff: Is it possible to become more or less introverted and extroverted over time. When I first took the test in college I was very "E". Now I'm slightly "E". Is this testing error or circumstances or true change? I think the fact that I have the little people all day make me crave silence and a moment to think.
        It's not are absolutely lovely.

        I find that the more full-on kid time I have, the more time I need to recharge. I love them, but they drain me. I suspect I'll become more people-oriented as the kids grow. When I used to work 9 to 5, I had no problem shooting the breeze all day, because I came home to an empty silent apartment. So, it's probably circumstances.


        • #49
          Originally posted by BonBon View Post
          . . .I find that the more full-on kid time I have, the more time I need to recharge. I love them, but they drain me. I suspect I'll become more people-oriented as the kids grow. When I used to work 9 to 5, I had no problem shooting the breeze all day, because I came home to an empty silent apartment. So, it's probably circumstances.
          I've had this thought too. I used to sit in my office 10+ hrs/day drafting contracts and then go out in the evenings. Didn't matter if I was home at 2AM and back at my office by 7AM. I think this was for a number of reasons. (1) I had quiet all day and was craving company, (2) I was younger and could get by with less sleep, (3) I was dating/looking for a husband and had to force myself to be social because I wasn't going to meet anyone in my quiet little office or my empty apartment. I think having toddlers around me all the time, having to explain everything and basically narriate everything that is going on around us every minute of the day, having to think about how the manner in which I'm explaining all that stuff will impact impressionable toddler minds, together with having that experience of being "the new girl" (and in some cases the odd girl out) as we've moved multiple times and my life has changed with being newly wed and a new mom have made me feel a much greater need for alone time.
          Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


          • #50
            Originally posted by houseelf View Post
            I'm so glad to introvert friends to explain this to me because I'm always wondering what the hell I said that didn't entice the person to want to get to know me better.

            ...or really, it could just be me.

            Question for people who know this stuff: Is it possible to become more or less introverted and extroverted over time. When I first took the test in college I was very "E". Now I'm slightly "E". Is this testing error or circumstances or true change? I think the fact that I have the little people all day make me crave silence and a moment to think.
            Yep, quite possible.

            The first time I took a MBTI I was super far to the introverted side. In college I'd moved about a third of the way towards central and after about 3 years in the workforce I'd moved another third or so. For me, being forced into such constant social interaction helped me develop an extroverted side that previously didn't exist. I was (and am) still very much an introvert but could handle small talk without feeling like I needed to go home and take a nap afterwards.
            Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


            • #51
              I went to have tea with a friend and the waiter tried to sit us in a busy corner. So I asked if we could be seated somewhere quiet. He asked why and I said I don't like strangers...and I bite. That seems to take care of the I in INFJ


              • #52
                I'm def an an introvert. I've never taken a test though. I wish I was an extrovert :/ at times. Most people think I'm quiet but people who really know me think I'm crazy and silly.


                • #53
                  This was in our paper today:

                  Married to a peds surgeon attending

