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Happy Election Day!

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  • Happy Election Day!

    Woohoo, it's Election Day! Who are voting for? Who are you NOT voting for? Any interesting ballot questions/referendums in your area?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending

  • #2
    Here, it is mid-term elections, so state legislative positions, county freeholder positions, and the local school board. So thankful the school board is on the November ballot - I hate April elections. The turnout is far worse and they do not actively engage the entire district the way a fall election can.

    We have an interesting county referendum on the ballot: they would like all businesses to start charging customers 5 cents for every plastic bag they use. I'm leaning towards saying "yes" and hopefully we can remember to use our foldup bags when we shop!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


    • #3
      Originally posted by scarlett09 View Post
      Woohoo, it's Election Day! Who are voting for? Who are you NOT voting for? Any interesting ballot questions/referendums in your area?

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      For: anyone who is not a Democrat (we have no conservative Dems running here). Michelle Nunn is a colossally dishonest person. She will say or do anything to get elected. It is really sad--her dad was a great guy. Definitely a Dem I would have voted for. I thought she would be a lot more like her dad. Nope. So now I have to vote for Perdue, who is a putz.

      Not voting for: anyone who is a Democrat. Seriously, I'd vote for a shaved naked goat first. Several of our local election had Democrats running uncontested. I still refused to vote for them. I wrote in "anyone else."

      Interesting ballot issue: we have a referendum on whether the GA state income tax rate could not be raised (at least, not easily). So stupid. Yeah, I don't want to pay more in income taxes...but they act as if the government won't just find some OTHER way to raise the taxes. Ugh.


      • #4
        We have a gubernatorial race and a US House race. We're also voting on medical marijuana. I'll be voting against republicans. Also, go pot!

        Our gubernatorial race features a waffle (who has been 3 different political parties) and a criminal who defrauded medicare out of millions of dollars as the CEO of a hospital. Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather have a waffle than a criminal.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          Happy Election Day!

          Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
          For: anyone who is not a Democrat (we have no conservative Dems running here). Michelle Nunn is a colossally dishonest person. She will say or do anything to get elected. It is really sad--her dad was a great guy. Definitely a Dem I would have voted for. I thought she would be a lot more like her dad. Nope. So now I have to vote for Perdue, who is a putz.

          Not voting for: anyone who is a Democrat. Seriously, I'd vote for a shaved naked goat first. Several of our local election had Democrats running uncontested. I still refused to vote for them. I wrote in "anyone else."

          Interesting ballot issue: we have a referendum on whether the GA state income tax rate could not be raised (at least, not easily). So stupid. Yeah, I don't want to pay more in income taxes...but they act as if the government won't just find some OTHER way to raise the taxes. Ugh.
          I'm doing the same thing today. I feel kind if badly about it (I'm a conservative democrat), but I'm a one issue voter this time. The Democratic gov candidate (who will win), will likely raise our income taxes 3-5%. I'm not ok with paying that much more to live in this cruddy town.

          I do miss voting by mail. I know it has it's problems, but it's way better

          What do your DH's do? DH has been at work for an hour already, and may not be home before 8. I feel badly that I didn't arrange for an absentee ballot for him.
          Last edited by JDAZ11; 11-04-2014, 05:33 AM.


          • #6
            We've got governor and Secretary of State, us representative, state representative, a slew of judges and several tax related ballot issues. I'm voting for Kasich (R) and his lt gov. I like him, despite being a Dem myself. Why? Because I feel like he listens. When he tried to push the anti union resolution years back and it went on the ballot, it was trounced. Failed miserably. He apologized! He said, "I disagree, but I've heard you and we will find another way." I'm going to tell you, respecting the majority electorate wins my moderate vote. Not enough politicians do that.

            I'm not voting for Josh Mandel (R) for Treasurer. He's a political animal who jumped in to the "my opponent might be a Muuuuslim!" Line of campaigning with gusto from the get go. He also started a database showing taxpayers how much their public workers were overpaid, but it failed to explain the complexities and included all their benefits and pension payments in one sum as their " yearly salary". The result was a lot of parents walking around thinking their third grade teacher made almost 80 K a year. A lot of anger stirred up there for no good reason through misleading information. I'd rather have someone less manipulative and more prone to compromise.

            I'm not crazy about Nina Turner but I'm voting for her for SoS because we need some balance in our way right leaning government here. She leans too far left for me.

            I'm voting against my house rep. He's a R candidate and we know him personally. It kills me because he's a good guy, and went to Washington as a bipartisan candidate. He recently got primaried and went further right to beat it. All that chatter and the NRA stepping in to campaign for him lost my moderate Dem vote. I can't trust that he won't get pulled right by the tea party anymore. He's used a lot of anti Obama are and NRA boilerplate campaign stuff and that always pisses me off. It feels so fake, particularly when you know that isn't how the candidate really is.

            I'm voting for a D state legislator. I know both candidates personally and for once they are BOTH great people. I'd be happy with either and I've voted for the R woman several times in the past. The guy (D) seems to have more ideas and energy and he has a more modern vision for our area. I guess I'd like to see what he can do after years of the other candidate being in office. I would like to see some growth in our area.

            We have a local tax issue I've been helping with that raises our area income tax by .375% to pay for roads. Our state estate tax was eliminated this year and the funds from that tax used to go to local governments. Here, we used it to rebuild our roads and do major improvements on public buildings. That account is running dry now that there is not more income from the state tax. This income tax would replace half the losses; the local government is making cuts in spending to replace the other half. It's almost a million dollars a year of lost revenue, so making it all up in cuts would be a big blow to our area services since our local budget is only 5 million dollars annually. Despite the logic of this tax increase, it will probably fail because taxes are not popular. There has been a campaign against the issue that's been filled with false statements and misinformation; it's been very frustrating to watch. People don't want to pay more tax and if you give them any reason to say no they will take it without questioning if it's valid. A bigger issue is that people hate our local council (with some valid reasons) and they want to punish them by voting no. Those that have knowledge of the facts know that any council would need this increase to maintain the type of community we currently have. For most residents, it's an additional $96 year. For the ones who pay the whole tax, it's an additional $360. That seems reasonable to keep the roads paved and maintain garbage collection, police forces and plowing.

            I'm running the BOE website results for an election night gathering of locals pols, so at least I'll have a drink in hand when it loses.

            Last edited by Sheherezade; 11-04-2014, 08:44 AM.
            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


            • #7
              Originally posted by JDAZ11 View Post
              What do your DH's do? DH has been at work for an hour already, and may not be home before 8..
              We have early voting here. We voted last week when he had a free hour-and-a-half.


              • #8
                We also have a governor race, my parents who are die hard republicans are even voting Democratic if that tells you anything. It will be close and will be interesting.
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #9
                  They are all terrible here: even the Libby and the two indies are not my cup of tea.
                  It's pretty bad if I am unhappy with the Lib candidate.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                  Professional Relocation Specialist &
                  "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                  • #10

                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                    • #11
                      I voted with you Vanquisher. Go pot!
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Michele View Post
                        I voted with you Vanquisher. Go pot!
                        I would gladly vote pro pot as well - particularly if the tax revenue took some heat off income tax. I'm sort of ashamed that I'm acting this way. But really pretty much anything that keeps them from turning to income tax is all good in my book.


                        • #13
                          I think the income tax thing is because they are avoiding property taxes so the seniors don't vote an issue down. My theory is that now that Gen X is the biggest voting population in the income earning years, it's a lot easier to pass an income tax because there are less of them to vote against it. Here, the income tax was favored because seniors won't have to pay it and people living off stocks/investments won't have to pay it. That's the actual pitch. It's only those with W-2 income. It sucks because I think the segment with the least voting power is getting squeezed -- because it's easier, not because it's fair. I know this isn't the experience of everyone's parents, but all three sets of grandparents for this household are better off than we are -- and they've been retired for years and years. Round the world trips, fat investment accounts....*sigh* They aren't seniors eating cat food, that's for sure. They'd still vote against a property tax though or a capital gains tax, because it hurts them.

                          Making income through a job?? Sucker!!
                          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                          • #14
                            For the first time in years, I'm not voting. I'm out of town and didn't vote absentee before I left. I also just have a really hard time caring about politics where we live now. At home, I see the amazing impacts of income taxes and progressive politics on public transit, city and environmental planning, etc. I was proud to elect politicians and pay my taxes here because they were damn effective and made it a fantastic place to live. In our current city, everyone seems impressed by the crumbling mediocrity, and nobody seems to want to make it better. I do feel bad about not voting though...
                            Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                            • #15
                              I agree. But it would also be nice if our property taxes were not ABSURD (like I could live outside of ny or DC and pay less). And that 3% city tax can also suck it. Thy don't even plow the roads. The schools suck. There are potholes everywhere. I just don't see them doing anything with all the cash they get from us. (I realize that most I the city isn't paying anything close to what we are, but it still upsets me not to see any tangible evidence of our high taxes).

                              It honestly really pisses me off because the extra THOUSANDS of dollars they'll take is what makes it easier for us now to pay 3-4 times our student loan payments every month.

                              It just annoying that our W-2s make us look nice and comfy, and it just isn't the case right now. We've only had one year of this kind of income, and a crap load of government issued loans to pay off. We make way too much to qualify for IBR - which also annoys me. Some of our interest rates SUCK. I just feel like we can't catch a break. So cheers to you republicans. Never voted that way before, but you win this year.

